August 15, what holiday in Russia? History, features and interesting facts

Russia is a country rich in holidays and significant dates. And there are days in which there is not even one event, but several. Every day in its essence is a holiday. There are those known to everyone, there are those that are celebrated by a narrow circle of people. Some of them are official, this is a day off for the whole country; other church holidays, they are revered by believers, religious people. And what do we know about the significant dates that are celebrated on August 15? What holiday in Russia is celebrated on this day? What features does this day have, does it have its own history, interesting facts related to it?

The list of holidays on August 15

This day is not widely known in the history of the country, it is unremarkable. But on August 15 - what holiday in Russia, its history is connected with what?

This day is still a holiday for individuals who are associated with archeology. After all, this is their professional holiday, although, unlike others, it is not official. He is celebrated in a narrow circle.

Another August 15 for Orthodox believers is a memorial day for St. Basil the Blessed. And Catholics celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The people of August 15 - a holiday in Russia for the owners of the name Stepan. It is called the day of Stepan-Senoval.

On August 15, a historical event took place in Russia. In 1723, the royal residence was opened near Petersburg - Peterhof.

Archaeologist's Day

August 15 - what holiday in Russia?

One of the main holidays, which is celebrated on August 15 in Russia, is the day of a very interesting profession - an archaeologist. It is not considered official, since its appearance is not connected with a state decree.

Archeology is isolated from all other sciences, and in Russia they started talking about it only in the 19th century. Count Alexei Uvarov, considered its founder. The excavation technology itself was developed much later, but it was the very first excavations that laid the foundation for this science of antiquity.

Today, every year in the summer a huge number of expeditions opens. World Archeology Day was established by UNESCO on July 17. If it’s interesting what day it is on August 15, what holiday in Russia, the history of its appearance, interesting facts about this day, then the following information will be very informative.

The story of the appearance of the archaeologist's day

August 15 - what holiday in Russia? Story

Several legends are known about the origin of this professional holiday. One of them tells about the excavations that were carried out before the war in Novgorod. After long excavations, the archaeological guys wanted to rest and relax. They appealed to the leader of their expedition with a statement that it is necessary to mark today's date. And that was August 15th. "What holiday in Russia today?" asked Artsikhovsky. Archaeologists joked, calling the first thing that came to mind. It turned out that they celebrated the birthday of the horse of Alexander the Great, Bucephalus. Then this reason was forgotten, and Bucephalus's name day became the Day of the archaeologist.

Another version of the appearance of this professional holiday relates to an expedition conducted in the 40-50s under the guidance of tripolologist T.S. Passek. On August 15, which was the birthday of the expedition, they decided to make it a good tradition and celebrate it for everyone related to archeology, and not just its participants. After all, she became a real “forge of talented personnel” in this fascinating science.

Memorial Day of St. Basil - August 15

What church holiday in Russia is worshiped by believers on this day, many do not know. And the Orthodox remember on August 15 St. Basil, the Moscow miracle worker.

August 15 - what is a church holiday in Russia?

Almost everyone knows his name, thanks to the famous Moscow church, which is dedicated to this saint. But few will answer the question, which August 15th holiday is religious in Russia? And also, when he lived and what made the saint famous, whose name is honored on this day by all Orthodox believers. But, interestingly, he was very revered during the life of St. Basil. And his coffin, when he died, was carried by Ivan the Terrible himself with the boyars, and the saint metropolitan Makarios buried.

From the life story of St. Basil the Blessed

The life of a little boy who grew up in a peasant family was unremarkable at first. He was born in 1469 in Yelokhov, in a small village near Moscow.

He studied shoemaking from a shoemaker. Once he was very surprised at one strange circumstance. One customer asked an apprentice to sew boots for him, "so that they would not be demolished." The boy grinned at such a request very strangely, and the very next day this customer died.

When Vasily was sixteen years old, he abandons the doctrine, the parental home, and begins for the sake of Christ the feat of foolishness. He walked half-naked around Moscow, where he had to, slept there, ate what he had to. His actions sometimes seemed insane, but in the end they were more logical and correct than all possible.

What is a religious holiday on August 15 in Russia?

Once Vasily arrived in the prison, there in the Ascension Monastery he prayed silently for a long time in front of the church, and the very next morning a fire started from here, which would burn all of Moscow.

Ivan the Terrible honored and feared St. Basil. He visited him with Queen Anastasia when he became seriously ill. In 1557, Vasily died, and Grozny ordered him buried in the cemetery of the Trinity Church, they have already begun to build the Intercession Cathedral. Subsequently, he was destined to become the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, so great was the veneration of the saint among the people.

The Church Day in memory of St. Basil the Blessed on August 15 was in 1588.

August 15 according to the popular calendar

The people always associated every day with some kind of their own observations, beliefs, which later became traditions. And what is the holiday of August 15 in Russia according to the national calendar?

This day the people call the day of Stepan-Senoval. This saint was a Christian martyr, a member of the Jewish diaspora. He always advocated justice and order, served as a deacon with 60 Christians.

Stephen also preached the Word of God in Jerusalem and subsequently came to disagreement with respected representatives of the synagogue. He was put on trial, but how he died is unknown.

In Russia, Stephen was also called by another name - Senov. After all, it was on these summer days that haymaking ended.

What holiday is August 15th in Russia?

A long tradition of celebrating Stefan-Senoval in Russia

The whole family went on that day to collect different herbs. Of these, they later weaved the so-called Stefanov wreath. He was brought to his hut and hung in a corner. If someone in the family was ill, then the hostess took a bunch of grass from this wreath, brewed it and treated the patient with this decoction. It was believed that the power of the Stefan wreath remained until spring, before the feast of Hilarion.

Also on August 15, at Stefan, a special relationship was with horses.

August 15 - what holiday in Russia?

It was necessary to bring the horse to any source in the forest and drink from his hat with a silver coin. People believed that after this the horses would be docile, and so they could be protected from evil spirits.

And the coin was taken out of the cap and stored until next year under the manger. She was inherited from father to son.

Here such a rite existed in Russia, associated with August 15. What holiday in Russia is still celebrated on this day is no longer known. Maybe in narrow circles there is still some interesting fact connected with him?

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