How many years live pugs: breed, features of care, feeding, living conditions and period of life

Pugs are pretty cute dogs, which are very convenient to keep in small apartments. These pets do not require much space, they sleep most of the day, sitting comfortably near the owner’s feet. How old are pugs? How to extend the life of your pet? These and other questions worry the caring owner. I would like my pet to be near as long as possible, to please with my mischief, touched by boundless devotion and obedience.

pug by the window

What affects the life expectancy of this breed of dog? How many years do pugs live at home? Let's try to figure it out.

Health status

Life expectancy is directly related to the state of health. These dogs have a weak cardiovascular system. For this reason, shortness of breath may appear in animals, sometimes tachycardia occurs. Often, pugs suffer from the digestive tract.

cute pug face

They need to select nutrition very carefully so as not to provoke a gastrointestinal upset. If, for some random negligence, the dog picked up and ate something on the street, the consequences can be unpredictable. How old are pugs? If the dog is healthy, it can please a person long enough. At least it will be possible to stay calm with a dog for 10-11 years. Further, much depends on the care.


How old are pugs? If the dog receives quality nutrition, then it will remain energetic and healthy for a long period of time. Pug must be properly fed. The dog must not be allowed to eat housekeeping from the table. You need to immediately determine the type of feeding: natural food or dry food. You can not mix them. Otherwise, the pet can not avoid digestive problems. In addition, it is worth noting that in pugs, the stomach and intestines are quite sensitive. It is hardly worth experimenting with cheap feed. It is better to choose one that meets the requirements of specialists and contains all the necessary substances for a full life.

Girls and boys

It is known that the lifespan of these cute dogs depends on gender.

two pug puppies

Boys are usually more active: they can get into a fight with other dogs or become victims of an accident due to increased natural curiosity. How old are pugs girls? In most cases, more than twelve. The period of their life can be 13-15 years, provided that the owner will be very kind to their daily needs. Comparing these figures with how many years pugs dogs live, it becomes clear why females delight their owners for much longer. By the way, girls pugs are more calm and gentle. They are obedient and predictable, in every sense convenient for the owner.


Pugs are very lazy and do not require a daily walk from the owner. People often choose pugs because of their balanced and calm nature. In the apartment they do not play pranks, do not rush, sweeping away everything in its path. These dogs are moderately curious, like to play even in adulthood, always remain faithful to the owner. As a rule, in the family they themselves choose one person, whom they will then listen to all their lives.

Thorough care

From the outside, it may seem to the uninitiated that it is not necessary to take care of pugs especially. Dogs have a short coat, which, however, tends to shed. For this reason, the owner must definitely purchase a massage brush to thoroughly comb out his pet. In pet stores you can buy a hairbrush-mitten, which will help to get rid of excess hair daily. You just need to remember to take the time for your pet. This is a rare breed of dog that needs to brush its teeth. Not all owners comply with this rule.

curious pug

Otherwise, tartar will begin to form, which is difficult to get rid of. Wipe your pet’s nose regularly with a clean, dry cloth. It is necessary to clean the ears, monitor their condition. Dogs should be bathed at least once or twice a month.

Veterinary Services

Thinking about how many pugs live, it is necessary to take into account the fact that these dogs often get sick. Due to the specific structure of the muzzle, the respiratory system often suffers, signs of nose irritation and inflammation of the auditory canals are observed. A caring owner, as a rule, seeks to surround the pet with care, does not spare money for quality veterinary services. If in the case of the mongrel, the lack of vaccinations may not lead to infection, then the pug will surely pick up some virus when it goes outside. These dogs have delicate immunity, which must be constantly maintained. Pug must be vaccinated, do regular preventive examinations, monitor his health as much as possible.

Active games

Pugs remain puppies until old age. Dogs love to walk outside, they need to move. Outdoor games help strengthen the heart muscle, restore immunity well after an illness. That is why it would be a big mistake to limit them in space and keep them exclusively at home. A pug is still not a cat.

pug puppy

If you are thinking about how many years live pugs at home, you should definitely pay attention to the opportunity to spend more time with your pet. Then he will delight his master for many years.


A pug is first of all a friend. Usually people buy this dog not at all to guard the apartment. They just want to have a companion at home who shares their habits and accompanies them everywhere. Such a pet, no doubt, will help brighten up loneliness, will cheer you up at the right time. Due to the small size of the dog, you can take it with you to public places. She calmly sits in the hands of the owner and does not even try to break out.

pug on a walk

For this reason, you can take it with you on the bus, carry it by car, or even appear in libraries or stores. For the dog itself, it is very important to have a close relationship with the owner. If the pet feels fit, then he will live longer.

Instead of a conclusion

Speaking about how many pugs live, it is necessary to take into account all of the above factors. The more the owner takes care of his pet, the less risk remains for the dog to become seriously ill with something. You need to try to show your pet that you value his company and strive to give the best. Animals always feel how they are treated, and subconsciously reach out to kind, sympathetic, caring people. The average life expectancy of this particular breed is 12-13 years. It is also known that dog girls usually live longer than boys. The thing is that males often cannot appreciate the level of danger that may arise in a given situation.

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