The Adventures of Young Detective Nancy Drew, titled "The Last Train to the Moon Gorge," is already the 13th game in a series. The plot begins with the fact that the rich daughter of a millionaire named Gloria Duran invites Nancy's old acquaintances, the Hardy brothers, on a short trip on the train of the once-dead gold digger. Of course, together with the brothers, our heroine and several other people who also received an invitation go to the meeting.
During the trip, the train suddenly appears in the tunnel. After he leaves, passengers understand that the initiator of the adventure, Gloria Duran, has disappeared somewhere. From this moment, the main passage of the "Last Train to the Moon Gorge" begins.
We are going in search of
The very first task before us is to find Gloria Duran. To begin, we will talk with all the remaining passengers. Hardy will make a skeptical suggestion that Duran herself set up her own abduction. The writer Berta Purcell, another old acquaintance of Nancy, will be of the same opinion as the brothers. We do not pay attention to general skepticism and set off to investigate the loss on our own. We go into the restaurant car and try to contact the driver through a telephone hanging in the kitchen. We report what happened, however, as expected, we do not find help here.
The pursuit of the first evidence (in a dining car)
After an unsuccessful conversation with the driver, we will examine the location in which we are. We take a picture of two characters on the stove, then we find the valve and, after reading the warning, try to turn it. After that, we move from the kitchen to the restaurant. We notice that the chandelier is decorated with a precious stone, and a picture with a white-tailed eagle cannot be removed from the wall. Before proceeding to the study of the bar, we will examine ballet shoes - they will indicate the name that must be recorded or captured in the photograph.
In the bar we will meet with the writer. We do not enter into any dialogue, but simply study the photo of the Harley spouses, which flaunts on the wall. We leave the location.
We collect the first puzzle (in a sleeping car)
We find ourselves at a new location and immediately meet face-to-face with a stuffed deer. We notice that one of his eyes is decorated with some kind of precious stone. We turn around and proceed to solve the first puzzle - this is the box that must be opened by collecting the picture from moving pieces. We cope with the task and find inside a note, presumably left by Hurley himself.
We return to the exit and notice the grate below - open it and find another door that is protected by a four-digit code. Alas, here we are powerless so far, so we leave the grate and head to the next location.
Camila Hurley Apartments (First Visit)
We reach the end of the car, turn right and go inside. In the room we will meet John Gray, the paranormal hunter. Talk to him, and then continue to inspect the room. We check what secrets are hidden behind a box near one of the walls - we find a picture with another doll, like those that we saw earlier in one of the cars.
It's time to look around the sofa. We take a small kettlebell marked with the number 7. In addition, there will be a book on the sofa dedicated to the history of embroidery - we will look through it and find information that will help us understand the origin of the symbols that we photographed earlier.
We play “Horse racing”
Next to the sofa is an arcade machine with one of the additional mini-games of the Last Train to the Moon Gorge. The key to victory in this little entertainment is the jockey to successfully pass all the obstacles that he encounters on his way. In those moments when the hero will need help - click LMB. Advice: it is better to click the mouse constantly or often, since the jockey can gape and not receive an order on time.
After we win the mini-game, we will be awarded a sheet music. Decryption can be found inside the dressing table. There will be one more clue - a ribbon with the name of a new doll. In addition to this little table, there will be a sealed casket - we are not yet able to open it.
We continue to explore the apartments of Camila
In the Scottish kilt there will be an empty box in which a doll once lay. By the way, her name can be read there, on the label. We approach the piano and try to play a melody from a sheet of music. Alas, the hunter John will not give us music, who will report that his "high-precision" instruments can junk from the piano.
We notice on one of the walls of the panel with embroidery. We come closer and see a few numbers that will fit the previously found characters - we will write them down or take a picture. In addition, the panel depicts another doll - make a note.
Jack Hurley Apartments (First Visit)
We reach Jack's room at the end of the carriage, where the imposing Tino Balducci is already located. We talk with him and, as if by chance, we hint at what they saw, as soon as after the abduction of Gloria, he found something on the floor. Balducci will reveal a mysterious object - this is another weight, marked with the number 3. We pick up the find and go to search the apartments.
