Artificial birth: how are they made and what are the consequences?

Pregnancy is the happiest period in the life of every woman. How pleasant it is to realize that a new life is growing inside you, which will soon rejoice with its successes. The natural termination of pregnancy is the independent discharge of water and the birth of a baby. Unfortunately, under adverse circumstances, gynecologists decide to cause an artificial birth. In what cases does this happen? What could be the consequences? Read more about everything in this article.

What it is?

Artificial birth is a method of terminating an adverse or unwanted pregnancy. Medical professionals use provocative technologies or medical components to prematurely induce labor.

happy pregnant woman

There are two options for the outcome of events:

  1. Cesarean section.
  2. Natural birth.

In either case, a similar procedure can be carried out only after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

When does the need arise to carry out this procedure?

Artificial birth at week 20 and later is a huge stress for the mother and baby. To protect their health and save lives, specialists take possible measures to preserve pregnancy as long as possible. In total, there are several reasons when it is mandatory to call on labor.

  1. If a woman has a chronic disease progresses. In this case, there is a direct threat to the health and life of the pregnant woman.
  2. If an ultrasound scan revealed serious pathologies and developmental thresholds of the fetus.
  3. With a frozen pregnancy.
  4. If a woman has suffered a serious illness, as a result of which an infection has entered her body. An artificial birth in this case saves the emerging organism from possible complications.
  5. In the presence of severe injuries in the pregnant woman.
  6. If a woman has been diagnosed with tuberculosis, diabetes.
  7. In the presence of a disease of a cardiovascular or oncological nature.
  8. Pregnancy is too early - up to 16 years.

The challenge of artificial birth is not always a bad thing. Sometimes this is the only way to save health and life.

Of my own free will

In the early stages, an artificial birth is caused not only by the appointment of specialists, but also by the patient’s own will. She comes to this decision for several reasons:

  1. Social problems - the pregnant woman at some point understands that she cannot afford to ensure a full life for her child.
  2. Leaving the spouse's family, declaring him legally incompetent.
  3. The use of violence against a woman.
  4. Asocial lifestyle of future parents.
  5. Excessive addiction to bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs)

The psychological state of the expectant mother changes, so often women make rash decisions. Experts strongly recommend that you carefully analyze your actions before deciding someone else's fate.

A few words about the timing

Artificial labor is usually carried out at week 20, if there are good reasons for this. And to be more precise, such a surgical intervention can be carried out during the period from 12 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Previously, a woman has an abortion of her own free will or for medical reasons.

pregnant woman in a green dress

This decision is not made unanimously. Before carrying out this procedure, a consultation is convened, which consists of several medical specialists. In some institutions, the procedure is carried out on a paid or free basis.

Artificial birth methods

Depending on the patient’s duration and state of health, the birth procedure can be carried out in several ways.

  1. The most favorable development for a pregnant woman is the challenge of natural childbirth. To do this, doctors stimulate contractions by the introduction of special medications. Most often it is oxytocin or prostaglandin. There are absolutely opposite medications. They are necessary to prevent premature labor.
  2. The second humane way is surgery, in other words, a cesarean section. It is performed in the event that there is no possibility for a natural birth.

There are two inhumane methods of terminating a pregnancy in the later stages. The goal of artificial birth is identical - to stop the further development of the fetus and remove it from the uterine cavity. This is accomplished by introducing special drugs or saline into the woman’s body. The second of these methods in medical practice is called "inhuman", since the embryo will suffer from terrible pains. In modern life, it is practically not used.

Possible consequences

Any unnatural process causes great stress to the body. Therefore, there is a high probability that after an artificial birth there will be consequences of the following nature:

  1. The development of intrauterine bleeding. Perhaps this is the most dangerous consequence, which in some cases even leads to the death of the patient.
  2. The formation of purulent abscesses on the uterine cavity.
  3. Infertility. Medical experts assure that in most cases it takes a chronic form, that is, it is impossible to cure it.
  4. The formation of placental polyps. When reaching a certain size, they provoke profuse bleeding. Patients often confuse them with menstruation after an artificial birth.
  5. The development of serious inflammatory processes that lead to adverse effects. Moreover, a similar consequence can develop not only in the uterus, but also in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. After removing the inflammation, the likelihood of developing an ectopic pregnancy increases.
  6. Rupture of the cervix. Unfortunately, this consequence is almost impossible to eliminate. In the future, it will be difficult for a woman to fully bear a baby, the likelihood of a miscarriage and premature birth increases significantly.
happy woman in labor

Unfortunately, in most cases, negative consequences occur after this procedure. The chances of fully recovering your health are very low. Therefore, it is recommended that you think about your future life before taking the wrong step. Naturally, if we are not talking about medical indications.

