Understanding how to open paperclip locks

There are often situations when a person leaves the house, the door slams, and the keys remain inside. What to do in such a situation? Well, do not call the rescuers! Therefore, for many, this article will be useful, in which we will tell you how to open locks with a paper clip.

how to open a paper clip locks

Why is this needed?

Many people may suspect that this article smacks of crime. However, you need to be able to open locks not only in order to clean someone else's house. This can be useful in order to quickly get into your own home, because the situations described above are not uncommon. In addition, it often happens that a person is simply closed in an apartment or house, preventing him from going out, and there is a very important meeting on his nose.

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how to open a lock with a paper clip

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how to open the lock with a paper clip

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open the keyless lock with a paper clip


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how to open a door lock with a paper clip


You can also open the lock without a key with a paper clip, especially if it is not a door, but, for example, a window (when the principle of closing is similar to a barrier descending into a finished groove). To do this, simply align the paper clip, insert it into the window hole and raise the lowered lever. That's all, such a lock opens quickly and without any problems.

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