To begin with, we spend a little time studying the periodic table, namely, its selected part. After that, we will get acquainted with the book devoted to precious stones and look at the photo of Camila, on which she holds two dolls.
We continue to inspect Jack's apartment
Not far from the table is another grill, fortunately open. We look inside and find several pipes - it was about them that was mentioned in that warning about the valve in the very first location. It is necessary to connect all (!) Pipes so that they form an integral pipeline.
We set off for the exit, grabbing a piece of paper lying on the sofa along the way, with another hint - the name of another doll. We leave the compartment and go to the end of the corridor.
We solve the riddle with weights
Continuing through Nancy Drew: The Last Train to the Moon Gorge. Before us are scales, on the scale of which various symbols and red lights are marked. The first among the characters will be “cherry” and “owl”. Let us turn to our records, which we made earlier with the panel. It turns out that “cherry” corresponds to a value of ten units, and “owl” - to seven units.
The riddle is solved as follows: put in one bowl (the one on the right), first a weight, marked with a seven, and then a three. Thus, we get the value 10, which opens the passage to the next location.
In the engine room (first visit)
We look around and come closer to the table with various drawers. We begin to search each box in order - they contain several interesting items:
- torn note with information about another doll;
- a drawing with detailed instructions for starting the machine, as well as a list of all the missing parts;
- the weight marked with the number 8;
- another note with a code that opens the box in Jack's compartment.
We go to the entrance to the next car, open the door using the numeric panel and ... surprise (interesting spoilers)!
Luggage compartment
After talking with Gloria, we receive a letter from Jack, which he once wrote for his niece. The letter contains many useful tips that will greatly help us when passing the "Last Train to the Moon Gorge."
Our first stop is a table with a screen where various letters are displayed. We must find the names of all 6 cities mentioned in Jack's letter. As soon as the last city is found, we will notice that the remaining letters form the phrase “my card”. We remember it and get out of the car.
Camila Hurley Apartments (second visit)
We return to Camila’s room and find the ballet shoes that we noticed earlier. We recall the letter of Jack, where he mentioned the manufacturer of these shoes. Unfortunately, the label has long been erased, so you have to look for another solution. We take the phone and call Bess and Jess, who at this time are busy painting the room. Friends agree to help us, so we take a picture of the erased label and send it in a message.
We pause for a short while in the room to inspect the wardrobe with dolls. After that, we will replenish our inventory with a wrench from the chest at the door and with a calm soul we will go out into the corridor.
In the engine room (second visit)
We return to the location, where we previously solved the riddle with the cities, and approach the screen located on the pedestal. We enter the code “my card” and look at the result. Congratulations, we managed to complete the first part of the task and open the map! Let’s take a closer look at it to find a specific place where the mine is located. We leave the engine room through the front door.
Jack Hurley Apartments (second visit)
We return to Jack's room and do not miss the opportunity to show off our successes to Tino. Then we find the closed box and apply the “color” code found in the engine room on it. Inside we find instructions with movements for the dance, as well as a strange letter in which a person named Thomas Wilson talks about the principles of lamp operation. It turns out that the lamp needs carbide, so take a little out of the box behind Balducci. We grab a tiger's eye and leave the room.
Dance time!
Let's look again at the instructions from the same Jack casket and draw it on a separate sheet of paper. The dance itself is quite simple: first we go forward with the left foot, then we move two cells forward with the right foot, etc. If everything is done according to the instructions, then a small part of the tourmaline mineral will drop out of the hidden cache. Now there are two gems in our inventory.
We solve a puzzle with dolls
We contact Bess and Jess and find out information about the manufacturer of ballet shoes. The name obtained is connected with a riddle about dolls whose names we found here and there during the passage of the "Last Train to the Moon Gorge." The clue is this: the capital letters in the names of the dolls must match the letters on the shoe label. We solve the riddle and open the cache, in which two weights are hidden marked 1 and 2.
Before heading to the scales, you can chat with Gloria.
