Pregnancy of a toy terrier is an exciting moment for dog owners. Soon the darling will become a mother and lovely babies will be born. But for the pregnancy to come, the owners must choose the right day for breeding, and then provide the bitch with good care. What is necessary for successful carrying of puppies and how does the birth begin? What if something goes wrong? We encourage owners to carefully read this article.
Determining the day of mating
Pregnancy in a toy terrier dog can only occur if fertilization is successful. This is possible only in the case of the correct determination of days favorable for mating. The owner must understand that this parameter is individual for each animal. In the literature, there are often recommendations to knit a dog for 12-14 days. But all toy terriers are different, one bitch will successfully happen on the 9th day, while the other on 18.
Even if this dog was already knitted, for example, on day 12, and after she gave birth to puppies, this does not mean that it will always be so. Readiness for mating depends on many factors: age, physical condition, season. If you focus only on book recommendations, then pregnancy in a bitch can never wait.
It is very good if there is a dog in the house, it will help determine the optimal day of mating. But most often the owners have one dog, so the method is not suitable for everyone. In this case, you can contact your veterinarian, who, using smears from a loop and a blood test, will be able to determine the best day for mating.
Symptoms of Toya's pregnancy
In the early stages, not every owner will be able to notice signs of an interesting position in his dog. How long does a toy terrier get pregnant? Usually about 62 days. In later terms, the interesting position of the bitch is visible to the naked eye. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the pregnancy is subtle, but the dog may experience the following symptoms:
- unusual behavior;
- the appearance of strange food addictions;
- change in well-being of the animal.
The toy terrier, after it begins to feel its interesting position, will take care of itself. Most dogs try to jump less, the bitch becomes more careful in games. The longer the term, the stronger the toy terrier takes care of itself.
Like humans, dogs have toxicosis. In this case, the toy terrier may feel sick. If the dog does not feel well, then she tries to lie more, her appetite decreases. The bitch may have unusual eating habits. The uterus presses on the stomach, so the dog begins to eat more often, but in small portions.
Pregnancy by day
After mating, fertilization does not occur immediately. First, sperm are found in the egg. Then, due to fertilization, a zygote is formed, which on the 12-14 day is attached to the uterus. Toy Terrier Pregnancy by Day:
- For 15 days, the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity. From this moment, the dog needs to be protected and protected from stress.
- For 17 days, the embryo forms a head, body, and spine.
- On the 21st day, the heart begins to develop in the embryo.
- From day 22, pregnancy can be seen on an ultrasound machine. The dog during this period is observed discharge from the loop, vomiting may begin.
- On day 26, puppies reach the size of a walnut. From this moment, the babies can be felt by palpation of the abdominal wall of the bitch.
- By 34 days, the dog’s stomach increases, they take great care of themselves, jumps and runs less.
- On the 44th day of pregnancy, the uterus significantly increases in size, hair falls out around the mammary glands.
- By 50 days, an experienced breeder can notice the movements of puppies in the abdomen of a bitch.
- From day 58, the dog begins to milk.
How long does a toy terrier take? Usually from 58 to 64 days. If the rectal temperature in the dog dropped to 36 degrees, then in the next day it will give birth.
To determine pregnancy in a veterinary clinic, several methods are used:
- ultrasonography;
- X-ray
- palpation.
All methods are informative, the doctor will help you choose the best. The most popular method is ultrasound. With it, you can find out the approximate gestational age of a toy terrier. With the help of an ultrasound machine, the owner will be able to see puppies in the uterine cavity in real time.
An X-ray examination can accurately calculate the number of fruits by their skeletons. But this method should be used only from 40-45 days of the dog’s pregnancy. On palpation, the doctor can feel the puppies in the abdomen of a bitch. Owners do not do this on their own, you can provoke a miscarriage. In addition, inexperienced owners, when probing, most likely, will not be able to distinguish small fruits in the uterine cavity from their own tissues of the animal.
Feeding a pregnant bitch
During gestation, the dog’s appetite may change. Some animals become selective in food, while others, on the contrary, begin to consume more food. Pregnancy at a toy terrier lasts up to 72 days. During this time, the food preferences of the dog can change several times.
If the animal is accustomed to dry diets, then it must be transferred to food for puppies. In addition to ready-made nutrition, you do not need to buy vitamins, because it already has everything necessary for the normal development of pregnancy. Puppy food contains more protein, which is very useful for a future mother.
If the dog eats natural food, then you will have to buy vitamins. The bitch should begin to receive a high-quality mineral complex from the first day of pregnancy. If this is not done, then puppies can be born weak and underdeveloped. You can feed the dog only with fresh ingredients, it is forbidden to give the pregnant bitch the rest from the master's table.
Exercise pregnant bitch
During the gestation, both mom and future puppies experience an increased need for oxygen. Walking must be present in the life of a pregnant bitch. Yes, a dog can go to a diaper at home, but it is impossible to completely deprive it of fresh air at such a crucial moment. During pregnancy, the toy terrier walks will not be as long as before.
