How to feed a nursing cat?

Your pet should soon go round. The place has already been prepared, it seems that she likes it. So, there are chances that the birth will take place there, and not in the closet on clean bedding .... However, one unresolved issue remains. How to feed a nursing cat? How to organize her food so that the kids have enough milk, and she herself does not look like a ghost in a couple of weeks?

How to feed a nursing cat

How to feed a nursing cat? Diet

Making the right menu for your pet is not an easy task. And for a young mother all the more. During the feeding of kittens, the load on the cat's body grows several times. Kids "pull" out of it all the trace elements, vitamins and calcium. Growing organisms do not think about what it costs the mother to feed three or four kittens. So that the cat does not start to molt, it retains a good appearance, was cheerful and cheerful, you need to carefully consider how and what you plan to feed it with. It is safe to say that the presence of calcium and trace elements, fats and proteins, carbohydrates and minerals should be much higher than at other times. Try to keep the cat water and food constantly. Even if you are of the opinion that you need to feed the animal only twice a day, it is worth changing your principles for this period. Otherwise, in a month you run the risk of getting a skinny, staggering from weakness misunderstanding, which for some reason responds to the name of your sleek favorite.

How to feed a nursing cat? Fresh food

How many times to feed a cat

In order to maintain the most balanced diet, try to ensure that the menu is as close to natural food as possible. Of course, you can hardly feed her mice or rats. However, food for lactating cats should include meat, a small amount of fish or fish products, goat milk, cottage cheese, eggs. Veterinarians recommend giving the egg only boiled, as this minimizes the risk of infection of the animal. Cow's milk can only be given if the animal does not have diarrhea, or if it has been accustomed to it since childhood. Otherwise, the disorder is provided first to the cat, and then to the kittens. Fresh goat milk should be introduced into the diet carefully so as not to cause diarrhea or allergies. You can and should give the nursing cat cream. However, their fat content should not exceed ten percent. You should also introduce vitamins and mineral supplements specially designed for lactating cats into the diet.

Food for nursing cats

How to feed a nursing cat? Dry mixes

Feed manufacturers offer not only rations for ordinary animals, but also mixtures for kittens, lactating cats, castrated cats. They are optimally balanced with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is also worth noting that dry food helps to avoid constant monitoring of the animal’s bowl. They do not disappear in the summer heat, they do not need to be changed. It is enough to pour food and give the animal the opportunity to drink water at will, and the issue with feeding is resolved. Each owner chooses what is most acceptable to him. But in this case, the question of how many times to feed a cat should be postponed for a better time.

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