Another riddle with kettlebells
We go back to the puzzle with our favorite weights and symbols. This time we are interested in completely different images. The numbers from the panel will tell us that the values 4 and 1, respectively, are suitable for these symbols. The riddle is quite simple and is solved according to the following scheme:
- bowl on the right - values 3 + 8, bowl on the right - 7;
- bowl on the left - values 3 + 1 + 2, bowl on the left - 7.
If everything is done correctly, then we will open the door of the furnace, which is located in the restaurant car.
What is behind the bars? (Camila Hurley Apartments)
Once again in Camila’s room, we take out a wrench and find the grate, which is located under the panel. Getting to another puzzle. To open the grill, you need to make a similar thread on the screws with the one on the nuts. The work ahead is not difficult, but assiduous. When the grate is removed, we will face another set of pipes that need to be connected to a solid water supply. At the end of the quest, we will get another stone.
Finding the fourth gem
We check the cache in the oven, which we opened through a riddle with scales - it will contain a check with information on the salary of the driver. Then back to the Hardy brothers and ask them some questions. They will share information on where to find the lamp and instrument.
If you look at the floor at the table, you can notice the button that Gloria used to disappear imperceptibly. We raise our eyes - a chandelier with another precious pebble hangs on the ceiling. We take out a stone and keep our way to the bar where Charlene is sitting. After a short conversation, we return to the brothers and share new details with them. We leave the car just at the moment when someone clicks on the stop crane.
Searching for the culprit
One of the passengers pulled the stopcock. We interview all suspects and examine the scene of the "crime." Surely Balducci has already managed to scout everything before us. We go to his room and ask about the evidence found. The only thing that Tino discovered was a thermometer, which, according to the detective, belongs to our familiar ghost hunter.
Going to talk with John Gray. In response to suspicions, the hunter will hasten to explain that the thermometer was stolen from him and blame Balducci for what happened. Now we go back to Tino, but before that we notice the packaging of thermometers, which looks very familiar. Once in the detective’s room, carefully inspect the floor. So it is - the same packaging from the thermometer is lying at the bottom! We ask the corresponding question and Tino will immediately split.
We are on our way back to the restaurant car, where the Hardy brothers will meet us with new information regarding the driver. Very soon, the train arrives at Koper George, which means we can get off at the station.
At the Buell Museum
We continue our passage "Nancy Drew: The Last Train to the Moon Gorge" in a completely new location. We carefully examine the museum until we find a chest on which Jack Hurley's initials are visible. We go to talk with the local host. We are denied a request to open a chest - instead, we are offered to take part in several games that can be found in the museum-store. Then we decide to barter: we get for the owner the autograph of the writer Berthe Purcell, and in return we get the chest of Jack. This time the proposal is accepted. However, we still have to play games.
There are 2 games in total: horse racing and the gold rush. In the races you will have to bet on horses and hope that it is our horse that will come to the finish line first. It all depends on luck. As for the “gold rush”, everything is also quite simple here: we have to climb the golden mountain, and we need to do this faster than our rival, Bigfoot. As a reward for winning both games we will be given gold tokens. We will use a machine in which you can exchange tokens for prizes, and go look for Bert.
We get an autograph
Bert agrees to sign a photo for the owner of the museum, however, for this she will need a pen. Then we go to Tino Balducci - he probably has what we need! The detective seems to be happy to share the pen, but only on one condition - we must play the game “Quick Lizards” with him. The principle of the game is very simple and somewhat reminiscent of checkers. We defeat Balducci, take the pen and go back to Berthe. On the way back to the museum, we will meet the Hardy brothers, who will tell us that several heroes decided to go to search the mine. We do not miss the moment and hurry back to the train in order to properly search the other people's compartments.
This concludes our passage of the "Last Train to the Moon Gorge." Nance Drew is a really interesting series of detective games that it is better to try to go on your own. You can buy a game for PC on almost all digital trading platforms. This is an official purchase, without any additional “pills” and cracks for the “Last Train to the Moon Gorge”. Of course, you can also use torrents by downloading an unlicensed copy. To ensure that the game starts without problems and does not require a disk, we recommend downloading NoCd “Last Train to the Moon Gorge”.
Good luck in revealing this complicated matter to all detectives and detectives!