How to make a VKontakte link to a group in a word?

How to make a VKontakte link to a group in a message or post? The answer to a similar question is sought by many users of the mentioned social network. Fortunately, to cope with the task is not as difficult as it might seem initially. Even a student will be able to achieve the desired result in a couple of minutes. The main thing is to know how to behave in a particular case. Next, we will try to figure out how to make links from words in VK correctly.

Insert a link to the VKontakte group with the phrase

What is required

A link to the VKontakte group can be inserted into a personal message or in a post on the wall. This is a fairly simple task, but it requires a little preliminary preparation.

To cope with the operation, you need:

  • have a registered profile in VK;
  • start writing a post or message;
  • learn the "formula" for creating words from links;
  • find out the group / public / user ID.

As a rule, there is nothing difficult in this. The main thing is to prepare for the process in advance. Some users have problems if instead of the public ID they see a Latin short record. This is not such a big problem, as it seems at first.

Formula for processing

How to make a VKontakte link to a group with one or another word? To do this, you have to use a special formula. It is universal. This means that it can be used not only for groups, but also for public, as well as user pages. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this.

Add a link to the VKontakte group with the word

If you need to add a link to the VKontakte group in the form of a word, you will need to use the following formula:

  • [clubXXXXX | word], where XXXX is an ID group.

This entry is a template. A little later we will consider a good example to understand how to use a similar formula in practice.

Simplified formula

How to make a link "VKontakte" to the group? There is another scenario. More precisely, the second "formula" of the record of the processed request. It generally repeats the previously proposed interpretation.

To make a word a link to a group, you can use a record of the form: @clubXXXX (your_phrase), where XXXX is the page ID of the selected public.

Quick record

But this is far from all. I wonder how to make a link to the VKontakte group in a word? For some time now, a new option has appeared in VK. It greatly simplifies the implementation of the task.

How to make a word from the link in "VKontakte"

In order to make a word (hyperlink) from a link to a public or a person, you just need to put the symbol "*" ("asterisk") when writing the message. After that, the menu for selecting a friend or public will appear on the screen. If you click on the corresponding line, the second part of the formula will be inserted automatically. This is a hyperlink word. It is affixed in parentheses. All that remains is to edit the corresponding record by changing it to the desired phrase.

Recently, such a method has been used in practice. It greatly facilitates the life of modern PC users.

Instead of ID - latin letters

In VK, you can change the digital identifier of a public or user page to a unique entry consisting of Latin letters and characters. So a person is able to stand out and hide his ID. This becomes a problem when creating word links to various pages on VKontakte.

Firstly, the short name can also be used instead of ID. In this case, there is no need to write Club before the identifier. It is enough to indicate in one place or another post the corresponding short entry in Latin. Very comfortably.

Secondly, each user at any time is able to find out the identification number of a group, public or user. And already use it in the formulas proposed. But how to do that?

Find out the page ID

How to make a link "VKontakte" to the group? If the user wants to find out the public identification number of the public and use it, rather than the short name of the page, you can do the following:

  1. Enter the group with which you plan to work further.
  2. Open any public video or photo.
  3. Examine the address bar.

The first number after video or photo is the page ID. It remains to copy it to the PC clipboard, and then use it at the right time. Nothing difficult or incomprehensible! Everything is extremely simple. The main thing is to know where and which ID to look for.

If you make the link a word

Instructions for creating link words

How to make a link "VKontakte" to the group? The answer to this question is already approximately clear. Nevertheless, some inexperienced users still experience some difficulties in the implementation of the task.

Instructions for writing link words in VK looks something like this:

  1. Start writing a message or post.
  2. In the right place (where you want to insert the word link) put one of the previously mentioned formulas.
  3. Indicate the group ID, as well as the word that will redirect to public.
  4. Finish writing a message / post, and then send the resulting letter.

In the course of the actions taken, the formula will be processed, after which it will convert the link into a word. While writing a message or editing it, it is not possible to see the "hyperlink".

Link word in VK

User Examples

An active link to the VKontakte group can be represented by a word in a message. In order to use this option, you need to follow the instructions above. But what exactly will the message look like at the editing stage? Need to insert a link to the VKontakte group?

Next, we will try to consider illustrative examples. They will help to understand by what principle the used formula for creating link words is formed and processed.

Suppose we have the following message: "Are you still bored? Do not know what to see? Visit [clubYYYY | our group] to select the latest cinema for home viewing!"

Here YYYY is the public ID, and "our group" is the phrase link. After sending the message, the entry in square brackets will disappear. Instead, the phrase "our group" appeared. When you hover over it, the user will see a link to the selected group.

Similarly, one can use other interpretations of the studied formula. Let's just say: "Hello. I found @clubYYYY (here) cool sneakers and a bunch of interesting fashionable clothes. Come in, you won’t regret it!"

In this case, after sending the message for processing, the inscription "@clubYYYY" will disappear, as well as the round quotation marks. Instead, the word "here" will become a hyperlink. Very comfortably.

The last record, which we will consider in a good example, looks like this: "Happy birthday. I give you a certificate for * group_name (purchase) of cosmetics."

It’s not so hard to guess that after sending the post the word “purchase” will become a hyperlink, and “* group_name” will not appear in the resulting letter.

Word links to groups


We figured out how to add a link to the VKontakte group in a word in our message. After the described actions, the hyperlink should be inserted automatically. If this does not happen, you need to check the correctness of the recording.

Extra quotes or their absence can lead to errors when processing functions. And then, instead of the word-link, the formula used by the user appears in the appropriate place in the message.

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