Formal languages: examples. Signs of a formal language

The 21st century is a time when ownership of information is the most important competitive advantage in any field. However, it will not bring any benefit if it is not expressed in a language that is understandable to those to whom the translator is intended or not, able to convey its meaning to the addressee.

At present, about 2,000 peoples live on earth. Their distinguishing feature, first of all, is language.

Along with colloquial (natural) humanity has created many artificial languages. Each of them is designed to solve specific problems.

Such sign systems include formal languages, examples of which are presented below.

formal languages ​​examples


First of all, we state what a language is. By this word it is customary to understand the sign system that is used to establish communications between people and cognition.

, — .

, .


  • ;
  • «», «» «»;
  • (, ) .

, . .

. , :

  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • .

. . «» , , - .


  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • (, ).

formal language signs


, .

, , , . , . , , . , , , , , (. ).


  • ( );
  • () .

formal programming languages

(: , .) . .

, , .

, . 20 , .

formal languages ​​and grammars

. , , .

, . , .

“” , . . - .

formal logic language

, .

, .

. , .

— , . ASCII.

, , . . . , : . , , — .

. Pascal. .

, “” . , . , , — . . , , , - . , . . , , .

formal languages ​​what

Now you can answer the question: “What formal languages ​​do you know?”. Scientists continue to improve them in order to make possible the solution of various practical and theoretical problems that are currently considered unsolvable.

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