One of the most unusual inhabitants of the ocean is a box fish. Its appearance is so unusual that it attracts the attention of many aquarists who want to get this copy in their collection. What does this fish look like? What are the conditions of its maintenance and how should it be fed?
Box fish (Ostracion cubicus) belongs to the family of pufferfish. Another of its extremely popular name is the box-cube. This fish is accustomed to warm waters; it lives in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. It can often be found in small lagoons near coral reefs at a depth of about 40-50 meters. However, it happens that it carries it into the open ocean.
Young growth usually hides in small cracks and crevices, while adult fish take refuge in corals and caves. The fish box is shy enough. Despite the ridiculous appearance and size, it can develop a fairly decent speed. In fact, these are loners, and only during the mating period, box slaves can stray into small flocks consisting of several females and one male. In captivity, these fish do not breed.
Before puberty, this fish is painted in a bright yellow color, on which there are blue circles. The body shape is like a cube. With age, its color changes to olive, blue spots fade and become yellow-blue. The shape of the fish also changes: it is very elongated in length. Box fish can reach up to 45 cm in length.
The body of the fish is protected by a kind of carapace of fused bone plates. In addition, this fish is poisonous: in case of danger, it is able to secrete poisonous mucus. This toxin is potent, and its effects are irreversible. In a closed aquarium, this poison can kill all its inhabitants, so you should not scare this fish, and in case of death it must be removed from the water as soon as possible. A photo of the fish box is presented in the article.
Conditions of detention
Small fish can be kept in groups. With age, they are able to show aggression. For this fish, a reef aquarium with caves and clefts is suitable, where the box fish can hide, since it is rather shy. The cube body loves shelter, but at the same time it should still have enough free space for swimming.
This fish can easily jump out of the aquarium, so be sure to cover it with a lid. In addition, out of fright, the fish-box can quite strongly beat against the glass, so next to it you should not make sudden movements. Even turning the light on or off can greatly arouse the fish, the field of which it will rush about for a long time around the aquarium, getting tangled in algae and hitting the scenery and glass.
Only calm peaceful loving neighbors who will not compete with her for food are suitable for a box fish. However, it is worth remembering the toxicity of fish: frightened, it can kill all its neighbors. It is safest to keep this fish alone in a separate aquarium with a volume of 250 liters or more.
It is very important that the acclimatization of this tropical fish is successful, and therefore the diet should be similar to the natural one. Boxed fish should be fed with special vegetable mixtures containing algae. In the form of animal protein, it is worth giving small crustaceans, fish, shrimp and squid. Over time, dry feed can be added to the diet. You can’t give food that floats on the surface or cleverly moves around the aquarium, because these fish often swallow air with food, which can cause buoyancy problems later on. Feed this fish 3 times a day.
Thus, the box fish has a very unusual appearance, which attracts many aquarists. However, it is worth remembering that this fish has a very toxic poison. Therefore, the choice of her as a new pet should be approached carefully.