Ovarian stimulation for pregnancy planning. Methods, drugs, contraindications

Many women who are desperate to become pregnant and have a baby decide to stimulate. It is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. The independent use of certain drugs can lead to unpleasant consequences and complications. This article will tell you about how ovarian stimulation works to plan pregnancy in different situations. You will learn about some medications that help increase egg growth. You can also find out what reviews ovarian stimulation has for planning pregnancy.

testicular stimulation for pregnancy planning

What is this procedure?

Many women who are faced with the problem of conception are aware of what ovarian stimulation is for planning pregnancy. However, there are also representatives of the weaker sex who first hear about this manipulation. What is it?

Stimulation is the effect on the female genital organs, in particular on the ovaries, with medications. During the procedure, there is an increase in the release of certain hormones by the pituitary gland. Thus, the doctor can correct the condition of the woman in the direction he needs. There are a great many preparations for stimulation. Not all of them are used for every woman. Choosing a list of medicines is the prerogative of the doctor. However, this should be done only after diagnosis.

ovarian stimulation for pregnancy planning reviews

When is the procedure necessary?

Ovarian stimulation for pregnancy planning is always done with in vitro fertilization. This condition is mandatory even when a woman has a stable cycle and regular follicular maturation.

Another indication for manipulation is the lack of ovulation in a woman for six consecutive cycles. It is worth recalling that this situation completely deprives a woman of fertility.

An indication for ovarian stimulation is the desire of a couple to conceive two or more children at once. If a representative of the weaker sex is in such a situation that she needs to remove the ovaries, then the procedure is carried out with the aim of freezing the cells for further fertilization.


Ovarian stimulation for planning pregnancy is not performed for polycystic. In other words, if your reproductive organs monthly produce several dominant follicles that do not burst, then the procedure can only aggravate the situation. In this case, an individual approach to each patient is selected. Sometimes surgical intervention is required.

There is no ovarian stimulation for planning pregnancy with menopause. Theoretically, while in menopause, a woman can conceive a child with the help of certain hormonal drugs. However, most experts consider such an act frivolous. Indeed, with the age of a woman, the risk of having a child with deviations increases. Also, in about half of all cases of stimulation before menopause, the doctor and the patient are defeated, since the pituitary and ovaries no longer respond to the drugs used properly.

Carrying out the procedures is contraindicated in the event that a representative of the weaker sex has an increased sensitivity to the selected medications. Also, a woman's ovaries do not stimulate if there are fertility problems in her partner. In such a situation, it is necessary to find a good specialist and first restore the fertility of the man.

Stimulation is not performed if there are problems with the endometrium. Indeed, even if fertilization occurs, the embryo simply can not attach itself to the wall of the genital organ.

ovarian stimulation for planning pregnancy with folk remedies


How to stimulate the ovaries to plan pregnancy? First, a woman needs to be examined. The main of all diagnostic procedures is ultrasound. During the procedure, a specialist examines the ovaries, determines their size and the presence of dominant follicles. The condition of the endometrium is also established.

Ovarian stimulation involves the use of hormones. Depending on the condition of the woman and her preferences, the preparations may take the form of capsules for oral use and solutions. The latter are administered intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously. Stimulation is usually carried out from the second or fifth day of the cycle. This month, a woman is assigned from three ultrasound diagnostics that will help determine the accuracy of the ovum's release with an accuracy of several hours.

ovarian stimulation for planning pregnancy with menopause


Ovarian stimulation for planning pregnancy with IVF is done by several means at once. First, the patient is given drugs that contribute to the growth of the follicle. Then the eggs are removed, and the woman begins to take hormones of the second phase. This is necessary to maintain the development of embryos, which in a few days will fall into the uterine cavity. In the natural cycle with stimulation, everything is somewhat different. First, the doctor grows follicles, after which they rupture. Only after this, the future pregnant woman begins the use of hormonal preparations of the second phase.

Among all the drugs used, the following can be noted. "Menopur" and "Menogon" - they regulate the balance of hormonal substances in the body. "Puregon" and "Gonal" - these compounds contribute to the production of follicle-stimulating hormone. “Rotted”, “Ovitrel” - in the composition of these funds there is chorionic gonadotropin. It acts on mature cells, contributing to their proper opening. Also, these drugs prepare the reproductive organ for the upcoming pregnancy. “Serofen” and “Clomid”, as well as the well-known “Klosteglite”. These medicines have an antiestrogenic effect.

how to stimulate the ovaries to plan pregnancy

Action algorithm

How is ovarian stimulation phased? It all depends on the chosen technique. In most cases, a woman is prescribed drugs such as "Klostilbegita", which she takes on an individual basis. They help lower estrogen levels and stimulate follicular growth.

Next comes the time of hCG. Usually this substance is injected. There may be several. Prescribe injections immediately before ovulation.

The final stage of stimulation is the use of drugs such as Dufaston or Utrozhestan. At the same time, future mothers are prescribed vitamin complexes containing folic acid in their composition. After receiving the results of the analysis, the correction scheme can be changed.

eco-friendly ovarian stimulation

Alternative stimulation method and reviews

Most gynecologists and reproductologists report that the use of folk remedies for stimulation can be dangerous. Few people manage to get the desired result from such an intervention. However, complications can be expected in almost every woman.

Most women use the same drug throughout the stimulation of folk recipes. Whereas conventional manipulation involves a multiphase change of drugs. Reviews of women about this technique are twofold. Some say that they managed to get pregnant, while others scold this principle of intervention.

Ovarian stimulation for pregnancy planning with folk remedies

What methods can be used to stimulate, so as not to resort to the help of doctors? Here are some recipes.

  • Sage. This plant must be brewed and drunk instead of regular tea from the 5th to the 15th day of the cycle. Sage is known to suppress prolactin, which often prevents pregnancy.
  • Roses and plantain. The dried fruits of these plants are poured with boiling water in the same proportion. Next, you need to let the broth brew and strain it. Take the composition immediately after the end of menstruation until the middle of the cycle.

It is worth saying that despite many positive reviews, such therapy is not carried out in preparation for in vitro fertilization.

ovarian stimulation if you need to get pregnant hcg

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know how to stimulate the ovaries if you need to get pregnant. HCG analysis is given 8-14 days after ovulation, which must be confirmed by ultrasound. The results of this study will answer the main question - did you manage to get pregnant.

Remember, if you have problems conceiving, then you should consult a doctor. It is forbidden to independently use the above means, as they can cause unpleasant reactions. In some situations (with hyperstimulation), apoplexy occurs - this is an ovarian rupture. Such a pathology requires emergency surgical care. Health to you and good results!

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