Everyone knows that having a baby is a long and painful process. However, it is still necessary to survive it, and therefore many women are wondering: "Is it possible to accelerate the birth process?" After all, nobody wants to suffer too long and wait for a meeting with their baby. You have been worrying and preparing for this event for a very long time. So let's try to find out how you can speed up the birth process and bring closer the long-awaited meeting with your baby.
Stimulation of labor
Childbirth is a complex and multifaceted process. So that they go well, you need to consider a lot of nuances. Therefore, the stimulation and acceleration of this process is best done under the supervision of a doctor or at least after consultation with him. Based on this, stimulation is possible at home and in the hospital.
Initially, you must be sure that the baby is ready for birth. To do this, take into account the data of the latest ultrasound and the gestational age. According to obstetricians, pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. Their months last each 28 days, therefore, in terms of months the woman is in the position of not 9 months, but 10. However, the last month, that is, from the 36th to the 40th week, is quite suitable for childbirth. A full-term pregnancy is considered from the 38th week. Therefore, before you are interested in how to expedite the birth process, you need to know exactly how long the baby is in the womb.
Cervix before birth
The main indicator of readiness for the birth process is the opening of the cervix. The normal condition of the cervix throughout pregnancy is characterized by its dense consistency, from 3 to 5 cm long, with a channel closed and filled with a mucous plug. All this contributes to the successful bearing of the child.
But closer to the birth, starting somewhere from the 34-36th week of pregnancy, the neck begins to prepare for the delivery process. This process is called cervical ripening, and it includes:
- shortening (up to 1 cm);
- change in consistency (it becomes soft and loose);
- change of location (movement to the center of the birth canal);
- opening of the internal and external pharynx.
All these points must be known before accelerating the birth process using various methods.
Cervical dilatation steps
The opening period of the cervix is divided into 3 stages, each of which has its own duration. However, it should be borne in mind that this is purely individual, and also depends on whether the woman is primogenous or not.
The first stage is called latent (hidden) or slow. It lasts for 4-6 hours and opens a channel of 4 cm. During this stage, a woman may experience contractions every 6-7 minutes.
The second stage is called active or fast. In her period of contractions are observed every minute, the intensity of disclosure - 1 cm per hour. During this stage, the neck opens up to 10 cm.
The third stage is the last. It indicates the onset of labor. Contractions are replaced by attempts, during which the child passes through the birth canal.
Methods for stimulating cervical dilatation
Since the process of opening the cervix is already accompanied by painful sensations, then, naturally, I want it to go through as soon as possible. So, how to speed up the process of opening the uterus before childbirth?
- Castor oil. Taking this drug helps stimulate labor. In addition to having a laxative effect, it also stimulates uterine contractions and cervical dilatation. But you need to be extremely careful with him, in the early stages of the opening of the neck, he may not work.
- Herbal remedies. The effectiveness of taking, for example, a decoction of raspberry leaves or candles with belladonna extract, has not been proven. But the good thing is that they are at least harmless.
- Warm bath. Promotes muscle relaxation and tone removal, which makes the neck soft. But this method is unacceptable in cases where the mucous plug and water have already receded.
In-hospital stimulation
Very often, stimulation of the opening of the cervix is carried out in a hospital setting. In such cases, various medications that promote cervical ripening are used. The obstetrician-gynecologist is engaged in how to accelerate the process of childbirth in the hospital, of course, these tools and techniques are much more effective than acceleration at home. So what do doctors use?
- Sticks kelp. Dried seaweed in the form of sticks is introduced into the ajar cervix, and they increase in size under the influence of moisture and thereby open the uterus.
- Balloon expansion. A special balloon is introduced into the canal and the cervix is inflated with air or liquid.
- Prostaglandins. Can be used in the form of intravenous droppers, vaginal gels, suppositories or tablets. They successfully accelerate the maturation of the cervix. By the way, these same prostaglandins are found in semen. That is why doctors recommend having sex to expedite childbirth.
