It is extremely important for any business person in any situation to be ready to get involved in work. A laptop always helps to perform almost any task anywhere, most importantly, the Internet and a charged battery in the laptop itself are at hand. There are almost no problems with the first one, you can use the Wi-Fi network in a cafe or a shopping center or use the data network of mobile operators. It’s more difficult to deal with the problem of a discharged battery. Car enthusiasts can save charging from a cigarette lighter for a laptop. Let's see how useful this thing is and how to charge your laptop in other ways.
External battery
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When buying a charge, it is better not to save too much. Most likely, cheap models will have neither automatic adjustment of parameters, nor mechanical adjustments. Such memory most often causes the failure of your laptop. After purchase, be sure to check compliance with the declared parameters, the actual output voltage and current. Often defective models, even with manual tuning, produce a voltage that is much different in parameters.