Diarrhea in York: causes and methods of treatment

Diarrhea in a York is a common occurrence. This breed of dog is characterized by increased appetite. Yorkshire terriers are very prone to overeating and being overweight. Often, owners overfeed their pets, which becomes the cause of gastrointestinal upsets in animals. However, diarrhea can occur with a healthy diet. How to help a dog with diarrhea? And what can be associated with stool disorders? We will consider these issues in the article.


What can provoke diarrhea in York? Most often, diarrhea is caused by eating disorders:

  1. Wrong diet. These little dogs love to eat and are often omnivores. However, the menu should not include salty, sweet and fried foods. Such food can cause serious poisoning in the animal.
  2. Poor food. When purchasing canned dog food, you must pay attention to the shelf life of the product. You should also not give your pet cheap, low-quality dry feed.
  3. A sharp change in diet. Newer foods can cause diarrhea in the dog. Yorkies are very sensitive to food composition. Therefore, new products need to be given to them in small quantities, gradually expanding the diet.
  4. Overeating. The Yorkshire Terrier is a small indoor dog breed. Such animals lead a rather passive lifestyle. Systematic overfeeding can lead to overweight, as well as diarrhea and vomiting in York.
Yorkshire Terrier Obesity

In addition, diarrhea can be a sign of the following pathologies:

  1. Helminthic infestations. Parasites cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. In an animal, this is accompanied by severe diarrhea. Thus, the body tries to free itself from helminths.
  2. Allergic reactions. Diarrhea in York may be associated with food allergies. The body of these dogs is quite sensitive to the composition of the feed.
  3. Infectious diseases. Diarrhea is one of the symptoms of viral diseases.
  4. Non-food poisoning. Sometimes stool disorders in dogs occur after breathing in chemical fumes. In addition, small puppies can swallow inedible objects.
  5. Acute pancreatitis. Pancreatic inflammation is commonly seen in overweight dogs prone to overeating.

It is important to remember that the digestive tract is a weak point in Yorkshire terriers. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the diet of the pet and vaccinate the puppy on time.

General symptoms

Diarrhea in York can be a manifestation of various diseases and conditions. Each pathology is accompanied by its characteristic symptoms. However, common signs of diarrhea in this dog breed can be distinguished:

  • frequent and loose stools;
  • the presence of mucous impurities in feces;
  • refusal to eat;
  • severe thirst due to dehydration;
  • vomiting
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • chills;
  • losing weight.
Dog Weak Diarrhea

What you need to pay attention to

If a dog has an upset bowel, then making a diagnosis at home is very difficult. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the color of feces, the presence of bloody or mucous impurities, as well as the accompanying symptoms. This will help you decide on further actions. Consider the possible manifestations of diarrhea in York.

Diarrhea without fever and vomiting

If the dog has only loose and frequent stools, but there is no temperature and vomiting, then the cause of diarrhea is most often:

  • binge eating;
  • slight intoxication of poor-quality food;
  • a sharp introduction of new food to the menu;
  • food allergy;
  • side effect of drugs.

In this case, it is necessary to revise the diet of the animal. Usually, with normalization of nutrition, diarrhea disappears. If the dog is taking any medications, then you should contact your veterinarian to correct the treatment regimen.

Diarrhea and vomiting

Very often, diarrhea in Yorkshire terriers is accompanied by vomiting. This is also commonly associated with malnutrition. The body thus seeks to get rid of excess food or low-quality food.

york at the food bowl

In some cases, such symptoms may be caused by inhalation of vapors of toxic chemicals. In this case, the dog has a sharp deterioration in well-being and lacrimation. Vomiting of foam is usually observed when foreign bodies enter the stomach.

Diarrhea with vomiting is also a sign of infection with worms. Parasites can leave the body during deworming.

Discharge from the nose and eyes

If diarrhea is accompanied by symptoms of a runny nose and conjunctivitis (discharge from the nose and eyes), as well as fever, weakness, and coughing, then this most often indicates a viral disease:

  • plague (parvovirus enteritis) ;
  • adenovirus;
  • coronavirus;
  • rotavirus ("intestinal flu").

Such pathologies most often affect small puppies who have not yet been vaccinated. In these cases, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Many of the above diseases (especially plague) are deadly for animals. The pet must be hospitalized immediately.

Bloody or mucous admixture

Diarrhea with blood in York is most often observed with parvovirus enteritis. In this case, a scarlet admixture is present in the feces. Reddish discharge is also noted with injuries of the abdominal cavity. This is a sign of bowel damage. Such traumatization is observed not only when the animal falls, but also when swallowing sharp meat or fish bones.

