What kind of holiday is Vegetarian Day?

The refusal of meat today does not surprise anyone. An increasing number of progressive youth are becoming adherents of such a movement as vegetarianism. The reasons why people refuse to use products of animal origin lie in ethical aspects, and sometimes in the healing of the body. It is believed that the rejection of meat can bring a person longevity, make his body tighter and stronger. And, it is worth noting, there are more and more supporters of this point of view every year. And now they even have their own separate holiday, which is called: Vegetarian Day.

vegetarian day

Celebrating it began in 1977 in the United States, and since 1978 - all over the world. The official date when the world community celebrates World Vegetarian Day is October 1. She was chosen by the North American Vegetarian Society. From this day begins the so-called "month of vegetarian awareness." What it is?

World Vegetarian Day

Vegetarian Day begins a series of events aimed at developing this movement, drawing attention to its problems, as well as promoting the idea of ​​rejecting meat among the world's population. They are carried out by enthusiasts around the world in the form of charity events, concerts with the participation of world stars. Among the latter, by the way, there are a lot of supporters of the ideas of vegetarianism. For example, persistent admirers of this attitude to the world are Paul McCartney, Madonna, Richard Gere, Brad Pitt, and from Russian celebrities - Valeria, Lyme Vaikule, Tina Kandelaki. With their performances, they attract fans to the path of vegetarianism.

Vegetarian Day is also celebrated in Russia. Especially in large cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg. For example, in the “cultural capital” last year, enthusiasts conducted a free tasting of vegetarian dishes for everyone, in order to show that without meat you can eat tasty, healthy and varied. As part of the holiday, the organizers handed out passers-by printed materials, which highlighted the features of vegetarian ethics and the advantages of switching to this course. But a visitor to the VKontakte social network in 2012 staged a real flash mob on Vegetarian Day - on October 1, they massively installed on their avatars an image of Albert Einstein, known for his commitment to the ideals of this movement.

what to give a vegetarian

The events dedicated to the refusal to eat animal meat on November 1, when representatives of the radical branch - veganism celebrate their holiday, are ending. This trend also requires its supporters to completely abandon the use of animal products in everyday life. What to present to a vegetarian on his “professional solemn holiday”? The best present will, of course, be your decision to join the ranks of supporters of such a lifestyle. But even a cooked dish from the category of recipes for vegetarian food will be a good surprise for a supporter of this humanistic concept of life.

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