A child snores in a dream: advice from Komarovsky. Why does a child snore in a dream?

Snoring at night can accompany not only adults and elderly people, but also young children. Every mother should be wary when she hears the baby snoring in a dream. Before visiting a doctor, you should monitor the child: his health during the day and breathing during sleep. If the situation is repeated systematically, only the specialist to whom you will describe your observations will be able to identify the reasons. The sooner the causes of snoring are eliminated , the faster your child will get rid of restless sleep.

baby snoring in a dream

Baby snoring at night

Statistics show that only 5% of children snore during sleep. This is due to the fact that the enlarged lymphatic tissues located in the area of ​​the airflow exit from the nasal passages prevent the penetration of air. In this case, the child is forced to open his mouth due to the lack of free nasal breathing. But in this case, when vibrating, the soft tissues of the pharynx cause a snoring sound. When a child snores in a dream, he may hold his breath, and this is dangerous for his health. Lack of oxygen in the brain causes hypoxia, while the physical and mental development of the child is inhibited. There can be several reasons for the occurrence of snoring due to an increase in lymphatic tissues, we will consider them in more detail.

The causes of a child's snoring in a dream

The children's doctor of the highest category and candidate of medical sciences Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky gives several reasons why the child snores in his sleep.

The main of them, he considers adenoiditis, or rather, an increase in adenoid tissue located in the nasopharynx. Snoring can be called a consequence of this disease, but the cause of the adenoid proliferation lies in the frequent attack of the child's viral infections. Not having time to recover from a previous illness, the body becomes ill with a new viral infection. This condition leads to chronic diseases in the nasopharynx.

child snores in a dream Komarovsky

For those parents whose child snores in a dream, Komarovsky advises first of all to create comfortable conditions in the room where the child is sleeping. Because one of the causes of snoring, the doctor considers an abundant accumulation of dry mucus in the nasopharynx, which, in turn, causes dry and excessively warm air in the children's room. For a calm and sound sleep, the child needs cool air (not more than 18 degrees Celsius) with a humidity of at least 50%. Also, Dr. Komarovsky does not exclude allergic reactions that cause swelling of the nasopharynx. Therefore, the room should not be dust and mold.

It happens that a child snores in a dream from being overweight due to overfeeding.

Also, anatomical features of the body of your child can also cause snoring: for example, congenital septum curvature, a small lower jaw, a soft falling palate or narrow nasal passages. These causes are removed by surgery.

What symptoms accompany childhood snoring?

It is not difficult to recognize children's snoring; the main thing is to listen at night to how your baby breathes. When a child snores in a dream, he manifests symptoms such as an open mouth, a thrown back head, sniffling, lack of sleep, pallor, intermittent breathing, restless sleep.

Sleep has deep and fast phases, which should alternate one after another. Because of snoring, this does not happen, the child does not get enough sleep, and this very badly affects the state of health.

the child snores heavily in his sleep

The negative effects of night snoring in children

If your child snores in a dream, Komarovsky names several signs of the presence of adenoids, such as shortness of breath in a dream, respiratory arrest, inflammatory processes in the ears and sinusitis, and a changed face shape. The snoring child should be observed not only at night, but also in the daytime.

Children snoring in their sleep behave aggressively and irritably during the day. They are sleepy, inattentive in study, apathetic and depressed. This condition, which lasts for months, negatively affects the development of the child, as the proper production of hormones is disrupted.

Fatigue and a decrease in activity due to poor sleep causes a slowdown in the glands that help to process food, and therefore overweight accumulates in the body.

The snoring accompanying colds should pass after treatment. If a child snores heavily in a dream for no apparent reason, then such snoring over time affects vital organs. In this case, parents need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

why does the child snore in his sleep

How to make your baby breathe better in a dream

The child snores in his sleep, what should parents do, how to help the child?

If snoring in a child causes colds, accompanied by nasal congestion, there are several ways that make breathing easier in a dream.

  • It is necessary to rinse the baby’s nose with saline, which you can buy at the pharmacy or make it yourself. To do this, take table salt and dilute one teaspoon in a glass of warm water. Then instill a few drops of the solution into each nostril.
  • After rinsing, use vasoconstrictor drops and anti-inflammatory medications.
  • You can change the pillow for a more comfortable or orthopedic product. Do not give your child a high pillow designed for adults.
  • Try to shift the child from the back to the barrel.
  • Be sure to ventilate the room and place an air freshener in the room.

baby snores in a dream what to do

Warning baby snoring

In order to avoid snoring in the future, preventive measures must be observed. The most important is strengthening immunity. To do this, give the child vitamins. A very good preventive procedure is hardening. Walk with the child on the street every day and in any weather. Teach your child to wash their hands both before meals and after a walk. It is important to dress the child correctly so that he does not overheat, but also does not freeze. In the cold season, the boots should be warm and not soaking, a hat is always on the head. It is also useful to douse your feet before going to bed with alternately cool and warm water every day lowering the temperature of the water by one degree. To strengthen the immune system, physical activity and proper nutrition are important. Observing simple methods, you will avoid frequent colds, and, accordingly, and the night snoring of a child.

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