Chinchillas diseases and their treatment at home

Each owner is almost inevitably faced with his pet's disease. In order to take the right measures in time, it is necessary to recognize the symptoms of the disease in a timely manner. Let's talk about the most common chinchilla diseases, symptoms and treatment.

Sensory diseases

Most often, chinchillas are affected by hearing, scent, and vision. Discharges from the eyes, ears and nose can also indicate other diseases that occur in the body of the animal. We list the chinchillas diseases and their treatment at home.

As a result of damage to the cornea of ​​the chinchilla's eye, keratitis disease may occur. Mechanical damage can occur in contact with water, as a result of swimming in the sand, another animal can cause it. The main symptoms: redness of the mucous membrane, discoloration of the eye, secretion of mucus and pus from the eye. Before treating an eye disease in a chinchilla, it is worth consulting a veterinarian. The eye should be washed with a solution of furatsilina or plain clean warm water. It is necessary to completely remove all pus. After you can use eye drops. The eye should be instilled three times a day. Eye ointments will restore transparency to the cornea.

Conjunctivitis is one of the most common eye diseases in chinchillas. The main symptoms: souring eyes, pus, tearing, loss of vision. Below is a photo of chinchilla disease. The main causes of the disease are: infection from a sick animal, violation of the conditions of detention, unsanitary conditions, lack of diet of vitamin A. How to treat eye disease in chinchilla? The sick eye must be washed with infusion of calendula or chamomile several times a day. With abundant discharge of pus and severe inflammation, eye drops of Levomycetin or Garazon should be used. In difficult cases, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

Chinchillas eye disease

External otitis media is characterized by inflammation of the outer ear of the chinchilla. It can arise from hypothermia or due to improper conditions of detention. The main symptoms of chinchilla disease: discharge of pus from the ear canal, scratching of the ears with paws and on the cell grid, tilting the head in one direction. First you need to remove the pus. Next, the ear is treated with zinc-containing ointment. In case of complications and to avoid the transition of the disease to a second healthy ear, antibiotics should be used. During treatment, the chinchilla needs to be isolated from other animals in order to avoid infection.

Tooth problems

Dental diseases in chinchillas are quite common. For rodents, it is important that the incisors are in perfect condition, otherwise the animal will not be able to consume food. We list the main diseases of chinchillas and their treatment.

Improper tooth positioning is the main cause of malocclusion in chinchilla. This is most often a congenital pathology, which is inherited. Due to malocclusion, the animal cannot eat solid food, teeth do not grind, and the problem is exacerbated. To correct the situation, the animal definitely needs the help of a specialist. Usually, a veterinarian cuts chinchilla incisors at a young age, which helps to correct the bite. Perhaps the use of steroids.

Sometimes chinchilla teeth can bend inward and form hooks. At the same time, the animal cannot eat food normally, it constantly rubs its face. The chinchilla's appetite drops, and the weight decreases. Consider the treatment of chinchilla disease and a photo of this pathology. In this case, the teeth need to be cut a little and fix them in the right position. Only a veterinarian can handle this. Attempts to solve the problem at home can lead to disastrous consequences.

Chinchilla tooth disease

Chinchilla teeth in adulthood should have a red color. They can be white only in cubs. If the color of the teeth remains white even with age, this may indicate a health problem. Often a color change occurs when there is a deficiency in the body of chinchillas phosphorus or potassium. In the absence of treatment, the teeth begin to decay, there is increased salivation. The animal's appetite decreases, weight loss occurs. It is necessary to introduce the necessary trace elements into the animal’s diet. They can be mixed with food. A vitamin-mineral stone must be put in the cage, with the help of which the chinchilla can grind its teeth.

Skin diseases

Chinchillas have a very thick and soft coat, which is why they often have problems with the skin and coat. We list the main signs of chinchilla disease and methods of treating skin diseases.