While the dog is on the street, the owner must ensure that she is not overworked. It is better to avoid playing with other animals, especially large ones. Usually the dog is already aware of its interesting position and takes care of itself, but the owner must also be vigilant.
Walking on the street is very useful for a pregnant bitch, they help the animal to be in good shape. It has been observed that in dogs that are sitting at home without problems, labor complications are more common than in more active individuals. If there are no contraindications to walking, then the toy terrier can be taken out daily until the birth itself.
Pregnancy Complications
Fruiting is not always successful, sometimes the owners themselves are to blame. Some causes of complications during pregnancy:
- unreadiness of the dog for puppy, for example, early age or low weight;
- poor environmental conditions in the place of residence of the bitch;
- improper unbalanced nutrition;
- the use of certain medications.
These factors can harm the expectant mother and her babies. The most common types of complications during pregnancy with that terrier:
- toxicosis;
- miscarriage;
- false frailty.
Some diseases that the bitch suffers from can cause miscarriage. Toxicosis in toy terriers is most often observed at the very beginning of pregnancy. The dog is sick, she spends most of her time lying down and refuses food.
Before the miscarriage, the animal has strange discharge from the loop. If the cause of spontaneous abortion is an infection, then they have an unpleasant putrefactive odor. Sometimes the frailty can be false. In this case, the dog behaves like a pregnant, but in fact it is empty.
Signs of an approaching birth
The toy terrier is a small breed of dogs, so they often have complications during childbirth than, for example, German shepherds. Therefore, the owner should be especially attentive to the pet during pregnancy. If something went wrong during the birth, the owner should immediately call a veterinarian. It is better to record the doctor’s phone number in advance, so that later, if necessary, immediately find it.
If the toy terrier’s pregnancy has come to an end, the owner will be able to notice signs of an approaching birth:
- the dog worries, whines, looks back at his stomach;
- the animal refuses food and water;
- rectal temperature in the female dropped to 36 degrees;
- the pet is trembling.
These symptoms should alert the host. Some dogs dig a litter during fights, preparing a nest for unborn babies. Usually, after the appearance of these signs, childbirth occurs within a day.
The owner must prepare in advance for the expected date of the puppies' birth. It is necessary to determine the place where the animal will give birth. The owner should buy absorbent diapers and a heating pad for puppies. Long-haired toy terriers need to cut their hair in the area of the nipples and loops.
The opening of the birth canal in a dog is accompanied by contractions. At first they are very weak and inconspicuous, but then they intensify. The dog at this moment is nervous, digs the litter, often asks for a toilet. 3-12 hours after the onset of labor in the bitch, attempts begin. The dog lies on its side and gives birth to a puppy. The baby is in the fetal membrane, which the bitch breaks. If she does not, then the owner should come to her aid. Then you need to bandage the umbilical cord, cut it with sterile scissors and treat the wound with peroxide.
Birth complications
Large breeds often puppy much easier than small ones. Even if the pregnancy at the Yorkshire Terrier or Toy Terrier proceeded well, this does not mean that childbirth will definitely go well. If attempts have been going on for an hour, and the puppy has not yet been born, then you need to call the clinic. The fetus may be too large, then a small dog will not be able to give birth to it. In this case, the doctor makes a cesarean section.
Another common complication is postpartum eclampsia. It is due to the fact that the embryos during development took away too much calcium from the mother. Therefore, it is very important to feed a pregnant bitch balanced. Without treatment, the dog dies from eclampsia, and often in a fairly short time. The main symptoms of the disease:
- shiver;
- cramps
- a frozen look.
This pathology requires immediate contact with a veterinary clinic. Puppies before consultation with a veterinarian is better to jail.
Pregnancy at the Yorkshire Terrier
The period of gestation of puppies in small dog breeds has its own characteristics. How long can a Yorkshire Terrier have a pregnancy? Dogs usually puppy from 56 to 72 days. But it is Yorkshire terriers that delight their owners with offspring most often from 60 to 62 days after mating. If the temperature of the bitch fell below thirty-seven degrees, then the kids will soon be born.
Pregnancy of the Yorkshire Terrier ends with the birth of 1 to 6 babies. Multiple litters are rare for this breed. This is primarily due to the small size of the dog.
Jack Russell Terrier puppy gestation period
This breed is slightly larger than the Yorkshire and Toy Terriers. Pregnancy at Jack Russell Terriers most often goes well. The dog needs to be given vitamins throughout the entire period of gestation. Jack Russell Terriers are active dogs, so you need to reduce their activity during pregnancy. The dog will benefit from quiet walks in the forest or in the park.
If the animal lives in an apartment building on one of the upper floors, then you must either use the elevator or carry your pet in your arms. The dog should not overwork, this can negatively affect its condition.