Bacteria for the aquarium from Tetra and JBL - which are better

Bacteria are the regulators of any ecosystem. They can both support it, create from scratch, and destroy it. Modeling artificial ecosystems is quite complex, but fascinating. To create a truly beautiful, healthy biogeocenosis in the form that was originally conceived - art. It should be supported by knowledge not only in theory but also in practice.

Creating a healthy biogeocenosis

The main problem of an artificial ecosystem is the difficulty in establishing a chemical balance. It should be as close as possible to the real conditions in nature. Moreover, an ecosystem is not static. Many processes constantly occur in it. It is very important that some of them, which have the ability to cause harm, are monitored very carefully, and their final result brings more useful than dangerous. Of course, in order to make a good ecosystem, you do not necessarily need purchased live bacteria for the aquarium, but they help a lot. Fortunately, they are quite affordable.

Beautiful aquarium

The aquarium ecosystem, for the most part, is controlled by the owner from the outside. But in any case, it must regulate several processes on its own.

Why bacteria are needed for an aquarium

The amount of water, light, air, temperature, purity, nutrition of the inhabitants of the aquarium depends on a person. However, not everything he can control. For example, during cleaning, you can rinse the filter, clean of sediment, but to disinfect everything is impossible. The waste of organisms that dissolve very quickly in water, and then begin to poison the entire ecosystem, a person can not remove. And it is at this point that bacteria for the aquarium help. In addition, some nitrogen compounds, which are toxic to most organisms, are a source of nutrition for them. These bacteria are called nitrifying microorganisms.


Under normal conditions, they live in soil and water bodies. And all because there are many power sources for them. Ammonia and urea - dangerous accumulations that appear in any ecosystem - are a source of energy for these bacteria.

Types of Microorganisms

Nitrifying bacteria for the aquarium are divided into 2 subspecies: nitrous and nitrate. The former provide the occurrence of the ammonia oxidation reaction due to its own energy. Ultimately, nitrite appears in the water, which feeds these bacteria.

But the second group helps the course of another reaction. With their help, nitrite compounds turn into nitrate.

That in the first, that in the second case, carrying out such reactions requires large energy costs from bacteria. So that it is not so difficult for them, their organisms must produce a sufficient amount of a special substance called ATP.

The advantages of ready-made sets of bacteria from Tetra and JBL

To create a colony of microorganisms at home, you need a lot of time, skill and good luck. Some experts suggest putting pieces of rotten fish into the aquarium. The fact is that spoiled organic tissue begins to secrete specific substances that attract the necessary bacteria.

Little fish

However, if a person does this for the first time, then the effectiveness of this method will be very low. It will be simpler, more reliable and faster to take advantage of a ready-made set of bacteria that even a novice in the aquarium can handle.

Two titans among biological products

Starting an aquarium includes several stages: preparing water, installing filters for cleaning, acquiring a thermometer, searching for and using a preparation with bacteria. Step by step.

Aquarium starts with water, like a theater with a wardrobe. Therefore, first of all, pure liquid is poured into it, while it is necessary to achieve its maximum transparency.

With filters, as a rule, there are no special problems and questions. Here, everything is selected individually for the parameters of the aquarium, the number and size of its inhabitants, algae and other plants. In this newbie can help consultants in pet stores.

Bacteria in the aquarium

Thermometer for an aquarium is a simple device that allows you to control the temperature of the water. It costs a lot, is sold in any pet store. You can opt for the cheapest option, since even the simplest thermometer can cope with its only function.

If we talk about biological products for aquariums, then there are two titans - "Tetra" and JBL. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Products of the company "Tetra"

Tetra is a German company that has been in the market for over sixty years. It is believed that it successfully withstands competition and is the best to date. During this time, the company's specialists have created many high-quality preparations for aquariums of various types (marine, fresh) with a variety of plants and animals. In addition, the prices of Tetra products remain affordable, despite all the inflation in the world market.

If a person is new to this business, but wants to start an aquarium, then Bactozym is very suitable for him. This is a drug that contains not only standard essential microorganisms, but also special enzymes. These substances act as accelerators that will help nitrofication bacteria develop and multiply.

Backlit aquarium

Bactozym Catalyst

In a familiar environment, regardless of whether it is a pond or soil, such microorganisms multiply very slowly. Accordingly, if it gets into new conditions (an aquarium), it will be difficult for them at first to process a significant amount of water with a small starting population. And the catalysts help bacteria in this matter, because under their action the population of microorganisms grows many times faster.

Aquarium biofilters such as Bactozym are sold in capsules. There are 10 pieces in one package, and their price fluctuates around 500 rubles. They are suitable for both marine and freshwater ecosystems. One capsule is designed for 100 liters of water, so there is retail trade for 1-2 pieces.

The secondary use of the Tetra filter in the same aquarium is not required. It will be needed only if the ecosystem is restarted.

Home aquarium

One of the most common questions among inexperienced amateurs is: why does the water in the aquarium with fish become cloudy? This happens if a certain medium has already been installed in it with its own bacteria, which, together with new ones, have caused a very acute reaction.

JBL Products

JBL is also a German company, but in this market it is not as long as Tetra. Its range is also far from small. Now on the market there are about twenty biological products from this company, which allow even a beginner in the aquarium industry to solve many problems that arise in his ecosystem.

Prices for JBL products are in the same range as Tetra products. To start an aquarium or a small reservoir, JBL experts recommend a fairly budgetary drug (for 10 ml you will have to pay only 120 rubles) FilterStart. It is suitable for both fresh and marine ponds.

JBL Denitrol, which is also designed to run ecosystems, does not contain enzymes that could act as catalysts for the rapid growth of bacteria. However, according to the assurance of the company's specialists, instead of them, the composition includes several different strains of microorganisms, which, in tandem with each other, allow the aquarium system to quickly reach a balance state.

The price for such a drug is slightly higher than the previous one - about 230 rubles. Also on the market you can find Denitrol in different quantities. This is convenient for those who do not want to overpay for excess, but want to precisely select the required volume for a certain volume. Such drugs are suitable for professionals for a variety of biogeocenoses.

Creating the right environment for fish

Ecosystem Monitoring with FilterBoost

JBL also has drugs to regularly maintain biogeocenosis. For example, FilterBoost. These products stably remain on the market, as it is much easier for aquarists to maintain the ecosystem in good condition and fix small problems right away than to wait until they turn into an almost insoluble situation. The price of this product does not exceed 300 rubles, which allows even almost all owners of fish and other marine creatures to maintain their ecosystem in a normal way.

The low cost and widespread availability of these German companies in the market are not their only advantages. A wide range of drugs, as well as their popularity and ease of use, even beginner aquarists can launch their ecosystems, as well as solve issues and problems that arise in the course of their life.

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