What kind of holiday is the Precinct Day?

Many dates are known to us from an early age. They are celebrated by all the people (New Year, for example). But there are events that affect only a small part of people, according to professional affiliation. Here is a festive date, like the Day of the district officer, for what was invented? Why is this small group of homeworkers highlighted?

Why instituted the Precinct Day

district day

The fact is that among the servants of order there are people whose main task is to take care of the tranquility of local residents. Of course, the normal life of the people, their protection from criminals are the main goal of the authorities. But this global task is divided into many linear, point. The degree of police contact with the public also depends on the direction of work. Most often, people see the district. According to his work, he judges the entire system of internal affairs bodies. It turns out that the district police officer is the face of the police! This is exactly the person who shapes public opinion about all her employees! They understood this at a time when organs were just starting their work. In 1923, the list of tasks of the district police officer (instruction) was approved. The date of the event is November 17th. Since then, the day of the precinct. The purpose of the holiday itself is to increase the level of respect of the population for law enforcement officers. Although this attitude itself directly depends on the person performing these functions.

District Day in Russia

day of the local inspector

When the state was formed, memorable dates and holidays did not begin to change. Why, if the functions were performed, as before, by the same people? Over time, they only began to increase the significance of the activities of district inspectors. At the festival, it is customary to celebrate their merits, to reward or encourage. But the best recognition of success at all times for the inspector is the respect of the population. The district police officer works with those people who prevent others from living. If you carefully understand, it is clear that his fate is unenviable. All the time to solve the problems of antisocial elements, to deal with rowdy, to calm drunks! This is very different from what ordinary office workers face. The day of the district inspector is a holiday of a real defender. Almost imperceptibly for the population, this man carries his heavy duty watch, filled with small daily feats. The district police officer does not have “rest time”. Of course, his working day is regulated, like any other. But a worker who is able to refuse to help local residents on the grounds that working time has run out will not stay long in his position. And the authorities will not tolerate him, since he will not perform his functions. It turns out that the district police officer is a person with round-the-clock employment! Its main task is to create close and confidential contact with the population.

How to congratulate your precinct

district day in Russia

Unfortunately, only people in trouble ask such a question. They understand very well that they have nowhere to look for protection from arrogant hooligans or rowdy. Only an inspector can help in solving small but extremely exhausting problems. For those who have already realized the importance of this indispensable police officer, here is an example of a small congratulation for the defender. “The district officer’s day is a national holiday! We can take the opportunity and express our sincere gratitude for the care, attention and participation shown in the performance of duties and tasks! We firmly know that we can contact you at any time and get the necessary help! Thank you for your work! For meeting our requests! For understanding and generosity! Happy holiday! ”

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