What is useful to eat pregnant. Caring for the expectant mother and baby

The common truth for a woman who is expecting a baby is proper nutrition and obtaining all the necessary vitamins and substances necessary for the full intrauterine development of the child and then his birth. The greatest miracle on planet Earth requires attention and care from the first day of conception. This is what should occupy the thoughts of the future mother, who, naturally, loves and expects her baby from the first minute.

The future mother should treat this responsible mission, intended for her by mother nature, with due reverence and pay close attention to what is useful for pregnant women to provide all necessary with the life that is emerging in her. Compliance with simple recommendations will help prevent unwanted moments in the development of the fetus.

Vitamin A is very important, as it stimulates the reproduction of cells and their growth. Therefore, it is necessary to use such useful products for pregnant women with this vitamin as egg yolk (no more than 2 eggs a day - only hard boiled or in the form of an omelet - this, moreover, is a complete protein, and a complete set of almost all trace elements), boiled milk, nonfat sour cream, butter, offal - especially the liver.

From what is useful for pregnant women, a special place is given to the vitamin of procreation, which stimulates the development of the fetus and prevents premature birth - vitamin E, it also participates in the absorption of vitamin A. Its source is vegetable oils, nuts, the same eggs, legumes, cereals.

Vitamin C contributes to the proper growth and development of a strong skeleton and teeth, its consumption is necessary daily. Here, rich citrus fruits come to their aid (if they are not allergic to them), vegetable salads, tomatoes, blackcurrant, rosehip, green onion, bell pepper, kiwi. Thanks to vitamin C, the immune system is strengthened and stimulated.

A couple of times a week in the diet should be present fish (low-fat varieties) - this is phosphorus, calcium - the building material for the cartilage and bones of the child. And the most useful products for pregnant women - dairy, which is the main supplier of calcium - they need to be consumed daily.

Next are vegetables - this is, first of all, fiber, “healthy” carbohydrates, minerals. Plus an incredible amount of vitamins and organic acids. Now let's see what fruits are useful for pregnant women - almost everything, because they are natural storerooms of natural vitamins, fiber and organic acids. The only limitation is if they are allergens for a particular person. And from the list of what fruits are useful for pregnant women, it is advisable to somewhat limit the use of bananas, grapes, dates, as they contain a lot of carbohydrates. It is also worth refraining from exotic fruits if the expectant mother did not eat them in the process of her life. Forest berries are very useful - strawberries, lingonberries, cranberries, cloudberries.

Of the drinks, of course, all alcohol is completely excluded, even with a meager alcohol content. It is indicated for use - compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, mineral water without gas and can be weak - coffee (no more than 1 cup), black tea and green.

It is important to know what is beneficial to pregnant women from animal fats? Only butter and melted premium. No fat and margarine - this is a taboo. And it is also important that it is useful to eat pregnant from animal proteins? Low-fat meat, including poultry. A complete rejection of your favorite sausages and doctor's sausage, smoked meats, canned food and hot spices.

Nutrition should be fractional, frequent, but little by little, in order to ensure a comfortable and uninterrupted operation for the body working during this critical period with a double load.

Only a few months of a scrupulous approach to nutrition will ensure the birth of a healthy baby and the slimness of a young mother.

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