Pets are an integral part of our lives. It becomes quite difficult for some people to imagine their existence without a cute fluffy lump. Most still traditionally prefer to have cats or dogs. Only a few want to see rodents as four-legged friends, which include guinea pigs. These animals do not cause many problems and from the outside seem quite unpretentious in care. However, if the guinea pig died, this event brings a lot of experience to the owner.
The responsible owner always seeks to prevent the development of such a situation, to prevent various ailments. However, there are different cases, and not everything is in our power. Why the guinea pig died, sometimes it remains a mystery to the owners. Sadness sometimes so deprives one of the ability to think that it is as if becoming and is not important. Meanwhile, it is useful to clarify this issue so as not to repeat your mistakes in the future. Let us consider in more detail the diseases from which guinea pigs and other causes die.
This is the number one factor. A lot depends on nutrition: as far as the animal receives the necessary substances, it is so healthy. It would be a big mistake to consider that these cute animals eat everything. Yes, the pig is unlikely to refuse the proposed treats, but how much will it be beneficial for her body? Not always.
Even experienced owners sometimes make mistakes with food, not to mention newcomers. When wondering why a guinea pig died, you need to be aware of how you treated it daily. These animals can not be fed food from the table, as some products are categorically not absorbed. These include onions, garlic, radishes, potatoes. If you do not want to lose your pet ahead of time, then avoid such mistakes. They can become fatal.
Improper care
If the cell is located in a draft, then sooner or later it will negatively affect the health and well-being of the pet. An animal can catch a cold easily, and treating a pet is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. You need to have additional knowledge, or at least be able to immediately turn to a good specialist. Improper care is fraught with consequences for any animal. Guinea pigs are quite tender and vulnerable creatures. If you do not follow them in time, then they will leave you much earlier than you expect. For example, few people know that this type of rodent needs to be kept necessarily same-sex pairs. Alone, they become bored and dreary.
And raising pigs is a rather difficult and problematic task. Without special knowledge, you do not need to take it. If the guinea pig died unexpectedly, it is necessary to carefully analyze the situation. Perhaps you did something wrong, were inattentive to the changes taking place. Just try to take into account the mistakes made and not repeat them in the future.
Various infections
Contrary to popular belief, these animals often get sick. The fact is that a person can not always correctly observe all conditions of detention. For example, if the apartment also contains a dog, then sometimes it can even happen that it brings an infection on its feet. As a result, the rodent becomes infected, and the dog remains healthy. To prevent such cases is almost impossible. If this happens, it is recommended that you immediately take the pet to the veterinary clinic. Treatment will cost a lot, but you can save your pet. Infections are also dangerous because the course of the disease can for some time be completely asymptomatic.
Strange as it may seem to someone, guinea pigs also suffer from cancer. Fortunately, this happens quite rarely and mainly in old age. But one must keep in mind that such a probability should not be ruled out in principle. Oncology affects not only people, but also animals, and of different species.
As a result of improper care, it may happen that the pig slides off some surface and breaks its paw. Any damage is dangerous to the animal in that it is not always visually visible. The owner may not know that the animal is suffering from severe pain. And then it remains only to wonder why the guinea pig and the rabbit, for example, died? Remember that even when animals get proper nutrition, there are other risks that are difficult to know in advance. If there are fights with relatives, then health problems can also arise. Injuries are a pretty serious reason to think about your pet’s well-being.
Severe stress
If the owner often moves from one place to another, then this is a big stress for a four-legged friend. He can get sick simply because living conditions are constantly changing. Temperature differences also do not have the best effect on the state of health. Severe stress can be aggravated if the owner at some point decides to transfer his pet into the hands of another person. Animals are sometimes difficult to get used to the changing conditions of existence. If they lived in a cage as a couple, then after the death of a relative, the second individual will be sad and yearning.
