Motherboard ASRock H61DEL: the ideal solution for budget systems

The motherboard of the ASRock H61DEL model was aimed at creating the most affordable budget computing systems within the LGA1155 computer platform. Its similar affiliation is indicated by technical parameters and cost. It is about this computer accessory that will be discussed further in the framework of this material.

asrock h61del


, ASRock H61DEL. . . , . H61 DEL , .

asrock h61del specifications


ASRock H61DEL LGA1155. ATX. 173 305 . 2 , 16 (2 8 ). - DDR3. , . . PCI E 16. ASRock H61DEL. , 1000 /.

, ASRock H61DEL, - LGA1155. Core 2- 3- . - . . -, , Celeron Pentium. , . , , .

asrock h61del motherboard


A truly worthy solution for creating low-cost computers within the LGA1155 is ASRock H61DEL . Although this computing platform is outdated by today's standards, its performance is still sufficient to solve the initially set tasks. For this reason, PCs based on the product in question continue to be relevant to this day and are great for creating office computers.

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