The skin of babies is delicate and sensitive. It is more susceptible to negative influence from the external environment inhabited by pathogenic microorganisms. As a result of exposure to non-sterile microflora, various irritations and pustules often appear on the skin of a child. This problem is especially acute for newborns. An infectious disease characterized by the appearance of pustular lesions on the skin is called pyoderma (pictured). Symptoms in children and the treatment of the disease are described in detail in our article.
What is pyoderma?
Under the name of this disease, a number of purulent-inflammatory processes on the skin caused by pathogens are concentrated. The causative agents of pyoderma in children (in the photo above you can see a sick baby) include bacteria streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli. However, in some cases, pyoderma occurs due to non-compliance with basic hygiene requirements for caring for a child. Due to the high sensitivity of the skin, the disease is most often diagnosed in infants. They account for almost 50% of all clinical cases.
At the very beginning of the disease, small inflammations appear in some areas of the child’s skin, which soon take the form of pustules. With a mild course of pyoderma, inflammation practically does not cause any discomfort to the baby. But the disease has a tendency to rapid progression, therefore, it needs competent and timely treatment.
Causes of occurrence
Under certain conditions, the skin of newborns becomes a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. In infants, immunity is still so poorly developed that any external stimuli can provoke the spread of the disease throughout the entire skin area. Moreover, this is happening rapidly.
The main cause of pyoderma in children is non-compliance with hygienic skin care for the baby. But there are a number of other factors that can trigger the development of this disease:
- violation of the integrity of the skin (wounds, abrasions, cuts);
- the negative effects of low and high temperatures;
- close contact with the direct carrier of a bacterial infection;
- malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, unbalanced diet;
- excessively high humidity, as well as dampness in the room where the child is;
- allergic reactions to the causative agent of the disease;
- decreased immunity;
- chronic infectious diseases;
- insufficient amount of sebaceous glands;
- dry skin.
How is pyoderma transmitted?
Allocate a group of children who are more likely than others to manifest symptoms of this disease. These include:
- newborns;
- children attending preschool, where the infection spreads quickly enough;
- babies from dysfunctional families, where the child is not provided with good nutrition and proper hygiene;
- children of any age living in dusty and damp areas.
Pyoderma in children is an infectious disease. Its causative agent is pathogenic microflora, which is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. However, for infection with pyoderma, certain unfavorable conditions are necessary.
Disease classification
Depending on the depth and nature of the skin lesion, different forms of pyoderma in children are distinguished. Symptoms and treatment for each of the diseases listed below may vary. Let us dwell on the forms of pyoderma in more detail:
- Diaper dermatitis - manifests itself in the form of a small bubble rash. In violation of the integrity of the integument, small pustules appear in this place.
- Follicles are nodular formations that have a red-blue color. When exposed to them, the child experiences pain and discomfort. Over time, purulent heads filled with opaque contents appear on the nodules.
- Epidemic pemphigus is a serious disease in which the palms and feet of a child are affected. In violation of the integrity of the bubbles in their place, wounds occur.
- Furuncle - purulent inflammation of the skin the size of a small pea to a walnut. Initially manifested in the form of burning, itching and discomfort in the depths of the skin. Then, at the site of redness, a purulent rod is formed. Most often, it is opened by surgery, and the remaining ulcer heals over time.
- Carbuncle - several boils, combined into one large entity. When they are opened by surgery, a large amount of pus is released and a wound is formed, after which a scar remains.
- Hydradenitis is an inflammation of the sweat glands in the form of pink vesicles filled with pus. The disease is localized in the armpits and in the folds of the skin.
- Periporitis is one of the forms of pyoderma that develops as a result of increased sweating. The rash in the form of weeping small rashes affects the skin folds and quickly spreads throughout the body, merging with each other.
If a child has symptoms of pyoderma, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately in order to start treatment on time. We will dwell on the signs of the disease in more detail.
Symptoms of pyoderma in children
Diagnose the disease by the following signs:
- redness of the skin area;
- pain and burning at the site of the lesion;
- relief change, swelling;
- itching and irritation;
- purulent formations on the skin;
- worsening of well-being.
