For all women, the state of pregnancy is the time of daily discoveries in their body. Every day they feel something new, the tummy is growing, and with it the future baby. It is interesting that many women do not feel their motherhood until the baby begins to push them slowly from the inside. From that moment on, mom begins to realize that she will never be alone, and even now she can begin to communicate with her child through stroking. So, when does the baby begin to move?
By the tenth week of pregnancy, the baby begins to actively swim inside her future mother, but she, due to its too small size, can not feel it. The time when a child begins to move depends on what kind of birth a woman will have. So during the second and subsequent pregnancies, she feels the tremors of her baby about two weeks earlier than the birthright mother. The first time a baby can kick in the 20th week of the first pregnancy.
Many mothers are constantly listening to their body, afraid to miss the very first push of their baby. On the one hand, such a close attention to their feelings for a woman in an interesting position will never be superfluous, and on the other, precisely because of the excessive expectation of movements, they can take what they wish for reality. In other words, not always some movements in the abdomen may be associated with the activity of the baby. In the early stages, these sensations are most likely caused by commonplace flatulence, from which almost all pregnant women suffer.
The day when the child begins to move, you must definitely remember, since it is to some extent an indicator of its development. Despite the fact that all the children individually develop, nevertheless, the mother should feel the first blows of the baby no later than the 23rd week of pregnancy. Also, some gynecologists put the estimated date of birth for this day. This method is used when the doctor doubts the correctness of the DA set on the day of the last menstruation.
With the beginning of this period, all mothers have a question: “How much should a child move?” There is no definite answer, since everything is very individual here. The main thing is that the mother should feel the baby and its movements daily and regularly. If the tremors become too strong and occur with a short period of time, it is worth contacting a antenatal clinic. This may indicate that the child does not have enough oxygen in the womb. If the baby has not made any statement about itself during the day, then you should immediately contact a gynecologist, as it may be that he is not breathing, or some other pathological situation has occurred that requires surgery.
If the child is actively stirring with short breaks for sleep, then we can talk about his normal development. With each passing day, future parents will increasingly notice how their baby is having fun in his mother’s belly. At first, this will not cause the mother almost any inconvenience, but with the growth of the child, his movements will become more pronounced and the woman may feel some discomfort associated with this.
The time when the baby begins to move is a kind of countdown to birth. Now he or she will grow literally before our eyes, and his presence will be more and more noticeable. Mom must be very attentive to the baby's movements and in case of any negative suspicions must immediately consult a doctor. The baby cannot yet say that he is worried about something and independently solve his problems, so a woman should listen to her body constantly, learn to catch his changes.