Reboot and select boot device proper error: causes, remedies

The appearance of a message on the monitor screen that says Reboot and select the proper boot device is completely confusing for many users. Starting an operating system is not possible. But why? Further, it is proposed to consider the essence of this computer failure and apply some simple solutions to fix it. But in order to use them, initially at least approximately you need to know what actually caused the unpleasant failure.

Reboot and select proper boot device error : what is it?

Actually, the very nature of the error must be considered from the point of view of a purely technical translation of the message that appears.

reboot and select boot device proper

. , , . . , , (, ). .

, Reboot and select proper boot device? , BIOS , . .

Reboot and select proper boot device :

  • (BIOS/UEFI);
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ..


BIOS. , .

writes reboot and select proper boot device

Boot, , - Boot device priority Boot sequence. PageUp/PageDown, . , (F10 + Y).

, , «». Reboot and select proper boot device. ?

reboot and select proper boot device error

, CMOS, BIOS . : . . , .

Reboot and select proper boot device . UEFI, BIOS, . , , , .

«Reboot and select proper boot device»:

F9 F10, . . , Reboot and select proper boot device , .

– . (chkdsk /r/f/x/). , , ?

laptop reboot and select proper boot device

. Hiren’s Boot CD. HDD Regenerator, , «». .

, , .

( Shift + F10).

reboot and select proper boot device

, . , – .

( Reboot and select proper boot device).

Rescue Disk, ( USB-), (, BIOS).

, , . , , , , . , , . , , BIOS, ( ) . , .

If none of the above methods work, then you will have to change the hard drive, because critical errors can be solely due to the fact that it began to fail. There is nothing to be done, and, of course, it is completely naive to hope for the use of the HDD Regenerator program. No matter how good it is, it is simply not able to eliminate absolutely all problems with the hard drive.

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