Probably, everyone knows the benefits of breast milk for a newborn, but due to certain circumstances, not every woman can breast-feed a baby. For such cases, there are special mixtures whose manufacturers are trying to bring the composition of artificial nutrition substances to human milk. Any parent needs to know how to properly mix the mixture for newborns, since the proportional ratio of dry matter and water directly affects the well-being and health of the baby.
Right choice
The right choice of the mixture and its preparation is the key to a good mood of the child, proper development and good health. Today, on the shelves of supermarkets there is a huge variety of baby food. As a rule, special mixtures are a safe product for babies and as much as possible correspond to the composition of breast milk. Consider the most popular infant formulas among parents and their babies.
Nutrilak and Nutrilak Premium
Two varieties of a mixture of one manufacturer are suitable for babies from birth. These products are enriched with important substances and amino acids necessary for the proper development of crumbs. It was noted that these mixtures are great for weakened babies, with anemia, help strengthen the body and speed growth. The composition is missing rapeseed and palm oil, sucrose, starch and GMOs.
This mixture is very popular among parents of newborn babies. Many people prefer it, because the product has several advantages. A baby formula is made in New Zealand based on goat's milk. This option is especially relevant for children prone to allergies.
This product, like Nestogen, belongs to Nestle, which, in turn, is the world's largest food producer. For the smallest, the product "Nan 1 Optipro" was created. You can learn about how to breed the Nan mixture for newborns from the table below.
The manufacturer offers a choice of more than ten varieties of milk powder, depending on the age and individual characteristics of the child.
Specialists and mothers note the high quality of the product, which includes prebiotics, polyunsaturated fatty acids, which ensure the full development of the baby. To find out how to breed the newborn mix "Nestogen", you must clearly follow the instructions on the packaging. In no case should you independently increase the dose, since the number of measuring spoons of the mixture is strictly calculated according to age norms.
This product is also very popular, so many parents are interested in how to breed Nutrilon mix for a newborn. There is a whole line of mixtures of this brand. Products are divided into the following types and have their own numbering:
- 1 - suitable for children from birth to six months;
- 2 - for feeding babies from six months to a year;
- 3 - for children from a year to eighteen months;
- 4 - for feeding babies from eighteen months to three years.
Such digital marking can be seen on any package, which clearly simplifies the choice of the necessary food option. Each of these groups of mixtures contains certain components that are optimally selected for the specific age of the children. The manufacturer takes into account not only the age differences of the babies, but also their individual characteristics. So, fermented milk and fresh infant formula for allergy sufferers, premature babies, as well as for children with intolerance to certain components (for example, cow's milk) are presented. The Nutrilon-1 mixture is suitable for the smallest, but before giving this product for the first time, it is necessary to figure out how to dilute the Nutrilon-1 mixture for newborns. To do this, carefully read the instructions on the packaging. As a rule, for most mixtures, there are certain rules for preparation.
The price of the mixture is noticeably lower in contrast to the above options, but at the same time, this product is not inferior in quality. The manufacturer offers a number of baby food, depending on the age of the child. More than eighty percent of mothers recommend this mixture and consider it a worthy competitor to expensive imported products.
"Similak Premium 1", according to mothers, is a quality product for the nutrition of newborns. This product does not contain palm oil, and numerous useful microelements and substances contribute to improving immunity, strengthening bones, healthy growth and development. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the approximate scheme of how to breed a mixture for newborns "Similak".
It must be emphasized that the product should be chosen on the advice of a pediatrician, based on the taste and preferences of the baby, but, of course, on the capabilities of the parents.
The main thing
Note that, despite the wide variety of dry infant formulas and ingredients included in the composition, there is a standard dilution algorithm for this product. We propose to discuss in detail the question of how to breed a mixture for newborns. So, babies can refuse even the most high-quality and expensive mixture if it is not prepared correctly. Therefore, in order for the baby to like the product and benefit, it is very important to follow the basic rules when cooking. It should be noted that the crumbs are not at all ready to get acquainted with the aggressive external environment, therefore, sterility must first be observed. There is a certain order of how to properly breed the mixture for newborns:
- First of all, you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
- Sterilize dishes for feeding.
- Milk should be prepared immediately before meals.
- Next, you need to pour water into a clean bottle, the temperature of which should be about thirty-seven degrees. The standard proportion of water and mixture is one scoop per thirty milliliters.
- Then you should pick up a full spoon of the mixture without a slide and put it into water. Use is only a dry measuring spoon.