Old age
In most cases, guinea pigs live for about seven to eight years. This is the average number of years that, as a rule, future owners pay attention to when making a purchase decision. After all, no one wants to say goodbye to their beloved animal too quickly. Common problems and fatal diseases of guinea pigs often lead to animals living even less: only five to six years. This is also a normal indicator. Just losing a furry friend is always difficult and sad, which is understandable. Old age cannot be undone or prevented.
Features and signs
A dying guinea pig at least does not look safe. Extreme care must be taken to notice visible changes in her state of health. You should never neglect your premonitions, consider that everything will go away on your own, you just have to wait a bit. Procrastination can lead to undesirable consequences and lead to bitter experiences. So, what features in the behavior of the animal should be paid attention to? Let's consider in more detail.
Refusal of food
Food is the main value of any living thing. Refusal from food and water indicates that some serious changes are taking place with the pet. If he doesn't touch the bowl all day, it's time to sound the alarm.
It is best to try to show your pet to a good veterinarian as soon as possible. Refusal of food should always be regarded as an alarm signal to which it is necessary to respond in a timely manner.
Lack of coordination of movements
If the guinea pig died, you need to remember how it moved around the cage for the past few days. If there was a violation of coordination of movements, then the owners really missed this moment. A healthy individual constantly runs, is active. In most cases, if the animal stops moving normally, then something is wrong with it. Just like that, no representative of rodents sits in place without sad consequences for themselves. All sluggishness suggests that you need to be especially vigilant, to be prepared to solve emerging health problems.
Hard breath
What if the guinea pig dies, and you have no idea how to help it? Listen to your breath. This indicator is able to tell a lot about the condition of the pet. Heavy intermittent breathing indicates just that the animal has very little left. If the pet does not suffer from anything like this, you can calm down and not cheat yourself in vain. Nevertheless, it will never hurt to periodically check with a competent specialist.
Behavioral changes
A sick animal always tries to hide somewhere from prying eyes. It is so in nature: the weak give way to the strong, leave their relatives. If the mumps suddenly stops responding to your voice, there is probably something really wrong with it. When the animal is constantly sleeping or lying in one place, it is quite possible that he is worried about severe pains, which he can not say.
An attentive owner should always look closely and listen to the behavior of his pet. There is nothing sadder than coming home after work and discovering that the guinea pig has died. Then it becomes insanely sorry for both the pet with whom you lived for several years, and yourself. Sometimes people become so attached to their furry friends that they experience their loss as the departure of a loved one.
Hair loss
A symptom that you also need to pay attention to, and not try to pretend that what is happening is absolutely unimportant. Hair loss is always a sign of trouble. Of course, faced with such manifestations, it is not at all necessary to immediately begin to feverishly prepare for the death of the pet. It is necessary to analyze the situation in order to understand how you can help the animal. It is possible that he simply does not have enough vitamins. However, one cannot dismiss it if more serious symptoms that require an immediate response follow. If the guinea pig died suddenly, most likely you could not help her.
Sad ending
Sooner or later, he comes for every living creature. So conceived by nature, and man here can not change anything. Many owners, especially inexperienced, ask: when the guinea pig died, what to do with it? Of course, no sane person would ever think of throwing the body of a beloved pet into a trash can. It is dangerous for the environment, and simply not good. What really needs to be done?
Here you can go in two ways. Firstly, it is perfectly permissible to bury your pet yourself, especially if he has lived with you for several years. Only this must be done outside the city. Otherwise, you can get a big fine. Secondly, you can do it easier and just call a representative from the veterinary clinic at home. For a certain amount of money, the corresponding services will take the body away, to later expose it to general cremation. In fact, you need to always be prepared for this if you already have a middle-aged animal living in your house.
Thus, guinea pigs are quite gentle and moody creatures. They do not tolerate careless handling of themselves, cannot live in inappropriate conditions. When it comes time to say goodbye, you just need to let go of a dear and dear friend, although sometimes it can be quite difficult to do. There is no point trying to blame yourself for what happened. Draw appropriate conclusions and live on. A new pet is sure to give you a lot of amazing minutes filled with positive and bright colors.