What temperature should be in dogs: features, norms and deviations

An indicator of changes in animal health is temperature. When the pet has increased or decreased, this should alert the owner. This is a sign that the dog’s health is not all right. What is the normal temperature for a dog? How to measure it in a pet yourself? And what actions to take when the temperature is high or low?

What temperature is normal for dogs?

The owner, regularly monitoring the temperature of the dog, is always aware of the well-being of the animal. What temperature should dogs have when their health is in order? On average, it is usually 37.5-38.5 ° C.

Playing with a dog

Even healthy puppies have a slightly elevated temperature. It can reach 39 ° C. The normal temperature of different dogs varies slightly. It depends on how old the pet is, on its size, weight, breed. So, the youngest small breeds have the highest temperature. Their norm is the hottest - 39.2 ° C.

The older and larger the dog, the lower the norm of her temperature. When the dog is large and adult, then the thermometer readings are in the range of 37.4-38.3 ° C. The table below shows what temperature a healthy dog ​​should have.


Normal temperature

Large or gigantic breeds (Great Dane, Moscow Watchdog, Caucasian Shepherd Dog, etc.)

38.2-39 ° C

Middle breeds (Doberman, Siberian Husky, Irish Setter , etc.)

38.3-39.1 ° C

Small breeds (Japanese chin, pugs, beagle, etc.)

38.5 ° C– 39.2 ° C.

Adult animals

Normal temperature

Large breeds (Central Asian Shepherd Dog, Mastiff, Leonberger, etc.)

37.4-38.3 ° C

Medium Breeds (Staffordshire Terrier, Whippet, Poodle, etc.)

37.5-39.0 ° C

Small breeds (spitz, york, Italian greyhound, dachshund, etc.)

38.5-39.0 ° C

The body temperature of the pet is normal - when it falls into the range described in the table. For example, it is immediately clear what temperature a dog or a poodle should have. In some situations, tolerances are possible.

For a short time the temperature rises from the transferred fear, excitement. After intense training, when the bitches are in heat, or in the heat. In bitches, when the birth is approaching, it will decrease by about 0.5-2 ° C. These are short-term changes, not a disease.

It is a common misconception that one can understand a dog’s well-being by touching his nose or ears and groin. These signs do not allow you to confidently judge the health of the animal. Sometimes in the heat of the ears, nose and groin can be hot to the touch.

Anxiety Signs

Dog owners should be worried about common symptoms:

  • refusal of familiar food for more than a day;
  • general lethargy and drowsiness;
  • hot nose in the absence of heat;
  • pale gums.

With the appearance of symptoms such as repeated vomiting, loose stools, cramps, you need to urgently check the temperature. If it is found that it is high or very low, along with alarming symptoms, this may already mean a disease.

Pregnant bitch

Typically, the temperature is not normal with many different pathologies. Sometimes it can decrease a day before childbirth or when puppies are infected with parvovirus enteritis, worms. Elevated temperature is observed with heat stroke, infectious diseases. For example, this includes plague, pyroplasmosis, inflammation of the skin, internal organs or joints, and other diseases.

Not only the disease can cause an increase in the temperature of the pet:

  • body reaction to vaccination;
  • the growth of molars when they begin to erupt in a baby up to six months;
  • stress, which often affects small nerve dogs;
  • severe allergies.

Having suspected a pet has a high temperature, it is necessary to measure it every hour and control the state of the animal, knowing exactly what temperature the dogs should have.

How and what to measure?

The temperature is controlled by a thermometer: medical mercury, alcohol, electronic. The latter is much more convenient, since it only takes thirty seconds to measure. The thermometer is stored separately and after use it is washed and disinfected with alcohol. Wash your hands thoroughly and also wipe them with alcohol.

Medical thermometers

To determine what temperature should be in dogs, its measurement is carried out as follows:

  • The thermometer is disinfected, its end is treated with petroleum jelly or sunflower oil, you can take a baby cream.
  • The dog should be standing. If worried, you can lay it on its side.
  • The tail is lifted up, holding the base.
  • The thermometer is carefully inserted into the rectum by two centimeters.
  • If the device is mercury or alcohol, stand five minutes.
  • Gently and smoothly remove the thermometer.

If everything is done neatly and correctly, then the pet does not face discomfort.

Temperature Measurement Tips

Breeders and veterinarians recommend the owners of any dogs:

  • To teach animals to manipulate with a thermometer since childhood. Then, with an adult dog, this procedure goes without hassle.
  • Dogs of small breeds are best placed on the stomach. This is their optimal position.
  • Begin the procedure with the “Treat” command. You can come up with another, at the request of the owner.
  • By measuring the temperature, you need to do everything confidently, calmly.

After the procedure, you must definitely praise the pet and treat it with a treat.

When did the pet's temperature change?

Since an inappropriate temperature is a sign of a disease, an accurate diagnosis is urgently needed. A visit to a doctor is required. The sooner, the better. Otherwise, the condition of the dog may worsen, valuable time will be lost.

When it is known what temperature should be in dogs, the effect of external causes is excluded, and the condition of the pet does not improve, you need to immediately take him to the vet clinic. The doctor will examine the dog, make a diagnosis, prescribe the right effective treatment.

Pug at the reception

If the temperature is forty degrees or higher or, conversely, completely low - a visit to the veterinarian is not delayed even for a minute! Even if it is established that the changes are caused by external factors. When it is understood that the temperature jump is caused by a physiological factor (for example, teething), you can give a powdered tablet of analgin. If this does not help, it is recommended to inject the mixture intramuscularly: No-Shpa - 0.2 ml, Analgin - 0.4 ml and Diphenhydramine - 0.2 ml.

The doctor will help

Usually at a high temperature of the animal, the veterinarian takes a blood test to determine the number of red blood cells, white blood cells contained therein. This will allow you to diagnose inflammatory processes or a blood disease. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to do an x-ray of the chest. Check the condition of the lungs. To find out why the pet has a fever, a urine test will also help. Some types of germs or viruses can affect the kidneys or digestive system. To clarify the clinical picture, the doctor will prescribe additional tests.

Retriever puppy

High temperature harms the central nervous system of the animal. Therefore, anticipating the results of the tests, an antipyretic is prescribed. When the owner understands what the dog’s body temperature should be, then a timely diagnosis will help to quickly begin treatment. This will avoid possible complications.

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