Sterilization of the cat after childbirth: when is it best to do and the rules of care

Many people are happy that their beloved cat will be a mother. This is great if the animal is of tribal value, and the offspring can easily find new owners. It is unlikely that the owner of a cat of a "noble" breed will be able to distribute her kittens at one time.

And even if the first time succeeds, it is not a fact that the second litter will also find loving owners. Throwing babies out on the street or lulling them to sleep is absolutely cruel.

How to be? Sterilization of a cat after childbirth is ideal. Once gave birth and quite with her. Let's talk about this in an article.

And today we have a cat ...

I gave birth to second kittens. The first were handed out little by little, but they do not want to take this litter. Where to put them? Have to euthanize?

Imagine what a problem falls on the head of the owners. And she could have been avoided by sterilizing the cat after the first birth.

What can I answer the question of why let a purebred cat give birth? The most basic argument is this: it is inherent in nature. Yes, wild cats give birth to offspring regularly. For they have nowhere to go. But few of the kids survive and become adults. Their fate is deplorable: death from the teeth of dogs, under the wheels of cars or from hunger.

Why doom a domestic cat to regular birth if you have to get rid of offspring in the most cruel ways? It is easier to sterilize a cat immediately after birth.

First birth

What is sterilization?

This is a tubal ligation in an animal. The procedure does not affect sexual desire, that is, the cat will need a cat sooner or later. The only advantage is that the pet will not be able to have kittens.

If the owner does not want to listen to the screams of a cat who wants to get married, then castration can be done.

What is castration?

Castration is the complete removal of the reproductive organs in an animal. In the case of a cat, removal of the uterus and everything else related to childbirth. That is, in addition to the fact that the animal will not be able to bring offspring, sexual desire also disappears. The owner will not have to listen to cat screams.

Operation was successfully completed

A little about the price

What is the cost of sterilizing cats? It all depends on the region. In Moscow, the operation will cost about five thousand. In Yaroslavl - about three thousand. In St. Petersburg, the issue price will be 4,000-5,000 thousand.

It is better to consult a trusted doctor. If possible, have the surgery performed by a recommended veterinarian.

When to carry out the operation?

When to sterilize a cat after childbirth? Of course, not immediately after the pet gave birth to babies. Surgery immediately after birth is highly discouraged. Firstly, the animal’s body is weakened. Secondly, her kittens still need to be fed.

Postpone the procedure for 4-6 months. What else should you know? It is undesirable to sterilize a cat during estrus. This procedure may be unsafe for the health of the pet. To begin with, they carry out it under anesthesia. And the cat's body during estrus is weakened. Therefore, do not risk it.

The operation is under anesthesia.

Suitable age

We are talking about cat sterilization after childbirth. The first birth must be at least 2 years old. At what age can this operation be performed? For those who want to save themselves and the pet from constant problems on this basis, we open the secret. The animal can be sterilized at the age of 6 months. It is advisable to wait for the first estrus and only then operate the pet.

How is the operation?

Sterilization of a cat after childbirth is a standard procedure performed by any veterinary clinic. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. First, the pet falls asleep, she makes a neat incision on her stomach. They remove the reproductive organs, suture and wait for the exit from anesthesia. After all the manipulations, they give it to the owner or, at his request, observe the animal in the hospital.

The cost of sterilizing cats, we specified above. It all depends on the region and the level of the veterinary clinic.

The first day is the most difficult

Care after surgery

Sterilizing a cat after childbirth is not the most difficult operation. But it requires increased attention of the owner during the recovery period.

What does the pet owner need to know to help the pet? First of all, the owner should know that the cat after leaving anesthesia is not at all what it is used to see. Give the animal or after surgery, or already awakened from anesthesia. It all depends on what the owner decides.

So, the pet is brought home. Typically, the cat immediately runs to his toilet, she needs to empty the bladder. Well, he’s running. Rather, it’s as if in slow motion. The movements of the animal after anesthesia resemble movements in zero gravity. The cat loses coordination, is difficult to navigate in space and behaves like a drunk.

Sleep after anesthesia

On the first day after surgery, it is better to put a tray and a bowl of water near the cat. The animal is placed in a calm place where it will not be disturbed. You should not put it on a sofa or bed, your favorite, when you try to jump from them, risks losing his balance and falling. The ideal option is a bed for cats. Simple and safe.

As for blankets, the cat will try to take it off. She absolutely cannot allow this. The body cloth is removed after 7-10 days after surgery, only when the sutures heal. Sutures are removed in a veterinary clinic. Although now they are stitching, which resolve on their own.

Do I need to additionally process the seam? No, basically. But this question is better to ask the doctor who operated on the animal.

Sterilization of cats after childbirth: the rules of care, as can be seen from the article, are not the most difficult. Peace, observation and proper feeding. Speaking of the latter. How to feed a cat before and after surgery? As we have already said, sterilization of cats after childbirth is one of the most common and easy operations. But to her, like to any other, preparation of the animal is required.

On X-day, the cat is not fed. And the day after the operation, too. Only water is allowed. After such a hunger strike, they gently introduce food. If the cat eats food, then the spiders will be ideal for the postoperative period. If the pet lives on natural food, then it is necessary to feed it with liquid cereals with the addition of ground meat. It is best to stir the food with a blender.

Do not give milk. Adult animals do not tolerate it. If you want to pamper your pet, treat a small amount of low-fat kefir. And even better - beat the cottage cheese with kefir until smooth. Tasty, healthy and easy to digest.

Body cloth after surgery


The purpose of the article is to tell readers how important the sterilization of a cat after childbirth is. We highlight the main aspects:

  • Sterilization is the ligation of the fallopian tubes. The cat does not lose sex drive.
  • Castration is the removal of reproductive organs. The pet will not only remain childless, but also lose sexual desire.
  • The operation is performed under general anesthesia.
  • On the first day after surgery, it is very important to watch the cat.
  • It is impossible to feed the animal on the day of the operation, and on the first day after it, too. Then feed is gradually introduced.
  • It is better to sterilize your pet 4-6 months after the first birth.
  • The cost of sterilization depends on the region and the level of the veterinary clinic.


We talked about cat sterilization after childbirth. The operation is safe, does not require any intensive training. It is important only to observe the pet on the first day when anesthesia will depart.

Why don't the owners sterilize their pets? Someone does not have the possibility of material, someone cannot choose the time for this. But it’s better to pay money once than replenish the ranks of stray cats with unnecessary kittens or drown them and put them to sleep.

Sterilized cats live longer than usual and do not annoy the owner with their concerts during the hunt.

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