One of the most common questions asked by women who are trying to become mothers is: “No ovulation. What should I do?”
Indeed, if ovulation does not occur in the body for one reason or another , that is, a healthy, fertile egg is not formed, then conception, alas, is impossible. At least in a natural way without medical intervention.
So, the first rule that will allow you to find the cause and answer the question: "No ovulation. What to do?" This is a complete medical examination. And here everything must be taken into account. The general condition of the body, as well as what you previously had and what problems, especially in gynecology, have occurred.
If you cannot get pregnant naturally for one year, living a sex life, then it is possible to think about how to stimulate ovulation.
After you pass all the tests recommended by your doctor, you can proceed to the next step. Having not found deviations in the analyzes and having undergone pelvic ultrasound, you can proceed to stimulation with medications. Typically, the doctor prescribes Klostilbegit - a medical hormonal drug that affects ovulation, or rather, stimulates it.
Such treatment is considered not the most expensive, but very effective. As practice shows, after the use of Klostilbegit, 10-15% of women from the first cycle were able to become mothers. And from the second, third and fourth - another 50%. Agree that such data cannot but inspire hope.
Now we will analyze in more detail, if there is no ovulation, what to do to women, and what will have to be abstained.
Firstly, the psychological attitude is important. Depression, and especially self-accusations, have not helped anyone yet, but on the contrary, psychological pressure only depresses the nervous system and weakens the whole body, indirectly reducing the risk of becoming pregnant. Therefore, no matter how difficult it may be for you, and no matter how hopeless your situation may seem to you, do not lose heart. There is always a way out, just sometimes you need to be patient and first of all learn how to live in harmony with yourself.
The second thing to consider is your lifestyle. Perhaps you do not move much, spend a lot of time at the computer, and do not exercise. It also suppresses all body functions: the immune system suffers, the cardiovascular system deteriorates, and, of course, such a lifestyle negatively affects the reproductive female (and male) system as well. Therefore, start with yourself, change your lifestyle, daily routine, move, walk in the fresh air, take morning walks.
The third point is your nutrition and the body's receipt of the necessary vitamins and minerals. Your diet should have fresh vegetables or steamed vegetables. In addition, drink a course of vitamins, it will allow your body to wake up - in the literal and figurative sense.
Many women wonder: yes, I have no ovulation. What to do so that she was without resorting to medications?
And here the question arises as to whether it is possible, necessary and how to stimulate ovulation with folk remedies. And most importantly, how effective is this method of alternative treatment? And how safe is it for the female body?
It is believed that the ideal herbs that have a beneficial effect on the female body are the pine forest, sage and red brush. Fortunately, these herbs help against many diseases, so you can easily buy them at any pharmacy. At first, it is believed that it is necessary to drink a course of sage (this is done in the first half of the cycle). And then, starting from the second half of the cycle, it is useful to drink tinctures from the uterine uterus, a red brush mixed with grass.
But, of course, in any case, it is worth consulting with your doctor, because contraindications are possible here.