For many kindergarten teachers, the question of how to conduct an open lesson correctly and interestingly is relevant. It is important to choose a suitable topic, which will be not only developing and informative, but also clearly corresponds to the age of the first younger group.
The importance of such classes is also due to the fact that they are often visited by fellow educators, as well as the leadership of the children's institution. Even if after the lesson you hear criticism in your address, do not despair. You may need to listen to your more experienced colleagues.
In order to avoid undesirable statements addressed to him by other educators, it is important to be in full “combat readiness”. Especially if this is the first open lesson for you.
Remember that your main critics are children for whom it does not matter at all that you want to teach them something and develop something there. They need to be fun, entertaining and exciting.
Why do you need to conduct open classes in the first younger group. Basic information
Open classes in the first younger group of kindergarten must be carried out for various reasons. Firstly, it will help educators share experiences, share interesting topics that can subsequently be used with other groups. Secondly, such classes will give children vivid impressions and a lot of positive emotions.
The main thing is that open classes in the first junior group should not be taken by educators for granted, but turned into real creative events. Then the children will not have an ordinary day spent in kindergarten, but an amazing and unforgettable holiday.
That is why open classes in the first junior group cannot be held spontaneously, you need to carefully prepare for them: think in advance the topic, the course of the lesson, choose the right music, visual aids, and possibly costumes for children. You can use a ready-made abstract, but do not forget to add your creative ideas.
Choosing an open lesson topic
Selecting a topic for a specific open lesson is extremely important. It should be selected according to the age of the children. It is necessary to prepare for the proposed topic such tasks with which the first younger group of the kindergarten can cope without difficulty.
It is desirable that the theme does not sound too trite, but also not vague. If you cannot independently come up with a name, we suggest using a list of interesting options:
- "Our home friends are the best in the world."
- "Magic Snowmen".
- "Birds are our good friends."
- "Who is the most beautiful in the world?"
- "Runaway bunny and cockerel-golden scallop visiting children."
- "And what do we have inside the package?"
- "Winter-winter, my snow-white."
Organization of the process
After selecting a topic, you should paint an open lesson plan.
- The goal is to indicate what knowledge, skills and abilities you are going to form in accordance with the chosen topic.
- Tasks (can be educational, developing, educational, fixing, etc.).
- The course of the lesson. The entire organized process can be written in the form of a detailed scenario indicating the persons involved or briefly describe the actions and questions of the educator, the alleged reactions and answers of the kids.
- Questions for fixing. At the end of the lesson, you should find out what the children liked and did not like, what was most remembered, etc.
- Materials and equipment. Indicate what technical training tools were used.
- Visual aids. These are all kinds of cards, schemes, pictures, etc., which were used during an open lesson.
- List of used literature: books, manuals, links to Internet sources.
Summaries of classes
Many educators note that working with the smallest children is incredibly interesting and at the same time difficult. The age of such babies is from two to three years. Previously, they went to a nursery, but now this is the first younger group. Lesson descriptions for such kids are desirable for each teacher not only on open day, but also constantly.
It only at first glance it might seem that preparing in advance for the first younger group is not worth it, because the crumbs will not understand anything, and the teacher has the right to improvise.
However, if you are a true teacher, you should understand that the task is not just to keep an eye on the children. In each lesson, you must develop certain knowledge and skills in children, form a personality, and cultivate the best human qualities. It is important to do all this not intrusively, but excitingly and interestingly.
If you do not have experience, but have a great desire to educate kids, then a large amount of literature that exists today will help you with this. An excellent source will also be your imagination. And do not forget: at each lesson you should try to win over children, be sincere, smiling and friendly.
We draw in an open lesson
All children are very fond of creative activities. As a rule, the first younger group perceives drawing with enthusiasm. If you want to make such an activity open, here is an example of one of them.
Stamp drawing
It is required to carefully prepare visual aids and improvised materials for each child. You will need a toy bus (preferably yellow), A4 size paper with the image of a beautiful vehicle, rectangular and round stamps, an easel, gouache. As a musical accompaniment, Ekaterina Zheleznova’s song “Bus” can be used.
Tasks. To teach kids to draw rectangular windows and round wheels with stamps in the right place on paper, to consolidate knowledge of yellow color, to develop motor activity of children.
Course "Wheels and windows for the bus"
Start with the folk carousel. The teacher and the children imitate the trip by car and say the following: “Merry-go-round, merry-go-round, we got on the car” (then they depict a trip by train, plane, bus, and then sit down at the table).
Then the bunny brings a painted bus with no windows and wheels. Identical vehicles - in children on paper. The teacher clearly shows everyone where to stamp the wheels and windows, after which each child does the same on his sheet.
For each work done, the teacher praises the children, without noting who did better or worse. If you notice that someone failed, then it is better to work out the lesson individually or ask parents as homework.
To the music of Ekaterina Zheleznova, the kids on the balls "leave."
As we see from the course of the lesson, careful planning in the first junior group is necessary.
Open classes occupy an important place in the educational process, as well as in the system of continuing education of educators. Colleagues share positive experiences, share experiences, discuss mistakes or shortcomings. The effectiveness of this form of work, of course, depends on careful thought out of the process and proper preliminary preparation.