Dill water for newborns. Instructions for use

From birth, a baby’s life can be overshadowed by abdominal pain, colic and bloating. Pediatricians consider this the norm. The newborn’s gastrointestinal tract receives and digests food for the first time. This causes discomfort to the child, and parents have a lot of anxiety. The baby at the same time screams, blushes, waves his arms and legs restlessly. It is very difficult to look at such suffering, and it is natural that parents try to find means to alleviate the condition of the baby. There are many drugs that can do this. As a rule, mothers and fathers try to choose natural and proven recipes. One of the most popular among them is dill water for newborns. Instructions for use describe in detail its healing properties.

dill water for newborns instruction

What's the secret

This wonderful tincture improves digestion, reduces gas formation and prevents the occurrence of colic. Dill water for newborns (reviews confirm this) helps and facilitates their first months of life. This tool has nothing to do with ordinary garden dill. It is made from fennel oil or from the fruits of dill pharmacy. Ready-made solution is rarely sold in pharmacies. However, it is quite simple to do it yourself. This does not require large material costs, efforts and does not take you much time. The result will not be long in coming and will certainly please you.

dill water for babies Price

How to prepare dill water for newborns

Instructions for preparing the tincture is very simple. First of all, take care of the cleanliness of your hands and wash the dishes that you will use in the process well. Fennel fruits must be carefully chopped. A glass of boiling water takes only two to three grams of raw material. It is necessary to insist it for half an hour. After that, the liquid is filtered through cheesecloth. Now dill water is ready for newborns. The instruction says that it can be given to children from two weeks of age.

How to use tincture

The child should be given one spoonful of funds before each feeding. If the baby can not drink from a spoon, you can mix the infusion into his baby formula. When breastfeeding water, it is useful to drink to the mother. Beneficial substances are transmitted to the child through milk. Dill water for newborns (the instruction makes a special emphasis on this) is not stored for a long time. For each reception, a new portion is prepared.

dill water for babies reviews

What can be replaced

The benefits of dill water for newborns are undeniable and invaluable. The price of the finished product is low (300-350 rubles). Today on the shelves of pharmacies you can find many preparations made on the basis of fennel. All of them have useful properties of this plant. Partex powder is especially popular. It is enough to dissolve the contents of the sachet in water and the remedy for colic is ready. The Espumisan, Bobotik, Bebinos, Beybikalm and others will cope perfectly with problems in the tummy. In order to choose the most suitable remedy, it is best to consult a pediatrician.

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