Menstrual cycle recovery

Almost all women who were pregnant not so long ago are wondering when the menstruation will begin. Artificial birth is a huge stress for the body. Therefore, menstruation can begin at different times, depending on how this procedure affected the genitals of a woman.

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In total, several characteristic factors can be identified that can affect the restoration of the menstrual cycle:

  1. Feeding method. If premature labor was favorable for the baby, then the mother decides how she will feed him. With natural feeding, menstruation comes much later than when using mixtures. An interesting fact: if a woman is breastfeeding strictly after a certain period, then the “red days” will please her with her presence earlier.
  2. The fact that in young mothers the periods after childbirth during artificial feeding come earlier, many know. But the fact that with the natural - the later, the more often the baby is applied to the chest, is not known to everyone.
  3. With mixed nutrition, the child additionally consumes the mixture or ready-made complementary foods, respectively, he needs less milk. With this type of feeding, menstruation begins earlier.

The general recovery period of “female functions” after childbirth can take from 2 to 12 months. Each organism has individual characteristics. This also applies to the volume of fluid. Some women have scanty astringent secretions, while others suffer from heavy bleeding.

Repeated pregnancy

Dysfunctional pregnancy and artificial birth are not only physical, but also psychological stress for every woman. In most cases, after this procedure, they think about whether they will be able to get pregnant again someday and fully bear the baby?

pregnant woman in nature

Specialists are not able to give a definite answer to this question. It all depends on the consequences of premature birth.

If, nevertheless, a woman decides to have a second pregnancy, then for a successful combination of circumstances, she needs to adhere to several rules.

Key recommendations

a baby is born

It is necessary to wait a period of at least 6-8 months. That is how long the process of restoring the uterus after any birth lasts.

  1. It is necessary to identify the reason because of which it was necessary to interrupt the pregnancy and try to eliminate it.
  2. Both spouses are required to undergo a full examination before conception.
  3. You need to tune in for a second pregnancy psychologically. Many mothers have a fear associated with past bad experiences.
  4. It is recommended to give up bad habits three months before conception; adjust nutrition, making it more diverse and useful; drink a course of vitamin containing iodine and folic acid.
  5. Stressful situations must be avoided.

Unfortunately, even the implementation of all recommendations does not guarantee that pregnancy and labor will be successful. However, the implementation of the above recommendations will significantly reduce the risk of developing defects.

Psychological aspect

An artificial birth is not only physical, but also psychological stress for a woman who dreamed of carrying a baby under her heart fully for nine months. Preterm birth caused by an unnatural way, as a rule, for those becomes a serious shock. Often, patients are assisted by a specialized psychologist.

newborn baby

The most common moral issue is the “accusation”. The woman feels guilty that this happened. This feeling is haunting. Psychologists strive to prove to the patient that her guilt is not here, that such a procedure is very common and there are many cases of artificial birth.

The second psychological trauma is the awareness of one's own inferiority. A woman understands that if she could not bear a healthy baby, it means that there are some problems in her that do not characterize her as a continuer. However, an isolated case is not a reason to “hang a stigma” at all.


The birth of a child from 38 to 42 weeks is the best time for the birth of a baby. Unfortunately, such an ideal combination of circumstances is not known to all patients. For medical reasons or at the patient’s own will, an artificial birth can be performed from 20 weeks. And after 24 weeks of pregnancy, there is a high probability that the baby will remain alive if its weight exceeds 500 grams. Then he will have to go the nursing path under specialized equipment, after which he will be able to become an absolutely full-fledged person. Fortunately, our modern medicine does incredible things.

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