What to give to the son for 7 years? Games for boys 7 years

At the age of seven, the child is already aware of himself, he chooses a circle of friends and interests, understands his place in the family; his character is almost fully formed. That is why a children's holiday, designed for this age, is very difficult to organize, because here fun games for children with cartoon characters and children's songs are no longer suitable.

Features of the children's holiday

Children's birthday

It would seem that children have enough toys, fun activities and a sweet cake. However, this is not so at all, especially when it comes to a growing man.

The fact is that modern children, for the most part, have access to the Internet, children's bloggers, TV shows, and therefore represent the whole variety of possible holiday scenarios; it’s getting harder to surprise them with anything.

In addition, boys aged 7 years and older already want to feel adults and independent, so children's games are not suitable for them.

How to prepare and spend the holiday yourself

If your goal is to surprise your son of 7 years, then you need to carefully prepare. The first thing to determine is the budget. This is the amount that you are willing to spend on a holiday.

Next, we determine the topic. Perhaps it will be a pirate riot, or maybe a superhero party or a holiday in the style of your favorite cartoon. After that you need to make a list of guests. Remember that this is a child’s holiday, therefore it is important to invite those whom he himself wants to see, and adults and relatives can be gathered separately so that everyone feels appropriate.

After the above items are completed, it is recommended to determine the space. If the budget and themes allow, then you can spend the day in a cafe, children's entertainment room or in nature. The main thing is that the weather, safety and comfort should be taken into account.

Now the hardest part is to come up with a menu, an entertainment program, design, and also decide what to give to my son for 7 years. After all, it is these components that create a festive atmosphere.

Children party

Development scenarios

What is the most important thing in the event? Atmosphere! The scenario of the holiday for the son of 7 years can be anything.

For example, if you decide on a pirate voyage, then the event can begin with the capture of an imaginary ship. To do this, boys can perform some kind of intellectual task or go through an obstacle course.

During the holiday you need to constantly use maritime paraphernalia and words related to or associated with piracy. It is worth remembering that celebration and games should not be cruel. It will be great if at the end of the evening guests write their wishes and put them in a bottle that can be buried, thrown into a pond or just taken home.

All contests can be built in the quest format. The goal of the evening is to find a treasure chest on a real pirate map of contests.

pirate Party

Another scenario is a holiday party. Here you can arrange a photo shoot with a false mustache and cylinder hats, hold a master class on creating a fashionable black burger, invite a real DJ, if the budget allows, and give a little training in this bright and incendiary musical craft. At such a holiday there is no place for children's colored balls and songs. Only new, informative and fashionable. For such a holiday, your son will say "thank you" for sure.

Little gentlemen

When choosing a scenario, you need to take into account the interests and temperament of the child. At the same age, boys can behave very differently. Some people prefer mobile and noisy games, while others prefer stylish and fashionable entertainment. In any case, you can alternate scenarios and try them all, but in different years.

How to entertain children

As mentioned above, games for boys of 7 years can be very diverse. It all depends on the particular company of children.

One of the ways of entertainment can be an informative and captivating master class, for example, a hip-hop style modern dance lesson, rap, cooking lessons or sword fighting.

Do not forget about outdoor games. On the day of birth, the child can be allowed mischief, and here is just the way the American fun. The child is blindfolded and given a bat or stick. Its task is to break the hanging bag with sweets or coins. You can put anything in such a bag, the main thing is that it shines, rings and attracts. It is important to ensure that the child does not injure anyone.

A great game would be to catch something from the pool or aquarium using fishing rods. For example, at the end of a fishing rod you can hang a magnet, and set a goal for the children - to catch as many small metal pins, coins, souvenirs as possible. The winner is the one who fished the most treasures. In this game you need to make sure that no one gets wet.

The classic "blind man's game" will also diversify the holiday and give children a splash of energy.

You can use any games and adapt them to the theme of your birthday. For example, in the pirated version of "blind man's tongue", to indicate themselves, children may not clap their hands, but shout "yo-ho-ho." A little imagination, and any game will become themed.

The most important thing is to alternate games and not let children get bored, but you should not overdo it with fun that can go beyond the control.

Children's holiday

The gift is the most important part of the holiday

What to give for a birthday? 7 years is one of the most difficult ages.

There is no problem if the child is fond of something. For example, the question “What should I give my son for 7 years?” Does not arise if his weakness is fishing, cycling or collecting models of cars. Many young people of this age often collect cacti of various bizarre shapes or small figurines of cartoon characters and comics.

However, if the child does not have such a hobby, you can give the first copy for a collection or a fishing rod for a fishing trip next weekend.

Children, like adults, are influenced by fashion and would like to receive a specific toy. In this case, it’s quite simple to communicate more often with your child and watch a toy advertisement.

If the question “What should I give my son for 7 years?” Arose, consider going to the cinema, a trampoline park or a pool for him and his friends on a certain day.


The most important thing in organizing a holiday for a child is your participation and listening to his interests. Probably the correct answer to the question "What should I give my son for 7 years?" - this is a "holiday", because for children who have not yet forgotten how to dream, it is important for parents to pay attention and to realize these fantasies.

Show a little more imagination and zeal, as well as attention to the child. Do not be afraid to talk with your son about the upcoming holiday, involve him in organizing this event, surprise your son for his 7th birthday, and you will see how your baby's eyes will glow with happiness.

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