Badger fat: use for children. How to treat children with badger fat?

The most difficult period for parents is when the children get sick. Indeed, in such a situation, I want to help the child as much as possible, and to do everything right is far from always possible. This article will talk about a tool such as badger fat. The use of this medicine for children of different ages is an important point that I want to talk about.

badger fat use for children

What it is?

Before you understand how to treat a child with badger fat, you must definitely consider what kind of remedy it is. First of all, it is worth saying that it has not yet been fully studied by official medicine, but most doctors recommend it in certain situations. The most widespread this tool has received in traditional medicine. What is included in such a natural medicine? So, these are important polyunsaturated fatty acids, namely oleic (refers to Omega-3 acids, it perfectly lowers blood cholesterol, helps to produce antioxidants, improves metabolism and even stops the growth of malignant tumors) and linoleic (perfectly normalizes blood sugar, preventing the development of a disease such as diabetes). And of course, a group of vitamins, among which vitamin A stands out (necessary for bones and vision, promotes hair and nail growth and even slows down the aging process) and a group of vitamins B (sources of strength and energy for the body).

Where could I buy?

It is worth noting that you can buy badger fat in health shops (this is the so-called pharmacy option). However, here this product is already sold with certain additives: flavors, preservatives for a longer shelf life. So there is little left of the pure product. Pure badger fat can be bought from industrial hunters. However, in such a situation, they must present a document stating that the animal was examined by a veterinarian. In addition, it is not so easy to melt fat, for this it is necessary to know certain technologies and strictly observe the order of the process.

how to treat a child with badger fat

When to apply?

If parents want to try to give the baby badger fat, the use for children, its features is a very important point that needs to be studied first. So, this is not a panacea for all ills. Well, this drug works with colds, in particular with bronchopulmonary diseases. Best remedy helps with coughing. However, there are more serious diseases in which such a natural medicine also works well. This pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma, helps with wounds, burns and even copes with various purulent processes.

Minimum threshold

It is important to know at what age the treatment of badger fat in children can be prescribed. So, some parents may think that before the age of 12 it is better for the baby not to give this remedy, because before this period the liver still does not completely absorb fat. However, do not be scared, because in this product there are only fats necessary for the body, which the child just needs. So you can use it without fear from the age of three. However, doing this is still not recommended.

treatment with badger fat for children


How to be treated with a remedy like badger fat? The use for children, of course, will differ from the treatment of adults, this must be remembered. Also, the amount of medication will vary depending on the age of the child. The youngest children (at the age of three) need a third of a teaspoon at a time. Babies 4-6 years of age - half a teaspoon. And from about seven years old, the dose can be increased to a full teaspoon. It is very important to remember that this drug is best drunk on an empty stomach, about 40-50 minutes before a meal. The average course of treatment should be 10 days, but no more than two weeks. We talked about pure badger fat. If this medicine is sold in gelatin capsules, it is better not to give it to children under the age of six. Further - according to the instructions that will be attached to the pharmacy form of the drug.

Important point

Parents will also find useful information on how to give badger fat to their children. After all, in itself it has an unpleasant taste and a specific smell. And the baby may simply refuse to use it in its pure form. It doesn’t matter, why not just disguise the medicine?

how to give badger fat to children

Option 1. Milk

If the baby does not have problems with the digestibility of lactose, you can try to give the mentioned remedy with milk. For this, it is best to heat the liquid and add the right amount of fat (depending on the age of the baby). You need to drink the mixture in small sips, in which case the medicine will work better.

Option 2. Honey

How else can babies be given badger fat? The use of this product with honey for children is the way out of the situation. However, it is important to know if the child has allergic reactions to the sweet product. So, if the crumbs honey is eaten for the first time, it is better to do a small home allergy test first - give the baby a little one day before taking the remedy. If all is well, first at room temperature it is better to melt the badger fat and only then add honey there. However, this will be a small dose, because the ideal combination of this product with additives is 3: 1, where three parts of it are badger fat and only one is “delicious”. If the baby does not like honey, it can be replaced with jam or jam. However, in such a situation, it is necessary to observe the ideal ratio.

badger cough fat for children

Option 3. External application

How else can badger fat for coughing help children? You can also apply grinding with this product. To do this, before going to bed (and for children 5-6 years old and more often), you need to properly lubricate the chest and back area with this tool. You need to rub it with massage movements. It is also important to say that it is better to melt the product first, because it is stored in the refrigerator. Well, it’s best to put on old linen after the procedure, because the badger fat aroma is easily absorbed into clothes and then is difficult to wash.

For the smallest

If children are less than three years old, taking fat inside is not recommended, but rubbing is just right. They certainly will not do any harm, but only help to cope with the cough.

how to treat children with badger fat

The dynamics of treatment

It is worth noting that if the mother uses this remedy to treat the child, positive dynamics can be observed after several days of use. However, to celebrate, there is no need to give up treatment. It is better to bring it to the end, using this natural remedy for 7-10 days. There will be no harm from this, and the disease only in this case will go away completely. If the parents notice that the child cough breaks out, you should not be afraid to immediately give a dose of this drug, in such a situation it is easier to cope with the disease at its earliest stage.


Knowing how to treat children with badger fat, it is worth saying that this tool can also be used to prevent colds. To prepare a folk medicine, you need to mix 100 grams of badger fat mixed with the same amount of honey, walnuts, dried apricots and raisins. Take such a tasty and healthy mixture in doses according to the age of the child.


It is also important to know if there are contraindications for the use of badger fat. Yes, but this is only an individual intolerance to the components of this tool. There are no more restrictions on its admission for children.

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