If a chinchilla constantly scratches one place, it balds, ulcers form on it, infection with ringworm can be assumed. The zones around the tail, on the nose and near the ears are primarily affected. This is an extremely contagious fungal disease that chinchilla can pick up when in direct contact with another sick animal. For an accurate diagnosis, you must consult a doctor. Lichen can be determined by illuminating the skin with a special lamp or by taking a scraping. For its treatment, the affected areas must be treated with ointment "Mycodermine", it can be added to the sand for swimming. The cell and all its filling must be thoroughly disinfected. To avoid infection with deprive, chinchilla must be vaccinated. The drug "Wackderm" is introduced into the femoral muscle. The vaccine lasts for a year.

Deprive Chinchilla

A common problem for chinchillas is gnawing. The animal plucks its sides to the receding hairline. The exact cause of this behavior is unknown. It is assumed that this is due to a lack of fatty acids, as well as a low methionine content in the feed. Sometimes this happens as a result of serious stress. In this case, the cage should be placed in a quiet dark place, the chinchilla should be isolated from all sources of anxiety. If the animal stops eating hair, then the problem is solved. Otherwise, the proportion of methionine in the feed must be increased. The animal can be given small pieces of lard, only you need to make sure that it does not stain the coat. The cell must always have vitamin-mineral stone and hay.

Spot hair loss can occur as a result of a violation of the chinchilla content. In this case, bald patches can be observed on the skin. You can help the animal only by correcting errors in the content. It is necessary to revise the diet of the animal, perhaps to change the sand for swimming, to analyze the entire content of the chinchilla's dwelling.

Quite often, in contact with other animals, chinchillas can become infected with fleas, ticks or lice. Chinchilla can begin to gnaw wool, it constantly itches and rubs against the bars of the cage. To begin with, it is worth identifying the exact parasite from which the animal suffered. Depending on this, you need to start treatment. From fleas and lice, there are special collars that are used for cats and dogs. Also, the animal should be treated with a special powder or spray. It is important to disinfect the cell to avoid reinfection. In the case of infection with ticks, chinchilla may need the help of a specialist.

Respiratory disease

The respiratory organs of a rodent are often affected due to improper chinchilla conditions. Low indoor temperatures, drafts, dustiness, and occasional cleaning in the cell can lead to colds and respiratory infections. The main symptoms and signs of chinchilla disease:

  • mucous and purulent discharge from the nose;
  • hard breath;
  • wheezing in the lungs and bronchi;
  • dyspnea;
  • apathy, decreased activity;
  • lack of appetite.

A common problem with chinchillas is the common cold. Most often, it occurs in spring and late autumn. The reason may be drafts, or high dustiness of the room. In this case, the nose becomes wet, mucus flows from the nostrils. Possible white discharge in the corners of the eyes. For treatment, the animal must be given vitamin C. Leaking eyes should be washed with tea or a solution of boric acid. The animal can be watered with a solution of rosehip syrup.

If a chinchilla is kept in a stuffy, hot room, or she inhales poisonous gases, she may have hyperemia of the lungs. The main symptoms of chinchilla disease: the animal suffocates, coughs, his pulse accelerates, and a bloody foam is released from the nose. First, the sick animal must be moved to a cool, dark place. Chinchilla put a dropper with a solution of glucose and calcium chloride. Caffeine or cordiamine can be used to maintain heart muscle. If complications occur, antibiotics must be used.

Sick chinchilla

The causative agent of infectious rhinitis are bacteria of different groups. If left untreated, this disease can lead to the death of the animal. It manifests itself in the form of a runny nose, sneezing. Chinchilla rubs his nose with his paws and often breathes. If untreated, wheezing can occur, and body temperature rises significantly. The animal must be inhaled. A solution of penicillin or furatsilin should be instilled into the nose. Antibiotics are also used, and drugs that support the immune system.

The lack of treatment for colds can lead to bronchopneumonia. The main symptoms of chinchilla disease: convulsions, apathy and lack of appetite, severe cough, frequent breathing, wheezing. For the treatment of bronchopneumonia, Biomycin should be used. An expectorant is given to an animal.

