Why is the child constantly acting up and crying? This question is relevant for parents of infants and preschool children. Therefore, we want to consider this problem in more detail.
Why is the child naughty
Most mothers and fathers face everyday unwillingness to eat, sleep, dress, go to kindergarten or for a walk. The baby cries, refuses to fulfill the proposed requirements, and sometimes just screams or achs. There are several main reasons for this behavior:
- Physical - this group includes various diseases, fatigue, hunger, a desire to drink or sleep. The child does not feel well, but cannot understand why this happened. Therefore, it is so important for parents to observe the daily routine, to feed, drink and put the baby to bed on time.
- The child needs attention - most children's tantrums can be prevented if you increase the communication time. Mom’s love is important for a little man, like air. If he does not get the right amount of attention, he will “pull” it in all available ways. Therefore, you do not need to wait until the baby begins to have a tantrum. Just leave your business, turn off the phone, the Internet and hug the child. Play with him, take in the news and spend time together.
- The child wants to get what he wants - the little man perfectly understands where the pain points of the parents are, and knows how to put pressure on them. Therefore, if mom or dad buy off from vagaries financially, then the child will quickly learn to use the new scheme. It is very important to teach the child to negotiate, to seek new solutions to his problems.
Nature arranged so that children's crying causes a strong emotional reaction in adults. This is very good, since sometimes reflection saves the life and health of a small person. If a child cries all the time, then it is necessary to understand why he does it.
From birth to three to four months, many parents remember with horror. Why during this period does the child constantly act up and cry? The following reasons can be distinguished:
- The baby is hungry - sometimes the mother does not have enough milk or the artificial mixture is not suitable for him. If the child is not gaining weight well, then doctors recommend starting additional complementary foods.
- Colic - it is believed that they cause gas in the intestines. Therefore, a nursing mother should monitor her diet and exclude a number of foods containing fiber. In addition, the pediatrician usually prescribes drops that help to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
- A cold or ear inflammation - this problem will help the doctor to fix it. And the mother must timely inform about the problems encountered and the change in the behavior of the baby.
- Wet diapers - many children react sharply to an untimely change of linen. Therefore, you should use diapers or change clothes on time.
- Feeling of loneliness - children miss adults and calm down immediately after they are picked up.
Unfortunately, it is very difficult for inexperienced parents to determine why the child is constantly acting up and crying. Therefore, they should carefully listen to the baby and immediately respond to his needs.
Whims in one year
When the baby grows up, he is faced with the first prohibitions. Often children react very violently: they scream, throw things, stamp their feet. If parents are aware of age-related features, they will be able to prevent aggressive behavior as far as possible . What to do when a child cries and cries (1 year)? The kid is naughty for various reasons. Therefore, first you need to determine them:
- The child is naughty from illness or internal conflict - he does not understand why he is ill and expresses his protest in a way that is accessible to him.
- He protests against excessive custody - he wants more freedom, refuses the offered clothes or returning home from a walk.
- Seeks to copy parents - let him participate in his affairs. Thanks to this, you can always be near, and at the same time teach your baby to use new items.
- Reacts to emotional stress - excessive severity and control cause crying attacks in the child. Therefore, try to treat him as a person, and not an object that must unquestioningly fulfill your will.
Do not forget that there are invisible causes of children's tears. Sometimes a child is constantly acting up and crying just because his temperament is of a weak type. This means that the baby is quickly overexcited, reacts sharply to stimuli and instantly gets tired. With age, he will learn to control his behavior, but for now it is important to monitor the daily routine and timely rest.
Two years
At this difficult age, even the most flexible children turn into little tyrants. Parents complain that they can not cope with the vagaries and requirements of the baby. Many children have problems with sleep, there is increased excitability, and sometimes the first tantrums. So, what are the causes of moods when a child is 2 years old:
- Socialization - at this age, the child must learn new rules for him to communicate and interact with other people. Therefore, he reacts sharply to restrictions that relate to his independence and freedom of action.
- Mastering speech - while the child cannot formulate in words what he feels or wants to do. Therefore, he relieves nervous tension by crying and crying.
- Unspent energy - it is very important that the baby can actively move and play during the day. Stiffness leads to the fact that in the evening he can not calm down and fall asleep.
- Emotional stress - the baby feels the emotions of adults, it is hard going through family conflicts and quarrels of adults.
When a child is 2 years old, he enters a phase of crisis. Therefore, it is so important to treat his personal problems with understanding and react correctly to them.
The crisis of three years
A new stage in the development of the baby is accompanied by a violent reaction on his part. At this age, he realizes himself as a person, the pronoun "I" appears in his speech. The child tries to do everything himself, but not always succeeds in this. Therefore, he "takes revenge" on his parents with tears and screams. What should be done? Psychologists advise you to put up with the situation and just survive it.
What to do if the child is constantly acting up and crying
Each parent finds his own solution to the problem. Not always the chosen path will lead to a positive result, and sometimes even exacerbates the situation. What to do if the baby is crying:
- Calm down - in no case can not scream and put pressure on the child. Leave him alone for a while, and then talk to him in a gentle voice.
- Start visiting the children's center - here the child will learn to communicate with peers in a safe environment.
- Pay attention to the baby - remember that this method helps to eliminate 90% of children's tantrums.
When to see a doctor
Experts consider it the norm if the baby shows his displeasure two or three times a week. If the child is constantly acting up and crying, and even more so is satisfied with real tantrums, then this is an occasion to seek help from a qualified specialist. Perhaps only a few visits to a child psychologist will help restore peace and tranquility in the family.
Every parent should understand that whims at an early age are absolutely normal. Therefore, it is so important to learn to recognize the causes and eliminate them in time.