The gamer's misfortune called "The file is not a 7z archive"

Almost all users who actively use the Internet download various utilities and are passionate about games, downloading updates and additions to them, they encountered the error “the file is not a 7z archive”. This problem is solved quite simply. But before you correct the error, you need to know its cause.

Causes of the error "file is not a 7z archive"

the file is not a 7z archive

This problem often occurs during the launch of standard installation files with the extension ".exe" (they are often called "setup"), and, of course, in archived files. It occurs most often in the following cases:

  • The archive is faulty or was archived with errors;
  • An archived file does not have an extension;
  • a problem with the operating system that has ceased to recognize installation files.

Archive defective

, - . , - , " 7z ". . , .

" 7z " "" ( ), . - : - , .. ( ""), .

, . , , ( ).

, - " 7z ". , , . - .

, ".exe" ".rar", ".zip" . . - - , . , , 7z . ? : . , , , - .

Windows 7 . "". , , ( , , .doc).

Opera is not a 7z archive

, . , .

, " ". " ". " ". "", " ..." . " 7z ".

, " " , .exe . , .rar, .zip .7z, - WinRar, 7zip, PowerArchiver.

, " 7z ", Windows 7. .exe, - . , - , . .

"" ( Win+R). regedit.

not a 7z archive

Now we go along the following path: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT // exefile // shell // open // command. Here we are interested in a register file called "Default".

is not a 7z archive what to do

Now you need to click on it and in the column "Value" write the following: "% 1"% * (starts with a quote and ends with an asterisk, the space is also taken into account). The registry editor closes , we reboot the computer.

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