In small chinchillas that are born in the cold season, pneumonia is a common disease. The causative agents of infection can be staphylococcus and streptococcus. The main symptoms of chinchilla disease: mucus from the nose, wheezing in the lungs, high body temperature. The doctor should prescribe suitable antibiotics for the chinchilla. Next to the animal, put a heating pad with warm water.

Reproductive system problems

Chinchillas do not often suffer from this type of problem. Most often, diseases of the reproductive system can occur in animals that are involved in breeding. We list the main diseases of chinchillas and their treatment.

Damage to the nipples of a female can result in inflammation of the mammary gland. The main symptoms of chinchilla disease: blue or reddening of the nipple and the skin around it, inflammation and swelling. There is a decrease in appetite and an increase in body temperature, activity decreases. Penicillin is administered intramuscularly for treatment. The mammary glands need to be lubricated with healing and anti-inflammatory ointments. If there is a purulent abscess, it must be opened and all pus removed, and the wound treated. The doctor should do this.

Penis prolapse most often occurs in males after mating with overly active or aggressive females. As a result, the genital organ is swollen, the male cannot curl it. If you leave everything as it is, the male may well become barren. First, a small cool compress can be applied to the penis to relieve inflammation. The genitals must be lubricated with petroleum jelly or other antiseptic ointment, and then carefully put in place. After the incident, the male should not be allowed to reach the females for a week.

Quite often, males form hair rings that do not allow the genital organ to open normally. This happens as a result of stalling wool. The ring of hair wraps around the penis like a rope. Such a male will feel great discomfort and will not be able to mate with females. With the removal of the hair ring, the owner is usually quite able to handle it himself. To do this, wear gloves. The penis must be treated with a disinfectant solution. The hair from the penis must be removed very carefully using tweezers. In this case, you must try not to damage the animal and not aggravate the situation, more tangled hairs. After the procedure, the penis will return to its place.

Chinchilla eating

Microorganisms Pseudomonas are causative agents of infectious diseases: endometritis, vaginitis, pyometers. Both males and females can be carriers of the virus. The main symptoms: high body temperature, purulent and brown discharge from the vagina, anxiety and aggression. In case of a disease, the female is also treated by the male, because he is also a carrier of the disease. After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Gastrointestinal problems

Such problems are most often the result of improper and unbalanced nutrition of the rodent. Before purchasing a chinchilla, it is necessary to study the information regarding the rodent's diet well. The absence or excess of some components in the diet can lead to serious diseases. We list the main diseases in chinchillas and their treatment.

As a result of inflammation of the intestines and stomach, gastroenteritis occurs. The main symptoms of chinchilla disease: it seems to vomit, diarrhea, lack of appetite, apathy. The main causes of gastroenteritis: a sharp transition from one feed to another, poor quality of drinking water, poor-quality and expired feed. For treatment, the animal needs to be put on a diet. For feeding, you need to use high-quality and fresh feed. Dairy products and greens should be discarded. In the diet you need to introduce oatmeal. Instead of water, a rosehip infusion can be temporarily placed in a cage.

Eating legumes, poor-quality feed and fresh clover can cause bloating. To alleviate the condition, you can use Smecta or activated carbon. Chinchilla belly needs to be massaged. Useful will increase water consumption.

As a result of poisoning, chinchilla can begin severe diarrhea. In this case, severe dehydration of the body occurs. In the absence of vomiting and normal body temperature, chinchilla can be given charcoal or phthalazole. Water should be replaced with herbal infusion or black tea. If diarrhea continues, chinchillas should be given antibiotics.

Constipation is quite dangerous in that an animal may undergo intoxication if waste products are not removed from the body in time. In this case, the animal should be given water with the addition of Regulax or castor oil. It should be introduced through a syringe into the mouth. If this does not help, the animal needs an enema.

