Lymphadenitis in dogs: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Dogs with good grooming usually rarely get sick, but the owner should be attentive to the four-legged pet. If the dog is sad or refuses to eat, you need to go to the veterinarian. Especially the owner should be alerted by the appearance of incomprehensible seals on the neck of the pet. If, in addition, the dog has a fever, then perhaps it is lymphadenitis. The disease is very insidious, so the animal must be taken to the doctor and treatment begins.

General information

Lymphadenitis is an inflammatory disease found in dogs and other animals. The disease is characterized by an increase in body temperature, the appearance of painful seals and weakness. The disease occurs due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms, their toxins and decay products penetrate the lymph node.

The ailment can be both primary and secondary. Often, lymphadenitis occurs against a background of other diseases. No need to hope for an independent recovery of the pet, it will not be. Lymph nodes are the protective points of the body, just like that they can not become inflamed. Most likely, the ailment arose due to the attack of viruses on the dog's immunity.

Lymph nodes are small round-shaped seals that are practically not felt in a healthy animal. They are scattered around the body of the dog, they can be found, for example, on the neck or groin. The doctor will make a presumptive diagnosis at the location of the inflamed lymph node . The disease can occur both in acute and in chronic form.

Lymphadenitis in a dog


Most often, lymphadenitis in dogs causes infectious diseases. For example, inflammation of the nodes may occur with plague. In this case, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease, without this, the dog will not have lymphadenitis.

Another cause of the ailment is sluggish inflammatory processes in the animal's body. For example, small non-healing wounds or dental caries. In this case, the disease usually becomes chronic.

The main cause of lymphadenitis in dogs is pathogenic microflora. The primary focus may be suppurating lesions on the skin, abscesses. Such a serious disease as osteomyelitis also causes lymphadenitis. Some skin problems can trigger an ailment - dogs with pyoderma are at risk. Lymphadenitis can be one of the symptoms of colds in animals.


If the owner spends almost all his free time with the pet, then he will quickly notice that something is wrong with the pet. Symptoms of a dog’s lymphadenitis and treatment that will need to be started may cause anxiety in the owner. But do not try to help the pet yourself, it is better to seek the help of a veterinarian.

Lymphadenitis in a dog

Symptoms of lymphadenitis:

  • the temperature in the dog rises sharply;
  • there is an increase in the size of the lymph nodes, this is especially noticeable in short-haired breeds;
  • the dog becomes lethargic, lethargic;
  • the animal may experience sleep disturbances;
  • the dog tries to avoid touching the host to the lymph nodes.

Due to the high temperature, the animal may develop a fever. The dog becomes hot to the touch, it trembles and breathes, sticking out its tongue. In some cases, the animal may have an increased heart rate. If the owner noticed these symptoms in his dog, then he needs to be taken to the clinic.


It is possible to reliably find out if a dog has lymphadenitis, only in a veterinary clinic. The doctor will first visually inspect the animal and interview the owner. Then the veterinarian will go on to palpation of the lymph nodes. If the animal is unhealthy, then they will be painful and bumpy. After examining the lymph nodes in the dog, the doctor will write a referral for a blood test.

Dog at the vet

In some cases, the animal will need to undergo an x-ray or ultrasound. Sometimes, for the most accurate diagnosis, a puncture is taken from an inflamed lymph node. The resulting exudate is examined, trying to identify pathogenic microorganisms, for example, viruses or bacteria, in its composition. Usually, the biomaterial obtained by puncture provides an opportunity not only to understand the probable cause of inflammation, but also to select the most effective drugs for treatment. The owner should not abandon this study, it will increase the effectiveness of diagnosis.


Lymphadenitis is most often a secondary disease that cannot be eliminated if you do not overcome the underlying ailment. Therefore, therapy is selected individually by the veterinarian after diagnosis. What drugs are prescribed for lymphadenitis in a dog? Those that must overcome inflammation. The animal must be prescribed a course of antibiotics. A good effect is given by the use of cephalosporin series products (Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime).

injections to a dog

With lymphadenitis, veterinarians prescribe a fairly long course of taking antibacterial drugs. It is better to select medicines based on the results of a study of biomaterial from the affected node. Since the treatment will be long, it is important to protect the internal organs of the animal. The dog may be prescribed drugs that support the liver (Hepatovet, Covertal), and probiotics (Vetom).

If lymphadenitis has passed into a purulent form, then the animal must be operated on. The resulting abscess is opened, and its contents are removed. If necessary, drainage is inserted into the wound. The affected area is regularly treated with healing ointments, for example Vishnevsky ointment.

Lymphadenitis in a dog


Any disease is better to prevent than to treat later. To prevent lymphadenitis, the owner must protect the pet from any injuries, even the most minor ones. Sometimes the impetus for the onset of the disease gives a small wound or bite of another animal. It is important to regularly inspect the pet’s teeth, and ideally also brush them with special dog paste. Caries can also lead to lymphadenitis, so the owner needs to be very careful. Teeth that cannot be cured must be removed.

Often, lymphadenitis is diagnosed in dogs suffering from infectious diseases. To prevent these ailments, the animal needs to be vaccinated annually. To maintain strong immunity, a dog can be given vitamin and mineral complexes. A balanced diet and daily walks will heal the animal and increase its resistance to disease.

Can a dog be cured at home?

The correct diagnosis for the animal will be made only by a veterinarian. It is strongly discouraged to treat the dog at home, as the owner can destroy the pet with his own hands. But traditional drugs for lymphadenitis in a dog can be supplemented with folk remedies.

A good effect on inflammation of the nodes gives badger fat. In addition to the fat itself, the owner will need to get a pineapple on the noric For 250 g of badger fat, you need to take three tablespoons of the chopped medicinal plant. Heat the mixture for 4 hours in a water bath, then strain. You need to grease the affected lymph nodes in the dog several times a day with fat.

badger fat

Veterinarian's advice

Lymphadenitis in a dog is a serious and dangerous disease. When symptoms of the disease appear, the pet must be taken to the clinic for diagnosis. No need to self-medicate - lotions from onions and garlic with lymphadenitis are not effective. It is also impossible to heat the inflamed nodes, this will worsen the condition of the pet. Owners are advised to treat the dog in the clinic and follow all the instructions of the veterinarian, in which case the dog will quickly recover.

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