Many people need colors in a hexadecimal number system for different purposes, starting with design, ending with layout or programming. Such a palette has 16777216 items (16 6 ). And they range from 00 to FF (This corresponds to 255 in the decimal system).
How are colors recorded in a hexadecimal system? Colors in such a palette are recorded using the following encoding:
They are not difficult to record, but remembering them is not worth it, unless, of course, these are not often used colors, for example, "#ffffff", which corresponds to a white tone.
Color codes
There are a lot of color codes in the hexadecimal system, and it is impossible to remember them. Basically, only 147 names are used for HTML and CSS. They are presented in the following list.
Such colors are quite enough for everyday design needs, but there are many others.
There is also a 32-bit color depth, but there is no difference between the number of shades. The only difference is in the so-called trueColor, which is often used to display image transparency (or just the extra eight bits are in the buffer and are not used in any way).
RGB - what is it?
Such a system is a little simpler, because there are no complicated encodings. The color in this system is recorded using three numbers - from 000 to 255. (For example, "000, 000, 000" will correspond to black, and "255, 255, 255" to white.) In this classification, almost like in any other, everything is connected with three primary colors: red, green, blue, and the hue depends on the number that corresponds to a particular option. This can be compared to mixing colors.
It is also worth noting that the colors in the hexadecimal system are also RGB, but they have a different recording and are more often used in computer technology.
What other color systems exist?
In addition to RGB and the hexadecimal system, there is also the so-called CMYK, which stands for:
- C is Cyan;
- M - Magenta;
- Y - Yellow;
- K - Key color, or BlacK according to another version.
However, it is worth noting that the number of colors in CMYK is noticeably less. This is due to the fact that CMYK has a lower frequency of inks compared to RGB.
There are several color systems that display paints; however, RGB and CMYK are most commonly used. Each color has its own depth, which shows the number of shades in the palette. However, 32-bit depth does not differ in the number of colors from 16-bit. It only has transparency under which eight bits are reserved.
The article describes in detail the colors in the hexadecimal number system, and also talks about the palettes that you may encounter when working with images. Good luck and success in your creative endeavors!