1 month of a child’s life - important developmental parameters

1 month of a child’s life is very important for both the baby and his mother. During this period, the little man adapts to life outside the reliable womb of the mother. And then the woman learns to be a mother, sensitively reacting to any changes in the life of her baby.

1 month baby's life

Physical indicators

The first month of the baby's life is a special period when physiological parameters can tell the mother a lot.

The first thing you should pay attention to right in the hospital is how much the baby sleeps. A healthy and well-developing child at this time spends almost all day in a dream, remaining active for 2-4 hours. Moreover, in a dream he can eat, actively move his arms and legs.

The second is an increase in the parameters of the baby. So, according to WHO, a child should gain at least 600 grams during the first month, grow by about three centimeters and increase his head volume by one and a half centimeters. The first signal of concern is the shortage of the indicated weight. However, if the child is actively eating, has a good chair, then you should wait for the planned examination of the doctor.

baby development in the first month of life

The third is vision. In 1 month of a child’s life, it begins to focus. The kid gradually begins to distinguish silhouettes, recognize relatives, shows interest in the contemplation of objects.

The fourth is rumor. In a dream, as a rule, the child does not respond to loud sounds. But in a state of wakefulness, he is obliged to startle with sharp and loud sounds. It is also worth noting that if the baby has problems with the ears, then he can show it with the help of active torsion.

The fifth is the sense of smell. Normally, only by the end of the first month the so-called mucous cleansing can begin in the child. However, to determine whether it is, only a specialist can. Therefore, at the first sign of a runny nose, you should consult a doctor. Ignoring this symptom or self-medication can lead to the fact that the baby stops responding to odors.

Sixth is the chair. The development of the child in the first month of life largely depends on its nutrition. Its quality and quantity are easily determined by the chair. Normally, a breastfed baby will be emptied after each feeding. The artificial kid does this once or twice a day. Both should have a golden stool.

Mental indicators

1 month of a child’s life is completely focused on the formation of reflexes. The main one is sucking. With its help, the child receives much-needed milk for him. Moreover, this rule applies to both infants and artificial persons.

first month of baby’s life

The following three reflexes are aimed at an active knowledge of the world - grasping, Mora and search. Grasping allows you to explore the surface, search - the location of objects in space, Mora is responsible for recognizing the sound and its source.

In 1 month of a child’s life, future erect posture skills are also formed. Four reflexes contribute to this - support, swimming, crawling and walking. The reflex of the support makes the baby completely completely come into contact with the surface of the feet for a while. Swimming reflex - to perform characteristic movements in the “lying on his stomach” position. Crawling and walking reflexes reflect the ability to walk in the future.

All the indicators described are very important so that at the first examination the doctor can evaluate how completely not only the physical, but also the mental development of the child occurs.

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