Who are BTS members?

Foreign trends fill our Internet space, and with them comes not only many new products, but also names for them. You definitely came across the word “members”, unusual for the Russian language. Who are members in the general sense? This word is transliteration from the English language, which means "member or member of any group, event or community." The term has particularly taken root in the musical environment. Who are members in the music industry? It is easy to guess that this word hides the designation of a participant or a member of a musical group.

Who are members among Korean artists

Korean popular music is slowly gaining market share, attracting more and more attention. In 2017, one of the Korean groups received the Billboard Music Awards in the category "Best Social Artist". The BTS boyfriend became lucky, and the very next day, Western listeners seriously set out to find out who the members of this new group were for them. There are seven members in the group and distinguishing them by name is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Some BTS members perform under a different stage name, someone left their present, a couple of participants are involved in solo projects and calls themselves differently.

What is the name of the BTS leader

The leader of the group is twenty-four-year-old Kim Nam Joon, aka RM, who occupies the position of the main rapper. Initially, he decided to perform under the stage name Rap Monster (Rap Monster), but later decided to be called more modest and left the abbreviation, which stands for real me ("real me").

Photo by Kim Nam Joon

The oldest member of the group, one of the vocalists, recently turned twenty-six. His name is Kim Sok Jin, and as a stage name, the performer decided to use the last character of the real name written in Latin - Jin (Jin). Luckily for his fans, Gene doesn't like experimenting with names, but since the same Billboard Music Awards he has been hooked with the half-joking nickname Worldwide-handsome ("handsome world wide"). It was this phrase that Jin added to all his greetings on American shows, and she got so attached to him that if you enter it in the search bar for images, Google will kindly offer you a lot of photos of Kim Sok Jin.

Kim Sok Jin Photos

What are the other rappers' names

The twenty-five-year-old Min Yoon Ki also shared the niche of rappers. Among the BTS members, he is known as Suga (Suga), however in 2016 he released his mixtape under the stage name Agust D (Agust Di), where D is the capital letter from the name of his hometown Daegu (Daegu). The performer is also known as a composer: Yun Ki wrote music for many BTS songs. Recently, the singer has been expanding his compositional work, creating melodies for other performers. Yoon Ki prefers that his real name be indicated in the column “composer”.

Photo by Min Yoon Ki

Another member of the group, Jung Ho Suk, is considered the main dancer, choreographer and lead rapper of BTS. Written in Latin letters, his name looks like Jung Ho-seok. So, choosing a stage name, Ho Sok left the capital letter of his surname, adding to it the English version of the word “hope”. In total, J-hope (J-Hope) came out, and with this pseudonym Ho Suk acts both as a member of the group and releasing solo mixtapes.

Photo Jung Ho Sok

Under what stage names are the younger members known

In addition to Ho Sok, a subgroup of dancers includes one of the BTS vocalists - Park Chi Minh. The twenty-three-year-old singer also decided to use a stage name, a derivative of his present, - a Latinized version of his name - Jimin (Jimin). Band members often abbreviate the name of Jimin, calling him Chim.

Photo by Park Chi Minh

Another vocalist of the group, one-year-old and part-time best friend of Jimin, Kim Tae Hyun, speaking within the group, decided to completely abandon his name. Many fans know him only by his stage name - V (V), the initial letter of the word "victory" (victory). Other members often refer to it by the first character of the name - Te (Te).

Photo by Kim Tae Hyun

The youngest member of the group, Jung Jong Guk, is the vocalist and dancer of the group. Like Jimin, he decided to leave his present as a stage name - Jungkook (Jungkook). As the youngest, Jungkook could not do without a nickname: members often reduce his name to Kook (Hook), and after speaking in America, he also got a laconic abbreviation JK (JK). That is how the performer often signs his covers.

Photo Jung Jong Guk

There can be many answers to the question of what are the names of BTS members: some fans prefer to name performers by their stage names, others reject pseudonyms, mentioning only the real names of the guys. Both those and others converge in their love for the work of the group.

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