Eye drops "Iris" for animals: instructions and reviews of the owners

Eye drops "Iris" - a drug that contains gentamicin sulfate. This compound destroys pathogens of various types (gram-positive, gram-negative, Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Due to the content of the optimal amount of salts, the product has reducing properties. It is used to treat many pathologies of the organs of vision in animals.

Features of the drug

Eye drops "Iris", penetrating into the cavity of the conjunctiva, are completely absorbed by the connective membrane. Then they fall into the cornea. Due to the special composition and texture of the drug, it is evenly distributed over all cells of the organs of vision. Drops destroy pathogens during infection. In addition, they positively affect the state of the cornea and connective membrane, as well as the internal structures of the eyes. The drug is used not only as a means of therapy.

cat conjunctivitis treatment

It is also used as a prophylaxis for worsening of the condition after undergoing ophthalmic pathologies. In what cases do vets recommend using Iris eye drops? This is described in the next section.

Pathologies in which you need to use the drug

The drug is used to treat such ailments:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the cornea and connective membrane of the eyes.
    conjunctivitis in a cat

  2. Blepharitis.
  3. Dacryocystitis.
  4. Ulcers on the surface of the cornea.
  5. Mechanical damage to the eyeball and tissues located close to it.
  6. The inflammatory process in the choroid.
  7. Other types of infections of the organs of vision.

It is advisable to consult with a veterinarian before starting treatment with Ir Is. According to the instructions, eye drops are used in different dosages, depending on the type of pathology and the condition of the animal.

How to use the drug?

With the development of acute ailments, which manifest themselves in the form of a purulent process of inflammation, the affected organ of vision is washed before using the product. For this, tea tea or a medicine prescribed by a doctor is used. Allocations are carefully removed with a gauze. Then two drops of the drug are administered. The procedure is repeated three to four times a day. The frequency of its conduct is determined by a specialist, it all depends on the severity of the disease and the condition of the animal. The course of therapy varies from seven to ten days. A single dosage of Iris (eye drops for dogs) is determined by the veterinarian. It depends on the body weight of the animals. For large pets, a larger amount of the drug is needed.

dog eye treatment

If the weight of the dogs is less than 10 kilograms, one drop is enough for them. In the case when it exceeds this value, the dose is doubled.

For preventive purposes, the drug is used three times a day. The course of use is no more than 3 days. The required amount of funds for a single use is 1 drop.

Eye drops "Iris" for cats and dogs have virtually no contraindications, do not have a negative effect on the animal organism. However, some pets have symptoms of individual intolerance to the components that make up the product. In such cases, the medication should be replaced with another medicine.

What precautions should be taken by the owners?

During the use of drops, you need to remember about personal hygiene and safety standards. When instilling the product into the eyes of the animal, the owner is forbidden to eat or smoke. After completing the procedure, hands should be thoroughly washed with warm water and soap.

hand washing with soap

People with individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug should avoid direct interaction with it. If allergic reactions occur, you should immediately contact a medical institution. In the event that the drug enters the surface of the epidermis and mucous membranes, the affected area is well washed with water. The empty bottle remaining after the “Iris” eye drops cannot be used for domestic purposes. The packaging should be discarded.

Advantages of the drug

The tool has earned a pretty good reputation among pet owners. The owners of cats and dogs claim that the drug quickly helps to cope with the symptoms of various pathologies of the organs of vision (purulent inflammatory processes, mechanical damage). The medicine is easy to use thanks to a convenient bottle. In addition, it has an affordable price. Most pet owners claim that the product does not adversely affect the body and does not cause coughing, sneezing, discomfort and itching in pets.

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The medicine helped to cope with visual ailments, even in situations where other drugs did not give the desired effect.

Drug shortcomings

The composition of the eye drops "Iris", according to some owners of pets, is not completely safe. The composition of the drug includes the substance gentamicin. It can provoke hearing loss and other health problems. Therefore, abuse of this tool is not recommended. Some pet owners claim that the drug was effective only as a method of prevention. For the treatment of more serious pathologies, the drug is not suitable. For example, it does not help if a pet has allergic reactions that are accompanied by profuse flow of tear fluid. There are reviews in which the owners say that they used eye drops for cats "Iris" according to the instructions, but did not notice an improvement in the well-being of the animal. They could get the desired effect only when they used other drugs, for example, penicillin, as a treatment method.

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