Bloody diarrhea can be a symptom of hemorrhagic leptospirosis. This is a serious bacterial disease affecting the intestines and kidneys. In this case, the dog's temperature rises sharply, and a blood admixture can be seen not only in the feces, but also in the vomit.

With such severe pathologies, the pet needs urgent qualified help. If the well-being of the dog is rapidly deteriorating, then you should call the veterinarian at home.

Diarrhea with mucus in York most often indicates helminthic invasion. It may also be a symptom of pancreatitis or colitis.

Stool color

It is important to pay attention to the color of feces. Unusual stool color can be a sign of serious pathologies:

  1. Black feces. This color of the chair is a formidable sign. A tarry stool is a symptom of bleeding from the stomach or upper intestines with ulcerative pathologies.
  2. The stool is white. Discolored feces are excreted during blockage of the bile ducts. This is accompanied by a serious violation of the functions of the digestive tract. In feces, bits of undigested food can be found.
  3. Green feces. This color stool acquire with severe poisoning by rotten food. This is a rather dangerous sign that indicates severe intoxication. Usually, the excretion of green feces is always accompanied by strong repeated vomiting.

First aid

If diarrhea is caused by temporary eating disorders or overeating, then the dog’s condition returns to normal after a change in diet. In this case, intestinal disorders last no more than a day, and then gradually pass.

Urgently consult a veterinarian if the following symptoms occur:

  • diarrhea lasting more than 24 hours;
  • fever;
  • indomitable vomiting;
  • severe weakness;
  • causeless weight loss.

How to provide first aid for diarrhea in York? What should I do if the animal suddenly has diarrhea and her health worsens? At the pre-medical stage, it is necessary to stop giving the dog food. Before contacting the veterinarian, a sick pet can only be drunk with clean water to prevent dehydration.

What to give York from diarrhea? In such cases, do not self-medicate. At the pre-medical stage, only enterosorbents can be given to the dog: Activated Carbon, Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel. These drugs will cleanse the animal’s stomach of toxins. All other types of drugs can be prescribed only by a specialist. Therefore, you must seek veterinary care as soon as possible.

Enterosgel for diarrhea


Only the veterinarian can identify the exact cause of diarrhea. The pet must undergo the following diagnostic examinations:

  • analysis of feces for helminth eggs and bacteria;
  • general clinical blood test;
  • blood test for biochemical parameters;
  • serological tests for viral infections.

If you suspect a disease of the digestive tract, an x-ray and ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity are prescribed.

Veterinarian examination

Treatment methods

The choice of treatment for diarrhea in York depends on the cause of diarrhea. If the disorder of the stool is provoked by malnutrition, then it is enough to change the pet's diet. In more complex cases, drug therapy is necessary:

  1. In case of poisoning, the animal is shown taking enterosorbents. If York has severe dehydration, then saline infusion is necessary.
  2. In viral diseases, special serums with antibodies are administered. Reception of immunomodulators is also shown. These drugs help the body fight the infection.
  3. For bacterial and protozoal pathologies, the antibiotic Levomycetin and the antiseptics Furazolidone and Enterofuril are prescribed.
  4. If diarrhea is accompanied by severe abdominal pain, then the administration of antispasmodics is indicated: "Papaverine", "Nosh-py."
Antibiotic "Levomycetin"

Veterinarians categorically forbid giving Yorkers the human drug for diarrhea "Loperamide." This medicine is extremely dangerous for small dog breeds and can cause gastrointestinal bleeding.


With diarrhea, Yorkies are prescribed a strict diet. Veterinarians recommend not feeding the dog in the first day after the onset of the disease. However, you should give your pet as much water as possible. After all, with diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses a lot of fluid.

In the following days, you can give the animal the following products:

  • rice cooked in water;
  • boiled skinless chicken breast;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • skim cheese.
Rice for diarrhea

It is strictly forbidden to feed a sick dog with the following food:

  • raw meat;
  • fried foods;
  • sweets;
  • fatty meat products and pork.

Such a diet must be followed until the complete cessation of diarrhea. In the future, the diet of York is gradually expanding.


How to prevent stool disorders in Yorkshire terriers? Veterinarians advise you to follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not overfeed the dog.
  2. Monitor your pet’s weight and prevent obesity.
  3. Give the animal only quality food.
  4. Exclude fried and fatty foods, as well as raw meat and sweets from the diet.
  5. Protect your dog from chemicals and allergens.
  6. Inoculate a puppy in time and carry out anthelmintic therapy.
  7. Show your dog regularly to a veterinarian to prevent internal diseases.

Compliance with these measures will help to avoid many dangerous pathologies accompanied by diarrhea.

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