What is NAT? NAT setup

Network Address Translation (NAT) is a way of reassigning one address space to another by changing the network address information in IP (Internet Protocol). That is, the packet headers change while they are in transit through the traffic routing device. This method was originally used to easily redirect traffic on IP networks without renumbering each host. It has become a popular and important tool for maintaining and distributing global address space in the face of a lack of IPv4 addresses.

nat is that

What is NAT?

. , , - , . IP- NAT 1990- IP- ( IP- ). , «» IP-, IP- . , . IP- , . , , , . NAT. ?

, , . , - , , , , . NAT . NAT , , «» , .

nat setup

- , IPv4, NAT ( – ) .

IP-, .

NAT , .


Network Address Translation (NAT) IP- «--». RFC 2663 . IP- IP-. IP-, .

how to configure nat

NAT – «--»?

NAT IP-. «» IP- (RFC 1918). .

«» , . , . ( , ). , , , , .

, IPv4. IP-.

network address translation nat

IP- 2 IP- – . , , , , . .

NAT . , , . - TCP UDP, , IP- .

, TCP UDP, . (ICMP), , . , IP- , .


NAT « ». -. , TCP- , . NAT , . (« » FTP, ), , , NAT. «» , IPsec, , .

nat technology

« » , . , NAT . IPv6- , , .

- , NAT, IP-, , . , NAT , . , .

, NAT , , (, HTTP- - ). IP- ( , ).

, ( ). , IP-, NAT, .

how to configure nat on a router

(Rapt) , IP- , IP- . , . , , NAT .

Port Address Translation (PAT)

Cisco Rapt Port Address Translation (PAT), IP- . , . PAT IP, . 16- . , , 65536. , IP-, 4000. , PAT «». , Port Address Translation , - 0-511, 512-1023 1024-65535. IP-, PAT , . , .

Cisco, IPv4 IPv6. , CarrierGrade NAT DS-Lite, IP- / (, , NAT). , , IPv6.

what is nat in the router

. , IP-, , NAT ( ), , , . , ( , ) , NAT.

( NAT) 2003 RFC 3489, UDP NATS. , . RFC 5389, 2008 . SessionTraversal NAT.


, , . , 80 -, 25 - SMTP . IP- , . , .

IP- , , -. , NAT IP-.

PAT (Port AddressTranslation) resolves conflicts that can arise between two different hosts using the same source port number to establish unique connections at the same time.

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