- Hormonal drugs. Not so fast. After taking birth, delivery can begin in 2 days.
- Manual disclosure. This operation is carried out by the doctor if the uterus contracts well and the cervix opens poorly.
- Amniotomy. In common people, this is called a puncture of the fetal bladder. Fights usually begin immediately after these manipulations.
- Oxytocin. Enter intravenously in the form of a dropper. The hormone provokes a contraction of the uterus, and therefore, labor.
Contraindications for stimulation
As in any rule, there are exceptions to the issue of stimulation. You should not even think about how to speed up the birth process if:
- scheduled Caesarean section surgery;
- you have a narrow pelvis;
- there is a scar on the uterus from previous operations;
- incorrect presentation of the fetus is observed;
- diagnosed with placenta previa;
- there is a placental abruption;
- there are infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
- you have diseases of the cardiovascular and genitourinary system.
In all these cases, the birth process should take place under the supervision of a doctor, so self-acceleration of birth is strictly prohibited. The life and health of the baby may depend on this.
Home delivery acceleration
So, if your pregnancy proceeded without complications and your baby is absolutely healthy and ready to be born, then you can safely prepare him for this. You can speed up the process of childbirth at home using the following methods:
- Hiking They must be included in your daily routine and completed daily. Movement and fresh air will contribute to a more rapid onset of the birth process. However, it should be borne in mind that it is better not to walk on your own for such a long time. Connect your husband, girlfriend or mom to this process.
- Climbing the stairs. This can also help to quickly begin labor. Just give up the elevator. Thus, you will train your muscles and breathing apparatus, which will undoubtedly help you in the process of childbirth.
- Swimming. Also applies to methods of stimulation of labor. In addition, water will help you get rid of back pain and lower back pain that is growing in recent weeks.
- Sex. Better if it ends in an orgasm in a woman. This helps not only to be distracted and relieve stress, but also to accelerate the moment of birth. The partner's sperm contains substances that soften the cervix and facilitate its opening. While orgasm helps to contract uterine muscles. However, it should be noted that this method is unacceptable if the mucous plug has already receded. In this case, it is fraught with infection of the fetus.
These methods are safe, even the obstetrician-gynecologist himself can advise you on them.
39th week
Methods of stimulation of labor activity are recommended to be used starting from 39 weeks. As we already mentioned, a child can be ready for birth at 38 weeks, however, if you do not know exactly when the conception occurred, then wait another week before you start to hurry the baby.
So, how to speed up the birth process at week 39? The above methods are also suitable for this period. However, there are a few more recommendations:
- Massage of the nipples and chest. This method promotes the production of oxytocin, which leads the uterus to contract. It will also be very useful for you when after giving birth you will put the baby to the chest. So you will not only speed up the process of onset of labor, but also prepare your breasts for the start of feeding.
- House cleaning. We combine useful with useful. Of course, everything should be within reason, it is not necessary to move cabinets or lift weights. It’s enough just to move more during the cleaning process. For example, you can wash floors without a mop, squatting.
- Fitball. If you have a large fitness ball at home, then you are incredibly lucky. Jumping on this device increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, including the uterus. This method is even used directly in maternity hospitals.
40th week
What to do if you have already washed all the floors in the apartment a hundred times, and have sex with your husband more often than before pregnancy, and childbirth does not begin? Then we try other methods to speed up the birth process by the 40th week. Here is some of them:
- Laxative. Acceptance of approved drugs has a stimulating effect on the walls of the intestine, and, accordingly, the uterus. Thus, you can not only accelerate the onset of the birth process, but also prepare for it by emptying your intestines.
- Simple gymnastics. Simple physical exercises saturate the body with oxygen and increase blood flow to the uterus. Squats will be especially effective. When they are executed, we spread our legs apart, and we hold on to something with our hands. It is better to do the exercises in the presence of a husband or mother, as you may need help.
- Kegel exercises. Their implementation is also necessary to prepare the muscles of the uterus and facilitate the process of childbirth. It is recommended to perform up to 100 times a day.