Cod liver has been known for a very long time. For example, in the Middle Ages it was used in the treatment of vision, kidneys and other diseases, as well as for strengthening teeth. This product is combined with many others and therefore is an indispensable ingredient in many dishes. However, is it possible to cod liver during pregnancy? Is this product useful in this case? Let's try to figure it out together.
The composition of the product
Cod is a very valuable product because it contains a lot of useful substances. However, its liver is very high-calorie, therefore it is necessary to use cod liver during pregnancy in a limited amount, as this can lead to weight gain. Calorie content of the product is 623 kcal per 100 g.
The liver of this Atlantic fish contains the following vitamins:
- A - helps to protect and strengthen vision, increases the body's resistance to colds and infections.
- PP - necessary for the pancreas and thyroid glands, improves metabolism.
- B1 - supports the nervous system, heart, improves mental performance and memory.
- B2 - improves digestion.
- B6 - relieves fatigue, lowers blood cholesterol.
- B (folic acid) - indispensable during pregnancy and lactation.
- C - strengthens the immune system.
- D - improves the condition of bones and teeth.
- E - resists aging.
Of the minerals in the cod liver contains:
- phosphorus;
- chromium;
- magnesium;
- potassium;
- iron;
- calcium;
- fluorine;
- zinc;
- copper and others
Also in this product contains proteins and amino acids that are involved in the synthesis of hormones. As well as fish oil, which helps in the fight against postpartum depression, rheumatism, vitamin A deficiency and rickets. From this we can conclude that eating cod liver during pregnancy is possible and even necessary.
Beneficial features
As we already said, cod liver is an extremely rich product. The complexes of vitamins, minerals and nutrients contained in it determine the benefits of cod liver during pregnancy.
This offal gives the face a healthy and radiant appearance, fights some skin defects, nourishes the skin with moisture. It is also considered a good tool in the prevention of cancer, gives strength and energy for recovery. Strengthens the cardiovascular, endocrine and skeletal systems. For children, it is indispensable in the prevention and treatment of rickets, and for adults it helps to maintain joints and muscles.
The delicacy also has a bactericidal property and successfully fights viruses and germs. Improves overall physical condition and increases performance and endurance. Due to the large amount of heparin contained in the by-product, it affects blood circulation, in particular blood coagulation.
The effect of this product on the reproductive function of men and women has also been proven. It even helps to cope with some problems in the reproductive system. To the list of useful properties of cod liver it is also worth adding its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing abilities. In addition, it is able to reduce pressure and normalize the heartbeat.
Permissible amount of product during pregnancy
As for how much cod liver can be during pregnancy, this question can be answered unambiguously. Since this is the fattest part of the fish filled with microelements, the daily dose allowed for pregnant women is no more than 30-40 g.
The use of the product in small portions will only benefit. Namely, it will replenish the reserves of nutrients and vitamins in the body of a pregnant woman. This will help her cope with the increased load during the period of bearing a child and even breastfeeding.
Who should not eat cod liver?
Despite the fact that cod liver is a very rich and extremely healthy product, it can be harmful. For example, it is not recommended to use this delicacy in the following situations:
- if you are allergic to seafood;
- if there are problems and violations in the work of the genitourinary system, in particular, in the presence of stones in the bladder;
- if you suffer from low blood pressure;
- if there is an excess of vitamin D and calcium in the body;
- if thyroid function is increased.
The use of the product in large quantities can harm even a person who does not have the above diseases. Is it possible for pregnant women to cod liver? During pregnancy, an excess of vitamin A, which is found in large quantities in the liver of cod, can cause fetal development defects. In this case, a woman may feel drowsiness, aching in the bones, nausea.
It should be noted that improper storage of the product increases the likelihood of harm when used. Glassware should be used for storage. Storage time should not be more than a day.
Choosing the right cod liver
The selection of cod liver during pregnancy should be given special attention. The first thing you should pay attention to is the place of manufacture. It should be located on the sea coast, and better prepared in swimming.
Next, we study the composition. The shorter it is, the better. Canned food should include the liver itself, butter, salt, black pepper and bay leaf.
The appearance of the packaging also matters. It is necessary to choose even tin cans with the production date and expiration date stamped on the lid. The remaining options for cans (having rust or dents, bloating or irregular shape) do not comply with GOST.
You should choose expensive and proven products. After all, often instead of cod liver in banks, you can find milk. Note that the liver is loose in texture, larger and has no films.
The shelf life of canned food should not exceed 2 years. And if it is already open, then no more than a day. After opening, oil or fat must be removed; they are not suitable for consumption.
How to use cod liver?
Cod liver during pregnancy is not necessary to eat in its pure form. It is even recommended to be used with other products. For instance:
- You can make a salad, pate or a sandwich.
- Steam with spices.
- Beauticians add a small amount of this product to the cream due to the content of retinol (vitamin A) in it, which is very beneficial for the skin.
- You can cook anti-aging masks at home.
- With its use, it is possible to prepare means for getting rid of cracks on the heels.
Cod liver has a specific smell, so during pregnancy this can push a woman away from eating this product. It is recommended to add lemon juice to the dish.
Also in folk medicine there are recipes that can help quickly eliminate the effects of a burn and reduce the manifestations of psoriasis. However, traditional medicine does not recognize such funds.
Recipe: Cod Liver in Tartlets
Cod liver during pregnancy can be prepared as a cold snack, which can be eaten not only by a woman in position, but also served to the guests.
To do this, boil 1 carrot and 2 eggs. Cool and grate with 100 g of hard cheese. Finely chopped onion. Mash a can of cod liver with a fork. Mix everything and season with mayonnaise. Arrange the finished salad on tartlets and sprinkle with herbs.
Sunflower Salad: method of preparation
Here is an example of a cod liver salad recipe. During pregnancy, it will be useful. It can also be served, as it is beautifully decorated.
So, finely chop 3 boiled potatoes and put the first layer on the dish. Knead a can of cod liver with a fork and lay on top of the potatoes with a second layer. On top of the cod, rub the cooked egg white and grease with a thin layer of mayonnaise. The next layer is finely chopped dill and parsley. You can add green onions to this layer. Finely chop the 2 pickled or pickled cucumbers into cubes and distribute with the next layer over the greens. Grease with mayonnaise. Top crumble the yolk of a boiled egg.
Salad decoration for guests: on top of the last layer make a net of mayonnaise. Along the edges lay chips in the form of sunflower leaves. Put half of olives in each square of mayonnaise nets.