How many weeks will the baby begin to move during the first and subsequent pregnancies?

Every pregnant woman is looking forward to when her baby will make itself felt. And many mothers, especially primiparous, are wondering: how many weeks will the baby begin to move? But there is no definite answer. Let's try to figure out if there are approximate dates when a mother begins to hear her child.

How many weeks will the baby begin to move

According to the norms, in the first pregnancy, the fetus begins to move at 20 weeks, in the second, third and subsequent at 17-18. But in reality, not everything always coincides with the norms.

So how many weeks does the baby move for the first time? Much depends on how sensitive subcutaneous fat on the abdomen of a future mother. The thinner and therefore more sensitive, the earlier a woman will be able to feel the first movements of her crumbs. And vice versa.

Also, how many weeks a child starts to move can depend on him, because among the kids there are both obvious sleepyheads who like to sleep, and “lively ones” that move very actively.

how many weeks does the baby move

It is known that the baby makes its first movements, which are still uncoordinated and spontaneous, at 8–9 weeks of gestation. At these dates, the fetus is still so small that the mother of his movement, of course, will not feel it. Also a curious fact can be called the fact that every day the baby makes up to 20,000 movements, among which there are blinks, and movements of the hands, and legs, and fingers, and head turns, and swimming movements, and hiccups, finger sucking and much more.

Despite the above norms, when asked about how many weeks the baby will start to move, many women who have already given birth say they have noticed the first movements of their baby at 17-20 weeks in the first pregnancy and at 16-18 in the second. Some especially sensitive mothers recognized fetal movements as early as 14-15 weeks! Another interesting point is that most women compare the first “shakes” with “light butterfly fluttering” or “gurgling fish”.

how many months does the baby move

By the way, how many months the baby moves for the first time, it is important for the doctor. To this date, the doctor adds 20 weeks for the first pregnancy and 22 for the second - this is another way to determine the approximate date of birth.

Over the course of pregnancy, the baby's movements become more and more intense and sometimes can even cause discomfort to the pregnant woman. But along with this, one should know that it is through all these “shakes” that the baby communicates with his mother, and in some cases one can judge the well-being of the baby.

Therefore, it is important to know not only how many weeks the baby will start to move, but also how often he will do it. Of course, as mentioned above, all children make a different number of movements in the womb, depending on their temperament, but at least several times a day, the mother should feel the fetus move.

Pregnancy is the happiest time in a woman’s life. Of course, almost every expectant mother encounters many problems related to health and the course of pregnancy when bearing a baby, but all this is definitely worth it, because at the end of this path a long-awaited baby is waiting for her!

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