- Then we close the bottle with a pacifier, shake it thoroughly to ensure dissolution of the mixture.
Before feeding, you should definitely check the temperature of the resulting product. This can be done as follows: from the nipple, without touching the hand, drip the mixture onto the bend of the elbow or wrist. Proper milk leaves a pleasant warm mark.
On a note
So that the baby formula does not harm the body, it is important to monitor the shelf life of the product. And as a reminder, you can write on the packaging the date of its opening. This is especially true when feeding from this container must be postponed indefinitely. In no case should the remnants of the finished mixture be stored in the refrigerator and reused. Before you dilute the mixture for newborns, you must first prepare the container. Many mothers are advised to always keep in the arsenal of a few clean and sterilized nipples and bottles so as not to waste time on this when the baby is crying from hunger. And for the preparation and preservation of sterility, the sterilizer and heater will become indispensable assistants, which will significantly save time for mothers and make their life easier.
We study the instruction
Before breeding a mixture for newborns, it is necessary to study the instructions. In it, the manufacturer indicates important information that will allow parents to properly prepare the mixture. When reading the manual, pay attention to the following:
- Is the product suitable for your child? It is important to consider age and individual characteristics of the crumbs.
- How much to breed mixes for newborns. As a rule, on the back of the packaging, the manufacturer indicates the recommended portion of the powder in grams.
- Permissible water temperature.
- Shelf life of the opened pack.
Error handling
Due to inexperience, it is common for young parents to make mistakes in breeding a mixture. Let's talk about the most common, which should not be allowed.
- Some parents pour boiling water over the powder, and then cool to the desired temperature. Such a step is unacceptable, since high temperature destroys the nutrients of the milk. In addition, you can not cook the mixture.
- It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of water and the mixture that are indicated on the package. Sometimes it seems to mother that the milk is liquid, and I want to feed the baby more satisfyingly, but a change in the ratio is fraught with negative consequences - digestion may occur in the crumbs. It is forbidden to independently calculate dietary standards by weight, age and other indicators.
- Frequent change of mixtures can also adversely affect the baby. This is due to the fact that the digestive tract is not yet ready for regular food changes. Experts believe that changing the mixture is only necessary if necessary and do it when the child is in a healthy state and in a good mood.
- Before purchasing a mixture for a baby, it is recommended that you first consult with a pediatrician on this issue.
Particular attention in the preparation of the mixture is given to sterilizing dishes. To do this, thoroughly clean the dishes from the remnants of milk. It is recommended to wash the container immediately so that it does not have time to dry. The dishes can be washed using baking soda or special detergents. There are basic ways to sterilize dishes:
- Boiling water. Bottles are poured with water and put on fire. Boiling time is about ten minutes.
- There are special assistants for mothers in the form of electric sterilizers and microwave ovens with a double boiler.
- Special tablets and solutions for sterilizing dishes are on sale. This method is great in cases where there is no possibility of boiling.
Suitable water
Many mothers are interested in the question: "What water to dilute the mixture for newborns?" It is worth noting here that manufacturers of baby food have already taken care of this issue and created special water for the preparation of mixtures. In contrast to the usual, in a specialized high content of minerals, oxygen and other useful elements. In addition, such water undergoes a high degree of purification from various microbes and contaminants, which is important for the children's body. The following question arises of this kind: "Do I need to boil special baby water?" Manufacturers claim that there is no such need, nevertheless pediatricians advise to play it safe. But it is worth remembering that repeated and prolonged boiling is not recommended, since water loses all the beneficial components.
How to understand if the mixture is suitable
To check whether a certain product is suitable for a child, you only need a teaspoon of the mixture. Then monitor the condition of the crumbs for at least a day. You can continue to give the baby this or that mixture in the following cases:
- when he has a good appetite;
- restful sleep;
- uniform and regular stool;
- good skin condition;
- There is a set of weights, according to the norms.
If the mother does not observe at least one of the listed indicators, it is worth consulting a pediatrician.
Storage rules
Thus, the main criteria in the preparation of the mixture are hygiene and strict adherence to the instructions indicated on the package. But in order for the product to benefit the baby and not deteriorate ahead of schedule, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules:
- the powder mixture is stored in a room where the temperature should not be higher than 25 degrees;
- after each use it is important to tightly close the lid of the container;
- powder cannot be stored in the refrigerator;
- it is necessary to monitor the expiration date, as a rule, the shelf life of the opened packaging is approximately a month, after the expiration of this period it is forbidden to give the product to the baby.