The Battlefield series of games has become a landmark for many players in the action segment. The latest franchise project still holds the palm of leadership among competitors and is in great demand in the online space. But how did it all start? Once the legendary Battlefield was nothing more than a test game dedicated to the events of World War II.
Gradually, the project was consolidated and won fans. Of course, there were some falls that threatened directly the identity of the EA project. But now everything is behind us, and a class shooter with the coveted name is firmly associated with claims to the status of “Game of the Year”.
Battlefield 1942
All parts of the Battlefield game are more or less dedicated to military conflicts. The player confronts the enemy as part of one of the allied armies, fights in the rear or storms the fortifications in the Middle East. The game consists of the following parts:- Battlefield 1942;
- Vietnam;
- Battattield 2;
- 2142;
- Bad Company;
- Heroes
- Batterfield 2: Modern Combat;
- 1943;
- Play 4 Free;
- Batterfield Online;
- Batterfield 3;
- Batterfield 4;
- Hardline
- Batterfield 1.
Battlefield, . . .
, Battlefield 1942. 2002 . 16 , , «», , .
2003 – Secret Weapons of WWII The Road To Rome, . 5 32 . EA .
Battlefield: Vietnam
Battlefield. . , . «» . 2004 , «1942» - .
The concentration on the confrontation of only two parties appeared several times in the games of the Battlefield series and was again perceived by fans rather negatively. “Vietnam” was released exclusively for Windows, which, perhaps, also predetermined the fate of the project. Despite the lower rating, the game received an addition in which it returned “to the roots” - World War II Mod.
Battlefield 2
This time, the actions of the game are transferred to the present. Unlike previous projects, the shooter got more advanced graphics and mechanics. The player will act as a member of the special squad in the 21st century war on the side of the USA, China, the European Union, Russia or the countries of the Middle East.
: Armored Fury, Euro Forces, Special Forces. , Battlefield 2 .
Battlefield 2142
, EA . Battlefield , . , , , . «», . .
Despite the low user ratings, the game found its segment. Those who were not familiar with the classics of the shooter segment found Battlefield 2142 an exciting game with an original idea, quite successful for 2007. The project received an addition - Northern Strike.
Bad company
This mini-project is in the franchise about the adventures of a company of 4 soldiers who first became mercenaries, and then played the role of “good guys”. This is an extensive company that is uncharacteristic of Battlefield with a good storyline, so many players are still returning to the project as an interesting object for passing.. 2008 , – 2010. Battlefield. - Bad Company, .
Battlefield: Heroes
Battlefield? , . EA , , . . – Battlefield Heroes. , - , .
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
2 , 2009 . . , . . , .
Battlefield 1943
. 2009 , , . . , . , -.
Play 4 Free Battlefield Online
They are not directly the brainchild of EA and are distinguished by their exclusive focus on multi-user mode. According to the name, Battlefield Play 4 Free is distributed on shareware basis. In the second version there is an insignificant donat, its sizes depend on a specific server. Both projects at this stage are practically not supported and unpopular among players.
Battlefield 3
A multi-platform shooter released in 2011. It differs from other games in the series in the development of the plot by several active protagonists fighting for different sides of the conflict. Traditionally, the theater of operations unfolds in modern times.Battlefield 4
3- 2011- , . , , , .
Battlefield Hardline
Visceral Games. . 2015 , , . , .
Battlefield 1
Among the games of the Battlefield series, Part 1 occupies a special place. This project received the title "Game of the Year" in 2016. The action takes place during the First World War, which even before the release caused a storm of condemnation from fans of the series. After the release, many were upset by the presence of a huge number of shortcomings and “leaky” protection from supporters of cheat codes.Subsequently, EA corrected the situation and apologized, but the lion's share of fans did not return to this project. Later, an addition came out that brought a new map into the game and the opportunity to play for the Russians, but the high cost of the DLC led to a rather weak push of interest.
, Battlefield. . , . , EA , , , . Battlefield 15 , . , , .