At different stages of pregnancy, a woman may experience new sensations. They are not always pleasant. Sometimes it’s just not clear whether this is normal? This makes the woman in position even more uncomfortable. Many people feel clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy. In this article we will try to understand the causes of this phenomenon and find out whether this is the norm or pathology.
What do clicks in the stomach mean?
Hearing strange sounds in the form of clicks, a pregnant woman begins to worry and worry that something is wrong with the baby. However, there is no cause for concern at all. This is the safest symptom that accompanies a woman's pregnancy. He usually does not portend any threats to the baby's health and pregnancy.
A woman may begin to feel clicks in the abdomen from the 31st week of pregnancy. In the third trimester, the fetus becomes already quite large, takes up more and more space in the mother’s stomach. At this time, this already relatively independent little man can make all kinds of sounds.
Usually, in addition to clicks, the expectant mother can hear other sounds. For example, gurgling, rumbling, popping and other sounds. They are produced by the body of the mother and the child and are a normal physiological process.
Possible causes of clicks
There is still no unanimous opinion on the causes of clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy. Specialists agree on only one thing: this is not dangerous.
It is likely that these sounds are due to the fact that the baby just releases gas, burps or hiccups. If you observe such sounds rarely enough, then this may mean that your child, for example, bites his fist or sucks a finger.
Mobility of the fetus can cause gurgling in the abdomen. When the baby is active, bubbles with amniotic fluid burst. This causes such sound effects.
Some pregnant women experience a peculiar crack in the abdomen. These may be the joints of the child. But do not panic, this is also a normal process. After all, the bone system of the crumbs has not yet become stronger. By the way, you can hear such a crack until the child is one year old.
It also happens that all these sounds have nothing to do with the child. They are published by the mother's body, for example, accompanying the digestive process. It may also be due to discrepancy in the pelvic bones. In this case, clicks in the abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy may already mean an approaching birth. And if they are accompanied by leakage of water or discharge of the mucous plug, then you need to urgently go to the hospital.
Is there anything worth doing?
If you heard clicks in the abdomen at the 35th week of pregnancy, then this is not a reason to worry. Initially, it is recommended to calm down so as not to cause other unwanted symptoms that may already have negative consequences. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that this is an absolutely normal phenomenon that every pregnant woman experiences.
However, if you are very worried about these symptoms and are worried about your baby’s health, you can go to your gynecologist for an emergency. He will examine you and find out what caused these sounds and sensations. You can also undergo an additional examination to make sure that your baby is all right.
Click Location
The woman can hear the sounds of clicks anywhere in the abdomen. Often, clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy are localized in the navel. They are best heard there, because in this place the skin is much thinner.
Often, along with the sound, you can feel the tremors of the baby. Since the baby is constantly moving, the place and nature of the sound will depend on what position he takes. A woman can hear it distinctly or, on the contrary, as if from a distance.
Some of the expectant mothers hear these sounds in the chest area, someone in the navel, and someone from the uterus at all.
Hubble or clicks?
These two sensations need to be clearly separated. If the clicks do not carry a threat, then gurgling can just mean pathology.
At the 8th week of pregnancy, clicks in the abdomen can easily be confused with gurgling. This is because the embryo at this time is still very tiny and cannot make such sounds.
At the beginning of pregnancy, the woman’s body changes dramatically. This may cause the following conditions:
- digestive disorders;
- constipation
- bloating;
- rumbling or gurgling;
- increased gas formation.
Such symptoms can occur in any person, and in order to get rid of them, just reconsider your diet.
Often gurgling in the abdomen means a violation of the intestinal microflora. In this case, pain is also observed in the navel. It is recommended that you contact your gynecologist and, if necessary, visit a gastroenterologist.
Possible deviations
Since the body of each woman is individual, clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy at 36 weeks or at any other time may indicate the presence of pathology. Therefore, it is recommended to always report your feelings to your gynecologist.
Among the possible deviations that the clicks signal, are observed:
- premature discharge of amniotic fluid;
- symphysiopathy;
- high water;
- umbilical hernia.
Premature discharge of amniotic fluid
This means that the fetal bladder burst before the onset of labor. In such a situation, you must immediately call an ambulance. Typically, a woman experiences a sharp click, pop, or crack at this moment, which indicates a rupture of the fetal bladder. Also, there is a simultaneous outflow of a large amount of liquid of a transparent or pink color. Or, on the contrary, slow leakage, which increases when lying down or when changing the position of the body. In addition, the stomach is reduced in size.
This is an increase in the distance between the pubic bones. Normally, in the third trimester, a slight divergence of the pubic joint is observed . This indicates the preparation of the body for childbirth. However, if this process becomes pathological, then the woman experiences pain in the pubic region in a sitting position, when walking or bending. Also, her gait may change. She becomes like a duck - with small side steps. In addition, there is a crunch or crepitus when exposed to the symphysis.
The situation may be complicated by the large weight of the child or multiple pregnancy. Symphysiopathy is a rather serious pathology that can lead to disability due to rupture of the pubic joint during childbirth. However, with its timely detection, the situation can still be adjusted.
High water
This pathological condition can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy and the birth process. In the presence of an increased amount of amniotic fluid, a gurgle is observed, which is often confused with clicks. Concomitant symptoms are severity and pain in the abdomen, shortness of breath, swelling of the lower extremities and mismatch of the abdominal circumference with gestational age. However, a diagnosis such as polyhydramnios is made only after an ultrasound scan.
Umbilical hernia
Since the pressure on the abdominal cavity increases during pregnancy, women with weak umbilical ring muscles have a risk of umbilical hernia. Her appearance can provoke a large fetal weight, polyhydramnios and overweight in women. Visually, it looks like a "popped out" navel or just a protrusion in its area. This phenomenon is painless, and when pressed, a characteristic click sound appears. The general condition of the woman remains the same.
Expert opinion
Almost all doctors consider the presence of clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy as absolutely normal. Pregnant women themselves say that in this way the baby supposedly communicates with them. In fact, the "sounds of the abdomen" are provoked by the sounds that make the ligaments, joints of the bones of the pelvis and muscles. This is because the growing uterus constantly presses on the bones and ligaments, which leads to their stretching. Just the process of sprain and is accompanied by characteristic clicks.
In addition, such sounds can cause amniotic fluid movements when the baby is active. As a rule, “pregnancy sounds” appear in the third trimester, closer to childbirth. In the absence of concomitant symptoms, there is no cause for concern. Therefore, the appeared clicks in the abdomen at the 37th week of pregnancy can be considered a normal option. Thus, your body prepares for the upcoming birth. This is inherent in nature, and you should not panic. On the contrary, it is recommended to communicate more with your baby, to prepare him for the moment of meeting with you. Tactile contact is also important. If you hear that the clicks have become frequent and are accompanied by movements from the side of the child, then stroke the stomach, thereby calming your Nutcracker.