Lichen appeared in children. How to treat it? Find out!

Young children often get sick, and their diseases progress quickly. Therefore, parents should be wary of all unusual formations on their skin. Most often, skin diseases appear in the warm season, because all fungi and microorganisms love heat and moisture. A very common skin disease is lichen in children. How to treat it? This interests many parents.

Lichen is a highly contagious disease caused by fungi. Baby can

lichen in children how to treat

get infected by touching stray animals or by talking closely with a sick person. Lichen manifests itself as small spots on the skin, which have a different color. If you do not apply a suitable medicine for depriving children in time, then the spots will grow and darken.

The skin at the site of occurrence of lichen flakes and itches. This disease does not cause a child any more discomfort. Therefore, parents often do not immediately notice lichen in children. How to treat it, only a doctor can determine, because it can be of several types.

The most common ringworm. It is so called because it appears on the scalp, and on this spot bald patches form. Still there is a multi-colored lichen, manifested in the form of red, yellow and brown flaky spots. Herpes zoster, which is caused by the herpes virus, or pink, manifests itself in the form of pale spots, is much less common.

At any age, lichen in children may appear . How to treat it, you need to find out from a dermatologist. He will recommend an antifungal stain treatment and an antiallergic if the child has an itch. Often prescribed medications for oral administration, but mainly the disease is treated with ointments. But the most important thing is not medication, but concomitant treatment.

remedy for depriving children

It is important for parents to know how to remove lichen in a child, because without treatment it can spread throughout the body. It is necessary to limit the patient's stay on

the sun and in water, so as not to provoke the appearance of new rashes. Clothes should be washed more often and ironed well from the inside. You must also disinfect your child’s personal hygiene items. It is advisable to remove all soft toys and carpets, due to which re-infection can occur. Encourage your child to wash his hands more often and not touch the affected area.

It is important to monitor the baby's diet. It is necessary to give him more vegetables, fruits and other products that increase immunity. Try to bathe your baby less, and with excessive sweating, wipe his skin with a weak saline solution.

how to remove lichen in a child

It is very difficult to remove lichen in children. How to treat it with folk remedies? You can make lotions from decoctions of plantain, burdock or hop cones. Lubricate the affected area several times a day with sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil. You can lubricate the spots with iodine or zelenka. It also helps to constantly lubricate them with cranberry juice.

Depriving a child is easier to prevent than to treat. Teach your baby to observe the rules of hygiene, do not touch stray animals. Wear it only in cotton, breathable clothing. Do not allow it to remain in wet clothing for a long time, be cold or sweat. Only following the rules of hygiene can you protect your child from depriving.

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