Names of small dog breeds. Breeds of small dogs with photos

Decorative dogs are common residents of urban apartments. Their owners are well aware that real security guards and the most devoted friends are often hidden under a cute, harmless appearance. Unfortunately, many unknowingly do not take them seriously, thinking that these are “little fluffy toys” and are very mistaken. In fact, there are all kinds of them: both good-natured, and vicious, and cowardly, and courageous. For those who plan to acquire a tiny puppy that could brighten up loneliness or help in raising the younger generation, the following are some common breeds of small dogs with photographs.


It is widely distributed throughout the world, including the post-Soviet space. This small shaggy doggie with eyes, a bullet, is perfect for those who are looking for inexpensive breeds of small dogs. If the pedigree and other regalia are not so important, then you can get such a miracle literally for nothing. However, this will not prevent the active emotional baby from becoming a real defender of his master and his home.

names of small breeds of dogs

In ancient times, they lived exclusively in the chambers of the Chinese emperors (hence the name). In the 19th century, the threat of extinction hung over the breed, however, some dogs that were saved miraculously migrated to Europe, from where their journey around the world began. If you recall the names of small breeds of dogs, most of them are associated with oriental culture. It was in China and Japan that they have long understood their value.

In terms of care, the Pekingese is picky. Eating can easily "from the general table", has good health. Particular attention is required only to long hair, which can be from light beige to dark red. Rarely, but still there are troubles with the eyes. The character of the Pekingese is calm, the animals are mostly funny, playful, love children. But if necessary, they can stand up for themselves and their master.


Many women, regardless of age, like white small dogs. Their breed can be absolutely any, but, as a rule, French lap-dogs are ideally suited for this description. These cute creatures first appeared in France. Their homeland (as the name implies) is the city of Bologna. Now they are distributed throughout Europe and beyond. Like most representatives of dwarf breeds, these dogs are all the more valuable the smaller.

decorative dogs

Despite the apparent kindness and cheerfulness, lapdogs are often quite evil. They are usually kept by single ladies or young ladies. These dogs do not like children, although sometimes they agree to play with the kids. The breed is resistant to most diseases, however, eyes sometimes suffer from thick hair on the head. And the hairline of the animal itself requires constant care.

The progenitor of the dog is the Maltese lapdog. These names of small breeds of dogs are often confused. What is not surprising, because there is no significant difference between them (at least external).

Yorkshire Terrier

This breed was very popular just a few years ago, so funny funny and rather harmless kids often turned into lively children's toys. True, most of the dogs themselves are quite happy with this fate.

white small dogs breed

Their color varies from tan to ash gray, the coat is always long. Sizes can be from 15 to 23 cm at the withers. The birthplace of the breed is considered to be Yorkshire County (United Kingdom), where it was originally bred to fight rodents and only recently became decorative. The dog is not conflicting, balanced, loves children. A huge plus is the lack of undercoat (the animal never sheds). But still, to keep pets in perfect condition, they will have to work hard on their appearance (haircut, combing, etc.). The dog’s diet also requires special attention. The digestive system of the Yorks is very sensitive, so it’s best to stick to a diet.

small dog breeds


Another popular little doggie. Decorative dogs of this breed remain "puppies in the shower" for life. The sacred animal of the Aztecs and Maya, brought to Europe from Mexico, can easily get along with any other pets, from rodents to cats. Most representatives of the breed are smooth-haired, but sometimes shaggy.

Some adults barely reach 500 grams. The smaller the chihuahua, the more expensive it is (although large ones are expensive). Coloring can be monophonic and with a tan - from white to dark red. Animals require special care in the cold season, as they are prone to colds and rheumatism.

breeds of small dogs with photos

Toy Terrier

A cheerful, fervent apartment “bell” remains faithful to one owner for life. Therefore, lonely people often start them, but these kids also do not offend children. Unpretentious in care, we can say a universal domestic dog. It can easily use a cat's toilet if necessary, but still loves to walk and run too.

The coat is short, it is not necessary to scratch it. But in the cold, it is better to dress the dog in a warm blanket, because it is prone to colds. He feels uncomfortable surrounded by outsiders, so he does not really like long trips.

Shih tzu

Another decorative dog from China. Basically, the names of small dog breeds are associated with the place of their breeding. Shih Tzu is one of the few exceptions. Translated, this is a "chrysanthemum dog", because, according to the Chinese, this particular flower resembles the tail of an animal.

Dogs are not cheap, they look like plush toys. They are very sociable and can not stand loneliness, so they need to be taken everywhere with you. Shih Tzu does not complain about their health; they treat strangers and children positively.

inexpensive small dog breeds

Other breeds

In addition to these, there are other options for decorative dogs. These are poodles and pugs, spitz and spaniels. They can be smooth-haired and shaggy, perky and melancholy. But there is something that unites them all - fidelity and endless love for the owner. And people need to remember that pets, even if they look like plush toys, are primarily living things with their own character and needs, advantages and disadvantages. They must be loved, they must be taken care of. Or not lead to the house at all.

Who to choose

Considering the names of small breeds of dogs and choosing a pet, you should first understand what purpose it is needed for. If for breeding and earning (and this is also practiced), it is better to choose a doggie more expensive, with a good pedigree, or even a couple.

As a faithful friend, a mongrel is also perfect, blood purity does not play a special role here. A small child will feel comfortable and having fun with a small-sized smooth-haired dog, such as a toy terrier or a chihuahua. Although the "York" is also rarely allergic.

Breeds of dogs of small sizes are often underestimated, considering them toys. But the Pekingese and the lapdog can stand up for their owner no worse than a shepherd. Dog breeders are well aware that friendship cannot be bought for any money. Although a purebred puppy is sometimes very expensive (including annual vaccinations, food and other expenses). But more often than not, the dog itself chooses its owner, who throughout their life together believes that everything was the other way around.

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