Causes of intestinal obstruction: large lumps of wool, large swallowed objects, plant foods. The main symptoms of the disease: the chinchilla lies on its side, does not move, eats nothing. Constipation occurs. In case of intestinal obstruction, consult a doctor immediately. Surgical intervention is very dangerous for the chinchilla, because at first the doctor will prescribe drugs that will help to remove all unnecessary from the body.

Due to severe diarrhea or severe constipation in the chinchilla, prolapse of the rectum may occur. In this case, you can observe a small segment of the intestine, sticking out and the anus. Since it is pinched, severe inflammation occurs. The gut should be set in place. It must be treated with a disinfectant solution. After the chinchilla, you need to take the tail so that its head hangs down. Next, the intestine must be put in place. To do this, you can use a clean swab moistened with an antibacterial drug. The animal must be held in a hanging position for a minute so that the gut is in place. If you are not sure that you can handle this procedure yourself, the chinchilla should be taken to a doctor immediately.

Liver, kidney and gall bladder

Healthy chinchilla

Poor nutrition results in problems with the liver, kidneys and gall bladder, which can lead to the death of the animal. We list the chinchillas diseases and their symptoms.

As a result of inflammation of the liver, a disease called jaundice can develop. The main symptoms of chinchilla disease: yellowing of the mucous membranes and eye proteins. Drug treatment of this disease is not particularly effective. For its prevention, the animal needs to be given only high-quality feed that contains a sufficient amount of vitamin B.

Due to the excess of proteins and fats in the feed, chinchilla can begin to disrupt the liver. They appear as follows: the animal's activity decreases, the quality of the coat deteriorates, food is rejected. During the treatment period, oats, alfalfa and peas, which are excellent for the prevention of liver diseases, must be introduced into the diet.

A sharp drop in ambient temperature or exposure to draft can lead to cystitis. The main symptoms of chinchilla disease: frequent urination, the presence of blood and mucus in the urine, and animal anxiety. Chinchilla needs to be injected with trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole.

As a result of the formation of kidney stones, the urinary duct is blocked. , . , , . . , . . , , . , .


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Chinchilla overheating

To avoid heat stroke, the cell must not be placed in direct sunlight. In winter, it should not stand next to the battery. On hot days, you can put cold water bottles in the cage. In this case, it is necessary to take care of good ventilation so that hot air does not stagnate in the cage. Chinchillas should always have access to fresh drinking water.


Poor quality food can cause a lack of vitamin and minerals in the body of chinchilla. With a lack of vitamin A in the body, the animal has inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. To solve the problem, you need to increase the amount of this vitamin in the diet. With a deficiency of vitamin B1, more serious symptoms may appear: the animal begins to drag its hind legs, there is a lack of coordination, it hardly appears on the legs. In the worst case scenario, an intramuscular injection of vitamin A may be necessary. For the prevention of vitamin deficiency, you should take care of a balanced and complete diet of chinchilla.

Chinchilla diseases transmitted to humans

Walking unvaccinated chinchillas on the street can lead to a rodent becoming infected with a large number of diseases, some of which are dangerous for humans. We list the main diseases of chinchillas that can be transmitted to the owner:

  • lichen;
  • scabies mites;
  • helminths;
  • salmonella;
  • rabies;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • dermatitis.

In contact with a sick animal, care must be taken. It must be isolated from other relatives. You need to touch the chinchilla with medical gloves. After contact, wash your hands well and possibly change clothes.

Thus, chinchillas, like many other rodents, are prone to a large number of diseases. We have listed the main chinchilla diseases, symptoms and treatment. When the first symptoms occur, do not self-medicate. It is necessary to show the animal to a specialist in order to accurately diagnose the cause of the disease. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, which must be strictly adhered to. It is also worth remembering that chinchilla, which is kept in ideal conditions, has a stronger immunity, and therefore is sick less often than chinchilla, which lives in poor conditions.

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