The development of toddlers in a kindergarten is based on games and entertainment. The guys still do not know the word "need", they only do what they are really interested in. Therefore, training takes place in the form of games and competitions. Preparing for an event is fun and rewarding. Kids understand that parents will come to the holiday and will admire the achievements of the children.
In early October, educators are already beginning to think about how to properly conduct the New Year's party. The scenario in the middle group needs to be thought out especially carefully. At the age of 4-5 years, children can already prove themselves as actors. Talented kids easily remember a long text.
Event purpose
The main task is to interest the guys in holding the upcoming event. Children should understand that they are preparing a celebration for their parents. Moms and dads, in turn, will be able to rejoice in the achievements of the kids, take unique shots for the home archive. An event of this kind is also an opportunity for the educator to prove himself. After all, it is the teacher who can compose a good script for the New Year's matinee. The middle group of kindergarten - these are children at the age of "why." Such kids will be able to become real helpers for the educator in matters of preparation for the event.
The main task is to create a festive mood
Another goal of the event is to cause an emotional upsurge in children and parents. The holiday will help create a New Year's mood in children and adults. It will be possible to nourish positive emotions with sweet gifts from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.
The pedagogical goals of the matinee include the development of communication skills among children, the enrichment of spiritual culture, and acquaintance with new fairy-tale characters.
Hall decoration
It is impossible to create a festive atmosphere without prior preparation. The main attributes of the New Year's event should be a Christmas tree with decorations and beautiful garlands around the perimeter of the hall. The choice of other decorations will depend on the scenario of the New Year's matinee for the middle group. It will be possible to create a festive atmosphere with the help of bright snowflakes, large balls, stars.
You can start preparing for the event long before it is held, regardless of which New Year's scenarios were chosen (middle group). 4-5 years is the age when children draw, glue and sculpt with pleasure. Many kids get very beautiful crafts. In the lesson, the teacher along with the children can create original New Year decorations. You can use the papier-mâché technique. Very bright decorations are obtained from rain and foil. Do not forget about paper snowflakes.
Fancy dresses
The choice of costumes for the holiday is an event. Every mother wants her child to stand out, was the brightest at the holiday. However, it should be borne in mind that the outfit should fit the scenario of the New Year's adventure (matinee). The middle group is children aged 4-5 years. You should already consult with such guys about choosing a costume. A month before the upcoming event, the teacher is recommended to hold a parent meeting to inform about the upcoming holiday. The teacher tells mothers and fathers which costumes are most suitable for a particular event.
The most talented guys are given roles. In this case, you will have to choose a costume for a specific fairy-tale hero. The outfit can be taken in a dressing room of a preschool institution and adjusted to size or sew independently from improvised materials.
Scenario “The Snow Queen”
Many children are already familiar with the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" from an early age. On its basis, the script of the New Year's morning performance in the preschool educational institution (middle group) can also be built. The characters - the Snow Queen, Kai, Gerda, two horses, deer, Leading. Interpretation of a long-known fairy tale will be interesting not only to kids, but also to parents who came to the holiday.
The holiday begins with the fact that the guys go into the hall and take their places. The role of the leader is one of the educators. He greets the audience, congratulates you on the upcoming holiday. Suddenly, one of the girls who plays the role of Gerda reports that there is nothing to celebrate, as her brother Kai disappeared. The guys agree to help their sister in search of a boy. It turns out that Kaya was stolen by the Snow Queen. On the way to her castle, children meet fairy-tale heroes (horses, deer, ravens) who agree to help if the children complete the tasks. The leader holds competitions, kids sing New Year's songs.
The Snow Queen gives Kai on one condition - the guys should invite her to the holiday. Children agree. Together they call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. The holiday ends with the distribution of gifts.
Script "Fixies"
The scenario of the New Year's matinee in the middle group should be interesting. A fairy tale may no longer be interesting to modern children. The guys will get more impressions if familiar cartoon characters come to them for the holiday. The holiday begins with the guys going into the hall with cheerful music and sitting in their seats. The host offers to light a Christmas tree garland, however, it is not possible to carry out the plan. It turns out that the garland is broken and the guys decide to call for fixation help. The main characters in the script: Nolik, Simka, Professor Chudakov, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.
Fixies gladly agree to help the guys. But Simka and Nolik need extra energy to repair the damage. They are charged with the help of fun dances and songs with the kids. The garland lights up, the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus come to the holiday.
An interesting scenario for the New Year's matinee in the middle group can be based on contests. The main task is to show parents what children have learned in the first half of the year in an educational institution. And to make the event more fun, parents can also be involved in the competitions.
What should be the New Year's party? The scenario in the middle group can be based on the fact that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden do not have time to visit all the children's groups. They can only come where you can hear more laughter and fun. The guys decide to show that this is really not for their team. The host holds a competition for the best song, the best dance. You can also choose the fastest baby, the most original costume. Moms and dads take part in contests, help children win. The event ends with the fact that the main characters come to the holiday - Santa Claus with a snow maiden. They report that they heard the laughter of the guys and could not pass by. Preschoolers sing New Year's songs, accept gifts.
The traditional scenario "The Stolen Star"
How to spend an original New Year's party? The scenario in the middle group can be created on the basis of past events. All the educator needs to do is study the archive. The only thing that needs to be done is to dilute the event with modern heroes. Traditional is the loss of the main decoration of the Christmas tree - stars (tops). It turns out that the attribute was stolen by Wupsen and Pupsen (caterpillars from the cartoon "Luntik"). They thought that the guys would not want to invite them to the holiday, so they stole a star.
The guys are looking for brothers-caterpillars, other characters from the cartoon (Bee, Luntik, Kuzya, Mila) come to their aid. Together with them, the guys dance, sing New Year's songs. Together they manage to find Wupsen and Pupsen. The guys explain that they were not going to forget about them at all and planned to call for a matinee. Caterpillars return the star, the Christmas tree shines. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden come to the holiday. The guys have fun, receive gifts.
When to start preparing for an event
What is needed to make the New Year party really good? The scenario for the middle group must begin to think through in advance. The first steps to solve this problem must be taken already in mid-autumn. The teacher chooses the main idea of the holiday, thinks about how it will be possible to realize it. Depending on which characters are chosen, the teacher must distribute the roles. Some characters can be played by parents. It must be borne in mind that moms and dads have their responsibilities at work and at home. For quality preparation for the holiday, time is needed.
In the middle group of the preschool institution, the guys are already pretty good at talking. Many of them show acting abilities. It is necessary to plan the event in such a way that most of the characters could be played by the pupils of the kindergarten. At the same time, you should not trust too long monologues to the guys. Words should be simple and easy to remember.
When to hold an event
Given that this will be a New Year's party, the scenario in the middle group should be developed taking into account weather conditions. The event should be held in the second half of December. At this time, the room is not warm enough. This should be considered when designing costumes for the main characters.
The choice of time for the celebration should be given special attention. Perfect Friday afternoon. At this time, most moms and dads will be able to leave their jobs and attend the event. In addition, after a day's sleep, the guys feel rested and easily cope with the tasks assigned to them. If the celebration is planned for afternoon, a dress rehearsal will be possible in the morning.