Most of the symptoms of pyoderma (pictured) in children cause severe discomfort. In addition, if improperly treated, combed wounds can become a new source of infection. In this case, the child may have a fever, appear weakness, irritability.
Pyoderma of the scalp is very difficult to treat. Initially, the disease manifests itself in the form of pustules on the skin, in the center of which there is a hair shaft. As a result of inflammation of the bulbs, itching and redness occurs. For high-quality treatment of affected areas, hair is recommended to be cut.
Possible complications
If the therapy was prescribed out of time, pyoderma in children can spread to new areas of the skin. The disease in most cases is quite severe and causes the following complications:
- sleep disturbance;
- loss of appetite;
- lag in the physical and mental development of crumbs;
- extensive intoxication;
- blood poisoning.
To prevent the spread of infection, laboratory tests of purulent discharge are carried out. This will determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. Additionally, the child takes blood for analysis, the indicators of which will be able to confirm the diagnosis.
Traditional treatment of pyoderma in children
After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment taking into account the depth and nature of the lesion. For this, drugs intended for internal and external use are used. Treatment of pyoderma in children should occur strictly under the supervision of a physician.
If there is a risk of extensive infection of the body, the child is prescribed oral medication:
- antibiotics (Ampicillin, Lincomycin);
- antihistamines ("Zodak", "Loratadine");
- sulfonamide drugs (with antibiotic intolerance);
- immunomodulators.
At the same time as taking medications inside, preparations for external use are prescribed:
- iodine - for the treatment of affected areas;
- "Chlorhexidine" - to prevent the spread of the focus of infection;
- antibacterial ointments;
- Vishnevsky ointment - with deep skin lesions in the form of boils and carbuncles;
- hormonal ointments - in severe cases of the disease.
The use of traditional medicine
Excellent results can be achieved if you use folk remedies in the treatment of pyoderma in children. A photo of one of the most effective natural healers is presented above. Traditional medicine has a healing, antibacterial and antiseptic effect on the affected areas of the skin.
High efficiency have:
- Compress with aloe juice. To prepare it, a fresh leaf of the plant must be crushed and combined with a small amount of water. Moisten a piece of tissue with the resulting solution and attach it to the affected area.
- Grated raw potato appliqués. The slurry prepared with a fine grater is applied to the vesicles and pustules.
- Infusion of ginger root. Finely grated root is poured with a glass of boiling water. After the solution is infused, it is filtered, moistened in it with soft tissue and applied to the skin of the child.
Other treatments for the disease
Physiotherapeutic methods are highly effective for the restoration of affected skin areas with pyoderma in children. Depending on the complexity of the course of the disease, the following procedures can be prescribed for babies and schoolchildren:
- healing baths based on mineral waters and hydrogen sulfide;
- infrared treatment;
- UHF therapy;
- oxygen baths ;
- magnetotherapy;
- UV therapy.
If traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment are ineffective, while boils and carbuncles constantly appear on the child’s body, surgery is prescribed. The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia. To treat the remaining scars, special ointments are used.
Features of caring for a patient with pyoderma
To increase the effectiveness of treatment prescribed by a doctor, the following requirements must be observed:
- Carry out hygiene twice a day.
- Be sure to carry out the treatment of affected areas.
- Cut hair if the disease has covered the hairline. This will allow better processing of the skin surface.
- More often trim your nails, make sure that the baby does not comb the skin.
One of the features of pyoderma in children is the rapid spread of infection from one site to another. To avoid this, you must strictly follow the rules of hygiene.
Preventive actions
To prevent the onset and spread of the disease, a number of measures to prevent pyoderma should be taken:
- daily hygiene procedures;
- trim your nails in time;
- provide a complete and balanced diet;
- guarantee a good night's sleep;
- to strengthen immunity (sunbathing, daily walks in the fresh air);
- creating favorable conditions for growth and development;
- timely treatment of any abrasions and wounds on the skin with antiseptic agents;
- restriction of contacts with other children when they detect the first signs of the disease;
- regular wet cleaning in the room where the child sleeps and plays;
- systematic disinfection of toys.
It is important to remember that pyoderma is a contagious disease. For its successful treatment, it is important to detect the first symptoms in time and take measures to eliminate them. If signs of pyoderma appear too often, it is recommended to consult an immunologist.