This article describes the basic ways to type in quotation marks on your keyboard. Based on the strengths and weaknesses of each method, recommendations are given for their use in each particular case.
Types of quotes
To get started, let's figure out what quotes are. Conventionally, they are divided into two types: “paws” (their second name is “German”) and “Christmas trees” (they are also called “French”). In the first case, these are two commas located on the upper border of the text. Most often they are used for manual writing of text. The second option, called "herringbone", is pairwise grouped characters less (open the text) and more (close it). This option is used for professional text formatting in specialized applications (for example, in brochures, books or advertising leaflets).
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- . «Ctrl» «V».
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- . «+» «0». «”» - «34». «» «171», – «187».
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