Tips for parents: when can I sit down girls

Each mom is worried about proper care and the timely development of her beloved child. Especially in the case where the child’s friend already holds the head, crawls, sits, and her baby still can not do this. One of the most common questions that young parents ask a doctor is when girls can sit down. Here the opinions of mothers and pediatricians differ. Even doctors do not always say the same thing about this.

When can I sit down girls

On such fertile ground myths arise about sitting down girls. Someone argues that if you do this early, there will be a bend in the uterus, and in the future more serious problems with the girl's reproductive system (for example, adhesions, inflammation, and the worst - infertility) are possible. Others argue that the spine is not yet ready for such a load and this is fraught with consequences.

So what is truth all the same? At what age can girls sit down? First of all, I want to say that there is no connection between early sitting and bending of the uterus. Moreover, there is no such disease in any country except the states of the former Soviet Union. Any deviation back, left or right by foreign experts is considered a variant of the norm and is not considered as a pathology. And even more so, no special treatment is prescribed. Only our doctors "love" to make this diagnosis.

At what age can girls sit down

As for the spine, early planting is far from having the most favorable effect on it. This has long been proven. And this fact applies not only to girls. There is no certain age to which a child cannot be seated, and then it is possible. Each kid is unique. And when he can sit down, it depends only on him.

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is it possible to sit down girls

To summarize. Let your child develop on his own. No need to customize it, to look at one of the acquaintances. After all, it is impossible to jump over any stage of development. Do not rush to sit down the girl, it does not matter if the myths are true or not, it will not lead to anything good. Do not listen to the advice of omniscient neighbors and experienced grandmothers about whether you can sit down girls, especially under the pretext of "I did it and everything is fine." This kind of experience does not yet say that they did everything correctly. Of course, the older generation knows everything about everything, starting from when you can sit down girls and ending with where the mouse is in the computer. But nevertheless, it’s more accurate with their advice - it is not known how and when negative consequences can manifest themselves. And finally - love your kids, pamper!In no case do not force them to do what they are not ready for.

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